When Yang Mi was going to pay the bill

It was found that Luo Xiaozhu had already placed the order in advance before leaving.

Although she is not bad for the money.

But being able to do so well in this kind of detail.

It's easy to feel good about it.

This further proves that he had just been so-called out of anger.

It was a chance for Lin Yi and Yang Mi to be alone.

Yang Mi is holding Lin Yi's hand. It's quite there, right? I'll take you to the studio tomorrow morning

Lin Yi,..."

Can he refuse this?

I'm afraid it's useless to say it?

Lin Yi thinks it's useful to eat more kidneys now?

Another indescribable night passed.

Early the next morning.

When Lin Yi got up

Yang Mi was still sleeping.

should say.

She had just fallen asleep.

And Lin Yi basically didn't sleep at all.


He plans to wait after the set.

You must try to get Yang Mi out as soon as possible: just do it.

Otherwise every night is like this.

His body can't stand it

In fact, Lin Yi had an idea last night

When "Xianjian 3&" is broadcast, I will be on the variety show month to promote something

But at that time I thought he was going to the Spring Festival Gala.

I'm still filming "The Mermaid", and I feel like I'm in a hurry.

Thinking about him suddenly felt e

The main fish of "Xianjian 3"

There is no need for him to participate in the promotion at all, that's ok _.

But before he contacted Li Zheshi

Or go up and check first - down <Xianjian

How's the recent ratings.

Then he found out.

The ratings of "Xianjian 3&" are really awesome

"Xianjian 3" adopts the strategy of broadcasting every night: episodes.

Aired on the first night of the new year.

It's been three nights since now

The ratings on the first night had already broken 3%. _

The ratings for the next two nights

Rise instead of falling.

It's almost 5%.

In this era, when the average viewership rate exceeds 1%, it can be regarded as a hit drama

"Xianjian 3& is like an ocean current upstream.

It's going to break all records.

Such ratings.Is there a need for more publicity?


must have

It's not breaking 5%.Want it to be the benchmark for ratings!

and.Where to go to promote Lin Yi has thought for Mr. Li.

"Quick Book"⊥

Originally this drama was in Hunan TV fever

Then it is natural to promote it in "Quick Book".

Moreover, the relationship between Teacher He and Yang Mi.

It's also hard to refuse Yang Mi's invitation. 2

After Lin Yi made up his mind.

First, I called Li Zheshi.

People of Mr. Li's age will not stay in bed.

Although it's not even eight o'clock

Lin Yi was not afraid to disturb him at all.


The phone just rang twice.

Mr. Li got connected.

"Two. Teacher Li, happy new year.

"Lin Yi took the initiative to speak.

"Happy New Year, Lin Yi." Teacher Li's response was also a bit strange.

Exclusion night.

Lin Yi sent him a message of congratulations

Next, except for the first day of the first year, when "Xianjian 3&." was broadcast.

They got in touch.

I haven't spoken much for the past two days.

Moreover, Lin Yi called too early in the morning. ,

What does it mean?

Lin Yi this

People always like to go straight.Don't go in circles.

He said directly, "Mr. Li. You told me about the promotion of "Xianjian 3&" last time. I thought about it carefully. Taking advantage of the good ratings now. We should increase our promotion efforts and set another record. What do you think? Woolen cloth?"

Mr. Li didn't understand what Lin Yi meant and said suspiciously._"Aren't you filming "The Mermaid" now? You have Lian participating in the promotion 2."

Lin Yidao said, "I'm not the only one in "Xianjian 3". I just read the comments. Everyone's enthusiasm is very high. I don't need to promote it, the effect is very good.

Teacher Li nodded.

What Lin Yi said is also true (Is it okay?

Although he doesn't use the internet much.

But his assistants often report online discussions to him.

"Xianjian 3" is really good

Lin Yi is of course the first

But Yang Mi, Tang Yan, Liu Shishi

The traffic is not low.”

They take the initiative to promote a wave, which must be very interesting.

Teacher Li said, "Then what festival do you think is the best to promote? "Quick Book". I'm afraid that the latest schedule is full.

Let's go. ”

Lin Yidao, _ "We are Hunan Television, so we should also cut the line for us. Why don't I talk to Mr. He first and let him say it's ok. Then you will issue a notice to the crew?"

Mr. Li couldn't think that Lin Yi, who was usually so afraid of trouble, would be so proactive this time.

Of course he would not refuse his request.

then.Teacher Li responded very readily, "No problem. Then I'll wait for your news."

After hanging up the phone.

Lin Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally got Mr. Li.

Here's what to say to Mr.


Chapter 343 Little Pig: How many times last night? [3 more, please subscribe! 】

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