within! '

After half an hour.

Sa Beining appeared in front of Lin Yi in a Range Rover.

Lin Yi glanced at the car.

At least a million or more!

This is the one that Sa Beining said - [-]

and host A can afford?

It's making fun of him!

Lin Yi was carrying Sa Beining's car.

Sa Beining is looking at the other side behind him

Sa Beining tutted, "This villa is worth at least [-] million now. Sure enough, you should know it.

Stars make money. "

Lin Yi has no concept of money.

It doesn't make any sense to hear Sa Beining say that.

He took the initiative to get into the co-pilot.Dao, _ "Isn't this car of yours also assigned by the unit?"

Sa Beining said, "How can this be! This is what I earned by working hard as a part-time job in my spare time!"

Lin Yidao, _ "It's really inspirational. Please, what kind of part-time job can make such a famous money _"

Sa Beining said, "Don't mention it. It's nothing more than the publicity of doing variety shows and commercials. It's too much for someone like me to do these things.

Embarrassed. "

Lin Yi, ".!'

What if I suddenly want to carry him?

among those he knew.

Regardless of shame.

If Sa Beining is the second, I am afraid no one dares to call the first: the first, right?

Sa Beining said, "Where to go to eat 3

Lin Yidao said, "Didn't you take me to eat special snacks? Just drink bean juice. Let's talk about it. You are a host who earns more than [-] yuan per month. I'm too embarrassed to make you spend too much.

Sa Beining said, "Lin Yi, the monthly salary is actually quite a lot to eat. What's more.

I'm driving this kind of car to take you to drink soy juice, my identity is not suitable, it's so cold now.Let's go eat mutton to make up for it. "

Lin Yi, ".:"

He was extremely suspicious.Sa Beining's point is to make up for that one word.


Sa Beining just reaches an 'old town'.

After he parked the car.

It took Lin Yi to walk at least nearly - kilometers before reaching the destination.

This is an old-fashioned restaurant.

The exterior walls can retain that historical atmosphere and look a bit shabby.

The decoration inside is okay, at least it's clean.

Sa Beining was afraid that Lin Yi would be dissatisfied and said, "Lin Yi, let me tell you, this family's mutton is a must. It is said that it is a secret recipe inherited from the palace a hundred years ago. You are guaranteed to be satisfied if you eat it."

"And it's most famous here is the sheep whip soup, which has absolutely no smell of mutton. You can guarantee that you can last all night after drinking it."

Lin Yi, "1!',


Chapter 279 Chen Qiuen wants to teach Lin Yi how to play archery [3 updates, please subscribe! 】

Sa Beining is obviously a regular customer here.

Soon after he sat down, a waiter came to say hello.

"Brother Sa, is it still the old set meal today?

Sa Beining said, "Yes, but more than one serving of sheep whip tanga. Give me this brother!

Lin Yi, "I don't want it."

Yang Mi has been doing it a lot during this time.

some weird stuff for him - drink

He didn't want to go out to eat and persuade him, don't think that you can be willful when you are young.Men still have to make up for it! '

Lin Yi said, "I'm with you


Sa Beining Road. "Why is it different? 1 You are saying that you are ranked with one person, and I have been with many famous people many times. It's the same!

Lin Yi. ".."

Why is it so difficult to communicate?

I endured it.

The waiter gave an ambiguous smile.

Then left.

In the end, it turned out that two candle soups were served.

Lin Yi pushed his share to Sa Beibao and said, "You are so tired, so be more."

Sa Beining said, "Lin Yi, aren't you? I-drink two servings by myself, it will flow.

Nosebleed! '

Lin Yi said, "Don't worry, it's not good to have frequent congestion, it's better to calm down a little bit.

Sa Beining, "..I suspect you are driving and I have the evidence!_,

Lin Yi, "1 One."

When he said that, he was driving. What did you say so much?

However, in the end, Sa Beining drank both.

"Lin Yi, accompany me to exercise later." Sa Beining said.

"What sport?" Lin Yi looked at him vigilantly.

he always doubted them

Understanding movement is a different meaning.

"Gym, otherwise what do you think? Could it be that you think we two big men can do that? I'm not interested in men." Sa Beining looked at him contemptuously.

Lin Yi,..."

This is good.

after eating.

Sa Beining directly signed the bill and left.

Sure enough, this meal is reimbursable.


The place Sa Beining took Lin Yi to is not as simple as this restaurant.

Just the luxury cars in the parking lot

The luxury of this place can be seen

This Land Rover Range Rover driven by Sa Beining.Just a brother.

And the door is very stylish.

It's not the gym that Sa Beibao said at all.

It should be considered - a private club.

And the waiter in charge of the reception is also a star that is used to it.

Even if Sa Beining and Lin Yi come in, it is an official inspection - download the membership card and

Didn't even look at them.

After entering, Sa Beibao first took Lin Yi to the locker room.

Here not only can

Take a bath.

And after washing, free sportswear is provided for guests to change.

If you dislike the bad-looking sportswear here.You can also bring your own.

Sa Beining and Lin Yi were both informal insiders, so they naturally changed into the clubhouse.

have to say.

With Lin Yi's body and appearance, even in simple sportswear, he was dressed in a fashionable style.

Sa Beining said, "Lin Yi, it's very stressful for me to walk with you like this!_

Lin Yidao, "Then we will play separately.

Sa Beining Road. "No, let's be together

I can teach you what you can't play. "

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