Isn't this the teacher Yuan who was in the Xing Ye movie ten years ago!

The year of Shi has passed.

Zhang Yuqi is no longer the innocent female teacher.

Instead, she became mature and sexy.

These years are

The best makeup artist.

No wonder he didn't recognize it.

It turns out that this is really a trap set by Master Star for him.”

He couldn't help crying and laughing

Lord Star, this test is one after another.

It was overwhelming.

It was said that the beauty test, / but a skill test suddenly appeared

But he is very curious, 2 if he hits him a-dunk?

Cong's first punch looked like that.

It's really possible!

At this time, Master Xing accompanied by his assistant also.


Lord Xing laughed, "Lin Yi, you won't be angry if you play with you like this 2"

Lin Yi touched his nose.road. "I want to know, Wan - what if I can't beat them"

Master Xing said with a smile, "You can even collapse Liu Zhi. Clean up a few of them. It's not wet and broken."

Sure enough, Master Xing understood Lin Yi completely.

Zhang Yuqi looked at Lin curiously.

To be honest, she knew when she was arranged by Xingye to seduce a new A.

She wanted to refuse.

But after seeing Lin Yi's photo.

She suddenly changed her mind again.

And according to the script given by the star.

Wan-Lin Yi couldn't resist the confusion.

She just called Brother Hao and the others to come in.

Unexpectedly, Lin Yi was not interested in her at all.

This gave her a big blow to her own charm.

But come here and be long, 2 Since we will be a crew in the future.There is always an opportunity to communicate.

Lord Xing pushed open the door and said, "Come in and talk."

Lin Yi smiled and said, "There won't be any traps, right?"

The star laughed

Come, "No, this drama, I promise it's the last time."

I mean, the words of the next play.Not necessarily.

Lin Yi was suspicious.Can other actors really pass the test of Star Lord?

After entering the room.

Several people sat down.

Xing Ye said, "I will officially introduce to you 1. This is Yu Qi playing the role of Ruolan in this play. There are many opposite scenes for the role you are taking on."

"This is Lin Yi. Originally, I wanted him to play Starling, but now I have changed my mind and let him play Liu Xuan."

Zhang Yuqi is a little worried

He said, "Xing., if he played Liu Xuan, would he be younger? - Z point? I look like he wants too much." "Lin Yi. Paste it." He put the beard on his lips in cooperation. above s

Sure enough, it looked like this, Lin Yi was getting old in an instant, two or three years old.

Star said. _"It's enough to touch up the makeup later._e Lin Yi.. I heard that you are a master of makeup. Why don't you show your skills again?

It seems that the reason why Xing Ye chose Lin

It's not a hot idea either.

Instead, he had a thorough understanding of Lin Yi for a long time.That's what came to the door.

Zhang Yuqi

Suddenly surprised 160

"Do you still wear makeup?"

Lin Yi nodded and said, "Is there any cosmetics?" "Yes."

Then.She took out a set of makeup.

It seems that this is again prepared in advance to draw a few on the corners of my eyes and water chestnuts.

A sense of vicissitudes came out immediately.

Then he changed his expression slightly in the mirror.

Where there is a little bit of childishness.

Completely a mature businessman

"Lin Yi, your makeup skills are even better than Li Dongdong!

"Zhang Yuqi is very eating

Li Dongdong?

Lin Yi was impressed by the name.

Beg the one who worships him as a teacher.

but.He didn't explain.

Star Lord looked at Lin Yi and couldn't stop

He had heard that Lin Yi could wear makeup before. He thought that Teacher Li was just complimenting him.

Now it seems that Lin Yi's skills and makeup skills are too superficial to describe, and the code is an expert level.

Especially the change in Lin Yi's expression, which fits even more.

Star Lord can't wait to turn it on

Zhang Yuqi suddenly said, "Lin Yi, why don't you help me look at it now?"

There is no girl who does not love beauty.

Zhang Yuqi was naturally moved when she saw Lin Yi's technique.

Xing Ye said, "This is not in a hurry, there will be opportunities when filming in the future."

Zhang Yuqi pouted.said, "Okay

It seems that she still listens to Master Xing's words.

Xing Ye said, "Now, let me talk about fishy things.


Chapter 267 The hero is late [1 update, please subscribe! 】

Speaking of characters.The fish color that is determined now is only the two of you _ and the most important mermaid, but it has not yet been determined. "Do you mean 2"

Lord Xing shook his head and said, "There are many actors in Hengdian, but they are too sophisticated. I want to find a more innocent girl."

This is why he came to audition specially.

If he needs to mature, he will look for it directly in the famous movie stars.

Lin Yi said, "Master Xing, can I know the character of this mermaid 2?"

Lord Xing nodded, then took a crumpled piece of paper from his arms and said, "The main character is here, take a look."

This is really a piece of paper

And it's all handwritten.

Lin Yixiao thought, are you serious?

Another director started shooting.not to mention filmmakers

At least the script should be there.Full calculation is not enough - a thousand words 2

With this thousand words, you can pull in investment

In this world, I am afraid that there are not many people who can do it except Xing Ye.

And this thousand words, even the system can't be activated.

It seems that in the eyes of the system, this does not meet the conditions of books, right?

System not

Agreed, Lin Yi looked at it very seriously.

As the protagonist of this play, Liu Xuan is naturally written in the first. And the character description.Just like what Star Basin told him just now.

As for the introduction of the dried octopus brother, it is simpler.A member of the clan, a think tank who acts as a planner, and likes the mermaid Shanshan.

Sure enough, Lin Yi was right not to choose him.

Taking a look, Lin Yi said, "Master Xing_Why don't you try audition 2"

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