"Sister Mi. Why are you knocking on my head? It's none of my business." Di Lireba said depressedly

"You said. Did you ask to stay last night?" Yang Mi asked s

"I asked for it on my own initiative, but I don't know about you, Sister Mi.

I've already slept with Lin Yi." Di Li Zhiba was very aggrieved.

How could it be her fault now?

Is she more bullying?

- "Two" I reminded in my heart. "Yang Mi said stubbornly.

Di Lireba, "..."

Is this serious?

Heart reminder.Dare to say that?

All right.You are the boss and you are right.

I can only turn grief and anger into food

I eat, I eat, I eat, eat!

When Yang Mi saw that Di Li Reba didn't speak, she just buried it

head eating a

Immediately she knew that she was wronged.

Yang Mi couldn't help but say, "Reba, Sister Mi gave you two dramas. It will definitely make you popular."

Sure enough, Di Lireba was immediately attracted.

She still had something in her mouth before she could chew it, so she said vaguely, "What's the play?"

Yang Mi glanced at the text message.said, ""Carat Lovers"."

Di Li Reba was instantly refreshed

"Does carat mean diamond? Don't I have a lot of diamonds to wear?"

Yang Mi said angrily, "

There are a lot of diamonds that are also prop diamonds. And they don't belong to you, so why are you so lame.

Di Li Reba was immediately discouraged (Wang's Zhao), "Why is the crew so poor. Fake diamonds are used for filming? Disgusting!"

Yang Mi, _".."

She wants to say how naive you are, girl

When is the stuff used for filming real?

What's so strange about fake guns, fake money, fake diamonds?

But thinking that she is comforting Zhiba now.

It's not good to scold her.

Yang Mi said. _ "Diamonds are

fake.But the money is real, the remuneration of this drama is very impressive. "

Di Lireba said: _" "How much? Is there three million?"

Yang Mi looked at her with contempt, and said, "Is there any future? Let me mention 3 again."

Di Lireba suddenly became excited, "Have you bought a lot of bags!" I'm afraid she doesn't even know how much she is worth now

She and Lin Yi are not the only ones who are popular and popular in "Three Pieces and Three Worlds".

Lin Yi made at least [-] million for "Sword" this time, right?

Reba debuted earlier than Lin Yi.

listen now

So happy to be five million

Why do you feel a little embarrassed?_

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Chapter 263 See You Xing Ye [2 more, I wish everyone a Happy New Year's Day! 】

Fairy Sword crew.

When Lin Yi came

Those guys just got the rollaway back

Lin Yi took the initiative to help the people in the Daoxian group set up Daoxian.Obviously slept later than us, and came earlier than us. "The prop king said enviously.

"It's okay." Lin Yi said lightly.

"Brother Lin. You don't know qigong, right?" Daoxian Wang continued to inquire.

"Why didn't you Wang Cui say that I know Immortal Art?" Lin Yi said angrily.

Daoxian Xiao Wang's eyes lit up and said, "Brother Lin, are you really good at immortal magic? How many hands will you teach me?

Daoxian Xiao Zhang heard it. He also hurriedly said, "Brother Lin, can you teach me?"

"Brother Lin. Teach me too!"

"I want to learn too."

Immediately, everyone in the props group rushed over.

Even Director Wu was shocked

"What are you doing around Lin Yi so early?"

"Director Wu, we want Lin Yi to teach us immortal arts," said Daoxian Xiao Wang.

"Lin Yi. When did you learn Immortal Art?" Director Wu was surprised.

"Do you believe it?" Lin Yi said angrily.

Director Wu thought for a while and said, "Believe it.

Mu Yi:..."

He felt that this group of people must be mentally ill because of staying up too much late.

"Lin Yi.. Seriously. If you have something good, remember to teach us. You can tell us what conditions you want." Director Wu said.

"Where do you think I can master immortality?" Lin Yi said helplessly.

"You can beat Liu Zhi" 22_

"You are in good spirits!"

"You can attract the fairy sister!"

"You can attract too honey!


"You look so handsome!"

No need for Director Wu to answer.

Those people answered in a mess

These answers made Lin Yi dumbfounded.

The first two suspicions have some basis.

Does the latter have anything to do with magic?

Can seduce people, this is clearly sorcery, right?

At this time, sister Zifeng and Peng Yuyan also came.

I heard everyone talking about Lin Yi's immortality.

also joined in

Said they were the elder brothers

Senior Sister Tai. Others who want to get started lean back.

Later, it was Teacher Li who came and drank them all back.

"Lin Yi. I have something I want to tell you, to see if you are interested." Teacher Li said to Lin Yi.

"Huh?" Lin Yi looked at Teacher Li and asked, are you interested in trying-next?" Teacher Li said.

"Master Xing? Do you know what the show is? Choose the male lead?" Lin Yi was also interested

I didn't have much fun when I was a kid.

Whenever there is a star movie on TV

The whole orphanage will be watching around them. (Zhi Lin

The reason why Yi entered the entertainment industry.

Part of the reason is also influenced by Xingye (afdian,

Can have the opportunity to star in the movie star.

He must be interested.

Teacher Li said helplessly, "I don't know what role. The industry knows that Master Xing is very good at keeping secrets. I can only say that if you are interested. I will arrange for you to try it out.

"As for what movie and what role to play. I can't guarantee any of these."

Lin Yi thought for a while.Said, "I'm afraid that the schedule will conflict with "Xianjian 3&".

Teacher Li said, "This is

It doesn't matter. Our schedule can be adjusted at any time, but I'm thinking.Ruxian, you really went to star in the movie.Is this <Xianjian 3& not yet. Become your TV drama's closed mountain work?"

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