However, she understood what Yang Mi meant.

Dare to love. She really dares to be with Lin Yi

Are you so brave?

Looking at Di Li Reba's shocked expression

Yang Mi thought she thought she was being placed in a worker's room.

There are two more vacancies above.You can choose any room to live in.However, Lin Yi lives in the last room, so don't touch the wrong place in the middle of the night. "

Di Li Zhiba:..."

Where is this because she is afraid that she touches the wrong place!

It clearly reminded her. , Lin Yi may not be in the room in the middle of the night.

If found by Liu Shishi.She was about to take cover.

She is in trouble ⊥

"I'm going back to take a shower!" Di Lireba angrily carried her suitcase upstairs.

"Why don't you go and choose a bath first?" Yang Mi told Lin

Easy to blink.

Lin Yi, "..."

He felt that Yang Mi would not rush in later.

Should he lock the door?

[I have something to do today, tonight at 12:[-] _ That chapter is gone, don't wait. ]


Chapter 297 Is Yang Mi Sleepwalking? [1 more, please subscribe! 】

Lin Yi was obviously worried.

until he washes and dresses a

Yang Mi didn't even come over

Moreover, he completely forgot Yang Mi's mention

He fell asleep immediately.

Two o'clock didn't mean to go to Yang Mi.

When sleeping until midnight

He heard what seemed to be a knock on the door

He got up and opened the door.

Then I saw Yang Mi sneakily occupying the door.

"Why didn't you come to find me? Besides, what door did you lock?" Yang Mi complained.

One sentence, and then hurriedly greeted Lin Yi.

Lin Yi closed the door helplessly.

back to bed

Yang Mi said: _ "Hurry up and hurry up _ I'll go back to my room later."

Lin Yi, "."

This is really not enough to eat a meal.

Because Liu Shishi and Di Lireba are in the next room.

This time they have controlled voices.

But after it's done.

Yang Mi didn't want to leave.

"I'm going to sleep. I'll be back later"


In this case, Lin Yi is not easy to urge

I thought it would be better for him to go to her room!,The time to get up from Tsireba.

When he got up to make breakfast, it was not too late to let Yang Mi go back.

Half past six in the morning.

Lin Yi woke up on time.

Then he started pushing Yang next to him

"Don't be noisy. I'll sleep again." Yang Mi said with her eyes closed.

Although the amount of exercise last night was less than the day before.

But Yang Mi broke out the exhaustion that had accumulated for many days.

Naturally it is difficult to get up.

"Go back to your room and sleep again. If you don't get up again, don't come over again." Lin Yi said.

Hearing the last ten days, Yang Mi struggled to open two slits.

Then he said, "Then take me back

Lin Yi thought about it for a while, let's hurry up and meet her request.

Otherwise, drag it out a little longer, they really start

He picked up Yang Mi and opened the door.

But when I opened the door,

Lin Yi was stunned.

Because Liu Shishi just happened to be standing at her door.

It looks like he just woke up

When she saw this scene, she was stunned.


Hear Liu Shishi's voice.

Yang Mi also suddenly woke up.

However, at this moment, she chose to pretend

Lin Yi hesitated for a moment, then whispered, "Have you ever heard of sleepwalking? Xi 29"

Liu Shishi nodded and whispered back." "You mean, Mi Mi has sleepwalking?"

Lin Yidao, "I suspect there is. As soon as I woke up, she was lying beside my bed, which terrified me."

Yang Mi, "..."

She felt that the script Jiang asked her to make up the words.She can't make it up

I never thought that Lin Yi could make up such a story in such a short time.

Not honest!

Yang Mi secretly pinched Lin Yi's arm.

The corner of Lin Yi's mouth grinned, but he quickly covered it up.

He said very calmly, "I heard that people with Chuyou syndrome cannot be woken up when they are sleepwalking. Now you help me open her door, and I will put her back first."

Liu Shishi nodded quickly.

Then he nervously pushed open the door of Yang Mi's room.

After Lin Yi put Yang Mi down, he motioned to Liu Shishi to cover her with a quilt.

He just walked out of the room with Liu Shishi, does she know that she has sleepwalking?"

Lin Yi shook his head, "Me too, I don't know.

However, when Master Liu asked this question

Prove that she believes in Lin Yi's story

What a simple girl.

Liu Shishi said, "Is this the first time you have lived with her for so long?"

Lin Yi nodded, "

Yes, found for the first time. "

Liu Shishi hesitated, "Then should we tell Mimi later?"

Lin Yi said, "What do you think?"

Liu Shishi said, "I think I should tell it. Shouldn't I see a doctor?

Lin Yi nodded."Then tell her after she wakes up."

Master Liu nodded seriously.

Lin Yidao, "Why did you get up so early?"

Liu Shishi said: "I want to give you breakfast.

Lin Yi thought to himself, this is his first-

Once you meet an actress who will take the initiative to make breakfast, right?

Lin Yi thought about it for a while, but it was impossible for him to be the other person every time.

He also likes to see the level of Liu Shishi.Just give her some pointers.

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