Everyone is looking at each other, no one

Manager Cui said, "Don't you Long Guo really like ring competitions? I have a suggestion. Let Li or Wu set up the ring and send someone from among you to challenge it.

Challenge succeeded.They go.

If the challenge fails, the person who challenged him quits directly. ,"

"Huh?" All A were stunned by this beautiful woman's proposal.

Is this serious?

The singing skills of the two of them are obvious to all. ,

Although it's okay to sing.

but among them

Some old singers, compared to old singers, they are scumbags!

Is it so hard to think of this way of dying?

Huang Bo knew that the other party could make this suggestion.It's definitely not that simple.

He said, "What are the rules of the ring match?"

Agent Cui said, "It's very simple. I'll sing a good literary song. Then it's up to your Spring Festival Gala officials' results within a few hours. It's fair, right?"


This is probably the most unfair.

Long Guojin's treatment of sticks is absolutely unprecedented.

-_8 appears stick

Voting for Wenge and Chinese songs.

With this kind of competition.

I'm afraid everyone knows who will win with their feet.

not to mention.

They sing Chinese songs.. that is prepared

among them.I'm afraid not many can sing a good song.sneered, "What? Isn't your Dragon Kingdom full of talents? Why didn't you agree to this kind of obvious advantage?"

Everyone looked at each other.

Among them, those who know good songs.

Not necessarily.

but.Eliminated places.. only need two

They just can't resist the challenge.

After which two challenges fail.

sit back and enjoy

After all, it's the Spring Festival Gala

No one wants to miss this opportunity.

After all, Deng Ziqi was young and vigorous, and after struggling for a moment, she wanted to stand up.

However, just as she took a step forward

Her arm was grabbed.

She turned around and saw that it was Lin Yi.

She couldn't help but said, "Lin Yi, why are you pulling me? I'm going to challenge them! Let you women

shot. "

Deng Ziqi couldn't help but feel extremely happy

In her opinion, as long as Lin Yiken makes a move

There's absolutely no chance of losing

Huang Bo said, "Lin Yi, as long as you remain anonymous, netizens don't even know it's you."

He didn't say it completely though.

But the meaning is clear.

He doesn't like Lin Yi well.

Lin Yi smiled faintly, "It's okay.


Chapter 274 Lin Yi is going to lose? [3 more, please subscribe! 】

When everyone saw Lin Yi stand up

Can't help but whimper.

Gangmu Linyi's performance was noticed by them.

This is not only the only one who can compete with them in terms of appearance.

Even singing, that is, is the best among them.

Wouldn't it be a pity once such a person loses 2

Teacher Cai Guoqing couldn't see it.

He stood up and said, "I'll compare! No, can I not sing Bangwen Song? It's okay to sing English too."

This kind of thing about Liu who combed his hair too back and tied his hair

, how can you let ~ young people go

Teacher Jiang Dawei said: "It's not fair to only sing stick Z songs, right? L_"

These old-generation artists.

Don't talk shit.Not even English songs

Otherwise, how can Agent Cui be smart.

her condition.It is to limit the death of these old artisans.

So, she heard them speak.Shaking his head decisively, he said, "Can't Chinese become your Shen Yang Taiguo, and even people who know good literary songs can't?"

This is so ignorant.

This is to directly fill up the hatred value.

Even the President Wang who recommended them would not dare to say a word when he heard such words. 2 From his standpoint, L is not in a good name to say anything.

Lin Yi said, "Teachers, please be safe. You can't use a bull's knife to kill chickens. Deal with them. It's up to me."

Liu Huan said, "Lin Yi, can you sing a good song? Don't be brave."

Lin Yi said, "Not much, just two songs, enough."

It means to eliminate both

When agent Cui heard Lin Yi say this, he had the opportunity to sing Xiji. "

Lin Yidao. "Then wait and see

.Right? Who are you going to challenge for the first time?"

Lin Yi pointed at Lee Min Ho and said. "He'll ask the recording teacher to come up."

According to the rules.

First sung by Lee Min Ho.

The songs he chose were very funny.It's actually "Descendants of the Dragon".

And the singing is actually a bit better than the song "A Last Minute".

It appears to be prepared.

It's not that the Raptors can't beat Jiang.

It was Lin Yi's turn to sing.

Everyone gave Lin Yi a pinch

After all, what he's going to sing is a stick man.and

Challenge is Dragon Country's own classic name.

"Lin Yi. What song are you going to sing and tell your companion Qin. Let them practice first." Huang Bo said.

Even as a non-professional singer he knows it.

The relationship between singer and accompanist is complementary.

One day accompaniment does not cooperate. Give you a high pitch.

That is to kill the singer.

Lin Yi said, "I wrote this song myself, I'll accompany it myself."

Everyone heard Lin Yi say this.

all shocked 1


And it's an original song again

And it’s still a great original song”

Could it be that Lin Yi came prepared?

Sa Beining also frowned slightly.

Although he reminded Lin Yi yesterday that someone inserted into the show.

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