Lin Yi also hesitated for a while, and said, "It's not good for me to tell them about drama 3.

In terms of debut time, he is the shortest.

And the best newcomer he took is not too much gold.


It's up to him to give a group of qualifications older than him.It seems a little embarrassing for an actor who is more famous than him to talk.

"There's nothing wrong. Do you want to add more money? No problem," Mr. Li said generously.

Anyway, the pay is so much.

If the progress can be brought up because of Lin Yijin's play 2

I don't know how much money I can save by saving 300 a day.

"It's not about money. 2 I'm worried that they won't accept me." Lin Yi said

"Don't worry, I'll take care of this. Who dares to disagree with you,

You asked him to come to me!" Teacher Li said.

See Mr. Li so persistent.

Lin Yi is not easy to shirk.

not to mention

He also wanted to finish filming as soon as possible so that he could leave Shi Wen to the merman.

He agreed to Mr. Li.

Teacher Li immediately called all the actors together.

"I'm announcing the news. In the future, the films I will be directing will be followed by Lin Yi before the filming starts. Only Lin Yi said that he has passed and can be filmed. Let's start again.

As soon as the news came out.

All the actors in the audience made - low voice


Especially people like Howard and Tang Yan who have rich acting experience.

I think Teacher Li's side is too hasty.

They admit that Lin Yi's acting skills are good.

But it should be limited to Wang's understanding of his own role.

This is to make them act.

Does it mean that Lin Yi needs to understand the roles of all of them.

is it possible?

Howard thought, if Lin Yi enters in disorder, he will still be ruthless. aicb) tone.

Remember that every director has his own style.

A 'Playmaster 2' exists. t. is not a good thing e

If it's only what Director Li said, then they can accept it.

After the announcement

The first thing Lin Yi wanted to talk about was Howard's action scene just now.

"Brother Hua, look at the movements of me and Wu Zhi first. Then you will demonstrate it again."

Lin Yi is very humble.

I am proud of not holding the identity of entering the play

Moreover, this set of actions down.

He played smoothly

Like Howard just now - a set of roots

this is not

a level.


but.Lin Yi's actions are so beautiful

Howard's fitness. /But it can't be displayed easily.

Howard gave it a try and said, "This waist is too low. I can't go down at all.

"It's okay, I'll hold you, take your time

"Lin Yi is gentle when he is in the play.

Not at all as cold as he was with women.

He even hugged Howard's waist and let him down slowly. ,

Tang Yan saw this scene and felt the same

There was a hint of reverie.

I wanted to wait until it was her turn to do the action scenes.

Will Lin Yi do the same?How about getting in touch with her?

Looking forward to thinking about it!

At this time, Yang Mi was lying on the folding bed.Close your eyes is Lin Yi's shadow a

This feeling kept her awake.

She got up quickly.

Just opened the door.

I saw Lin Yi hug Howard's waist.

The two are very close

She was stunned.

"what's the situation?

I must have gotten up the wrong way!" Yang Mi rubbed her eyes, as if she couldn't believe the scene in front of her.

"Mi Mi, why did you get up so quickly and don't sleep much?" Liu Shishi couldn't help but be concerned when he saw Yang Mi getting up.

After all it starts tonight.Yang Mi is her landlord

"Can't sleep." Yang Mi shook her head

Then point to Lin Yi's side.

"Master, what's going on?

"Oh, Lin Yi is playing with him." Liu Shishi said.

Then tell Yang Mi what Teacher Li said earlier.


drama? need to be so intimate

"Yang Mi muttered.

Liu Shishi looked at Yang Mi like this.He couldn't help laughing, "Liu Mihua. Brother is a man, you are jealous of this?"

Yang Mi said seriously, "You don't understand this. There's not a sentence on the Internet. Saying that the opposite sex is only for reproduction. _Is the same sex true?"

Liu Shishi was surprised, and she pouted.Said. "Lin Yi and Brother Hua shouldn't, right?"

Yang Mi was amused when she saw Liu Shishi's expression.

Isn't she just talking casually?

Liu Shishi

Is this true?

This IQ is much different from Reba.

So touching.

Adjusted by Lin Yi

Howard finally finished the filming successfully.

And from the effect point of view. It is much better than the first time I played.

Even without post-production __ as a pure kung fu film

Also very interesting

After this training, Howard's views on Lin Yi also changed.

I feel like a reliable brother

Seeing Yang Mi appear, Teacher Li walked over to her.

"Mimi, why are you awake? Not much. Sleep for a while?"

Yang Mi said, "I can't sleep.".

Teacher Li said, "Then why don't you just go back and have a rest? Come and shoot again tomorrow.

Anyway, this scene is continuous.

without the need for reassembly.Mr. Li is still very easy to talk.

Yang Mi said: "I don't need it. Why don't you take a photo first and let me see. Well, can I tell you later?".

Teacher Li said. "No problem._"

After filming the scenes of Lin Yi and Howard.

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