Sofa, kitchen, bathroom will also be proposed

I'm shy and looking forward to it!

"Yeah." Yang Mi nodded.

After thinking about it, he added, "Do I need to give you a candle and wait for you to come back?"

Lin Yi immediately thought of the one he drank that day.

The taste is really unflattering.

and.Lin Yi knew what Yang Mi meant.

Don't you just want to make up for it?

but he really doesn't need e

Lin Yi couldn't help but said, "Could it be that I didn't satisfy you with my performance last night?"

Yang Mi's mind couldn't help but the scene from last night.

Dare she say dissatisfied 2

She begged for mercy

"Humph! You're so good, I'll stew it for me to drink it!" Yang Mi said.

Lin Yi said, "Don't, I'll give you a candle when you have time. You stewed it, / it really doesn't work.

Yang Mi, "..."

Does this mean she hates her?

However, Lin Yi personally cooked the soup.

It just sounds good to drink

Therefore, Yang Mi decided to accept the commission.

Yang Mi said, "Okay, this is what you said, you have empty candle soup for me to drink lL

Lin Yidao. "I know I'm going to film, go back to Miao and say." t, Yang Mi hummed.

After hanging up the phone.

Yang Mi decided to go online and see if there is a suitable clothing store

As the saying goes, only exhausted cows

No ploughed fields!

In this regard . she will never admit


Lin Yi followed everyone to eat as usual.

Liu Bianfei pretended to inadvertently asked, "Lin Yi.,Are you going to the capital tomorrow?"

"Yeah." Lin Yi nodded.

Liu Yifei said, "I have something to go to the capital, why don't we go together?"

Lin Yi said, "Yes, but Yang Mi will also come with us."

Liu Manfei was immediately surprised, "She's going too? Why?.⊥"

Lin Yi said, "She wants to go home.

Liu Yufei said, "Why do you know Zhi 2, do you want to go home with her?

Lin Yi nodded.

He felt that there was no need to hide this kind of thing from Liu Yifei.

Liu Yifei immediately gritted her teeth, she must be forcing you, isn't this woman too outrageous".

Lin Yi. "..."

If another woman said that to Yang Mi

It is estimated that Lin Yi has already fought back.

But she is Yifei Liu.


Liu Manfei thought about it

.Said, "You go to her house. She will force you to sleep with her, but you must not give in. 1_

Lin Yi, "._"

He wanted to say that he had already slept with Yang Mi.

But this kind of thing. He really doesn't seem to be able to say it.

It's not that he deliberately concealed it, or that he felt that there was no need to report this kind of thing to Liu Yifei.

Lin Yi said, "Then are you still going to the capital with us?"

Liu Bianfei hesitated again.

She was fine before.

Said to go with Lin Yi. 2 That is to find a door to be alone with him.

Now I know that Yang Mi will go with him

She could imagine her face when she met Yang Mi.

I can't help but fight in minutes⊥

Then it won't be as simple as it is on the set

Moreover, this kind of thing is the last time the headlines will do.

One more time.

Liu's mother is estimated to directly ground her

Therefore, Liu Yifei thought about it, and finally could only say angrily. "Forget it. It suddenly occurred to me that my matter can be dealt with later."

Lin Yi doesn't expose her either

Um, let's continue

Continue to eat.


I don't know if it's the reason

Liu Manfei frequently NGe_

Even Director Wu almost couldn't help cursing.

It's obviously a very low-level mistake. Change it to

Not a single trick will be committed.

After NG ten times.

Director Wu said directly, "Take a break and say, "My aunt.What's the matter with you? Just say it if you're not in a good state.We can just skip this one

Liu Yifei also knows that she is not like this.

but only

If she wanted to think of the picture of Yang Mi and Lin Yishui getting up, she couldn't stand it.

But she also knew that this scene was very important

The scene is all set up.

It's impossible for her to skip a bag without taking pictures.

Fortunately, she is an investor.

She also burned her money.

Change to another one.

It is estimated that Director Wu has already scolded mother s

"Director, let me take a breath. I can do it." Liu Yifei took a deep breath.said.

Director Wu had no choice but to say, "Okay, then take a rest, I'll go see the other actors.

"What's wrong?."

He has been filming with Yifei Liu for so long.

It's the first time I've seen this happen to her.

Liu Yifei couldn't hold back her emotions when she saw Lin Yi coming.

"Lin Yi, do you think you will play with Yang Mi and make it real, and then don't want me anymore?

This time Lin Yi understood what Liu Yifei meant by not wanting her.

But between him and Liu Yifei.

There has never been that kind of relationship.

With Yang Mi.Totally by chance.

If he does not understand the

left hand

If the God's Left Hand skill doesn't confuse him.


Not so many ifs.

The fact is that Lin Yi and Yang Mi are together

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