Instead, it will arouse her suspicions.

at this time.

Only push the pot on Xingye

Lin Yidao said, "I had a non-disclosure agreement with Xing Ye before. Even if you go to Pengcheng, you will not be able to enter the crew. And being known by Xing Ye, this is not very good."

Yang Mi pouted: But I'm so boring here. "

People are like that.

Before getting to know Lin Yi, e"Two Four Earths"_She wouldn't feel bored at all


I just hate that I don't have enough time to rest.

But now she actually has the idea of ​​not wanting to film_Only the idea of ​​staying by Lin Yi's side.

That's really scary.

Lin Yi felt the change in Yang Mi's mood and he could only comfort him, "If you are bored, you can pay attention here: Do you have any good scripts?"

Yang Mi pouted and said, "On the New Year's Eve, Xiangjiang will only be filming for the Chinese New Year!"

It seems that she directly blamed Xiangjiang for not daring to have any resentment against Xingye.

Lin Yi did not speak.

Because he noticed.

Silence is the wisest time

Yang Mi can't really go without a plane ticket

"I don't care, anyway, you have to call me every night. And after the filming, at least leave a scheduled time to play with me." Yang Mi continued a

Lin Yi frowned.

After filming.. he is going to report to the Beijing Film Academy.

How can there be so much time to play with her?

However, Yang Mi is also casually talking about it.

A poor mermaid will take z months at the earliest.

It's impossible for Yang Mi to not be filming for so long

not long

The two finally arrived at the airport.

Yang Mi's expression was very reluctant.

It really looks like I can't wait to send Lin Yi to Pengcheng.

Lin Yi couldn't help but take the initiative to hug her. - "You're really bored, then call Reba back to accompany you."

Yang Mi suddenly realized, "Yeah, Reba is a foodie, if no one cares. I don't know how much weight I have gained during the Chinese New Year!"

At this time.

Di Li Zhiba just woke up and was drinking Hu spicy soup.

Suddenly sneezed a few times

Her mother said: _ "I told you to wear more clothes, let's be cold!"

Di Li Reba is a bit baffled.I'm not cold."

Reba's mother held a big red padded jacket and said firmly. _ "If you're not cold and sneezing, put them on!"

Di Lireba:_"."

Fortunately, she wears this and does not have to go out.

Otherwise, a Jane girl will become Duri's emerald flower. ,

Knowing that Yang Tu still sprayed her to death?

And this time.

Lin Yi passed the security check again.

See outside the security gate

Yang Mi, who waved at him reluctantly.

He had a sense of relief

It seems.Even if he accepted the fact that he married Yang Mi.

But still not used to being so sticky!

Lin Yi waved goodbye to Yang Mi.

He went straight to the waiting room.


Lin Yi received the flight information from Liu Yifei.

It seemed that she would arrive half an hour earlier than Lin Yi.

Say then.

Time for her departure to the airport.

Only Bilin Yi

It was earlier.

It can be seen from this alone.

She can't wait to see Lin Yi too."

Lin Yi couldn't help but feel a little headache.

This damn God's Left Hand won't cause him trouble again, will it?

Lin Yi replied - ten days. "I'm also waiting for boarding in the waiting room, so it shouldn't be late.

Liu Yufei, "Okay.".

Disembark soon.

Lin Yi just turned it on.

Liu Yifei's phone number came.

It looks like it's all about fighting for time.

"Where did you get off the plane?" Liu Yifei asked.

"Not long after the security check." Lin Yidao

"Then you come to the VIP area and find me in the innermost private room." Liu Yufei said.

ten minutes later.

Lin Yi and Liu Yifei met in the VIP room

However, Liu Yifei's gaze towards Lin Yi was a bit strange.

"You didn't sleep last night?" Liu Yifei said

"Yeah." Lin Yi nodded.


More than last night.

He didn't sleep much on New Year's Eve.

Although his body supports the s

But the exhaustion on the face can't be deceived

Especially someone like Liu Yifei who is very familiar with him.

Even if Lin Yi has a small change, don't try to hide it from her.

"Yang Mi, that vixen. 2 Do you know that you came to see me and deliberately squeezed you dry?" Liu Yifei gritted his teeth.

Lin Yi,..."

He really didn't know how to answer such a topic.

But I heard Liu Yifei say so.

He vaguely sensed the reason why Yang Mi was so mad last night,

Perhaps, reluctance is - aspect.

More, is what Liu Yufei said

Maybe Yang Mi E knew that Lin Yi and Brother Cat joined forces to deceive her.

It's just not dismantled."

Liu Yifei said, "Then do you want to go back to the hotel to rest first, let's go later."

"No." Lin Yi said quickly.

He is very sensitive now when he hears the word hotel.

I think once I go to the hotel.

Is it really taking a break?

In case Liu Yifei thinks Yang

It's so unpleasant for honey to occupy him.

She also has to find a balance.

Then Lin Yi doesn't have to go anywhere today.

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