I listen to it several times a day.

Especially the song "Representing Lin Yueru"

It's been very quiet."

It's a divine comedy that cleanses the soul

Before listening to this song, I was thinking.Will Lin Yi continue the style of the previous side?Continue to build the character series of songs?

After listening.

I found that Lin Yi changed.

He's not satisfied with writing a z character anymore

This song represents Zi Xuan and Xu

Qing's life and love for three generations.

How many times did Yi Xun 'promised you no longer love you but I haven't promised myself'

I rarely watch TV shows.

But for this song, I decided to chase this drama! '

Zhang Di's comments below are also very lively.before, you have.It is no longer objective. "

"I also think that Zhang Di's licking is a bit too much. I admit that this song is not bad. But is it that good?"


The simple upstairs is a bit too much

Must be a single dog.Lin Yi's songs cannot be heard by those without experience.

"Upstairs, I suddenly want to hear your story. My 00 is 55*_ Please contact me."

"Zhang Di L can't settle for one or the other. Deng Ziqi sang "Preference" also written by Lin Yi. Please comment."

"As long as I praise Lin Yi, my backhand is a praise!"

Donghai Satellite TV internal WeChat group a

Chen Jing sent a set of data into it.

They are <Xianjian 3&

Hot search in real time

Lin Yi's new song hot search real-time list.

"Promise not to love you" executive search real-time list

"The Legend of Lu Zhen" hot search real-time list.is the highest.There are more than [-] million.

And Lin Yi and "Promise Not to Love You" have more than [-] million.

"The Legend of Lu Zhen" only has more than five million

What does this represent?

On behalf of "The Legend of Lu Zhen", although the attention is not low, there are not many people who are really interested in it.

Not to mention compared with <Xianjian 3&>.

Even a song by Lin Yi, I can't find it

to the north.

In fact.

When Yu Zheng approached Donghai Satellite TV and proposed to cooperate with them.

Chen Jing voted against it.

However.Yu Zheng's conditions are too good

The offer he gave was half lower than the original bid of Donghai Satellite TV.

If the ratings are not good, you will not be able to beat "Xianjian 3".

His TV series is almost equivalent to giving it to Donghai Satellite TV for free.

There is such a cheap price. It is impossible for the director to disagree. L

Chen Jing's protest was ignored.

and so.

Even if he saw this set of data sent by Chen Jing, the director thought he didn't see it.

And the same similar data.

Also appeared in Hunan TV's internal WeChat group s

Director Ma's feelings were completely different from those of Donghai.

Originally, Yu Zheng suddenly betrayed Hunan TV with <The Legend of Lu Zhen&.

When making a topic later.

He was a little worried.

In case "Xianjian 3" is really not as good as "Legend of Lu Zhen" afterwards.

Doesn't that mean he made a fool of himself?

But from this set of numbers

It seems.

He can breathe a sigh of relief for now.

Of course, he will not lower the publicity of <Xianjian 3>.

He even told the whole TV station to pay close attention to the situation of the Spring Festival Gala.

In case Lin Yi performed well.Then help him.

Then take advantage of that shareholder wind to broadcast <"Xian l3".

A good start to the new year for Hunan TV.

Where is Lin Yi, the absolute protagonist?

In fact, he took care of it after recording it.

Directly set Pengcheng

on the ticket s.Start to film "The Mermaid"


Chapter 310 "The Mermaid" begins filming! [2 more, please subscribe! 】

The nanny car took Lin Yi to a glass factory.

Look around the desolate scene.

Lin Yi doubted that this was the wrong place.

But go inside.

But I found that there is something else in the world

Star Lord transformed the interior of this glass C into a cabin.

The cabin was built to imitate an abandoned shipwreck.

It is the main part of the life of the mermaids in the play

From the construction details.

Star Lord has high requirements for the scene.

Everywhere is perfect v

It belongs to the series of crazy designers.

After seeing Lin Yi, Liu Manfei directly complained to him.

After she became an investor in the past.

Just put money in

Even if you are the heroine, you only need to take care of the actors.

But on Star Lord's side.She has become a brick.

Get called wherever you need it.

She still wants to give birth to a baby for Lin Yi!

Wan-I'm really pregnant and got lost. What's the matter?

when she complains 2

Lin Yi is here

Listen quietly. "Twenty-three"__ At the end, Lin Yi felt that this was an opportunity.

He couldn't help but say 1- "Your concern is indeed justified. So we have to pay attention to next. At least don't win the lottery until this scene is finished."

If Lin Yi told her not to get pregnant, she must have refused e

I feel that Lin Yi clearly just doesn't want to treat her

I want to give up on her all the time

But Lin Yi's statement 1 made her feel that Lin Yi cared about her.

She accepted it instantly.

_"I do not care,

You are here anyway.This. "Liu Manfei can't have the demeanor of a domineering female president now. She's just a little woman.

For this, Lin Yi was completely fine.

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