Luo Xiaozhu said, "Come on, this time I

It's rare to come to Pengcheng for a few days, but I have chosen many stores. "

Lin Yi still refused, "Can't you just eat it yourself?"

Luo Xiaozhu said, "What's the point of eating by yourself. Besides, your script hasn't been solved yet. We can chat while eating."

Lin Yi, _ ".."

He suspects that Luo Xiaozhu is threatening

But from Luo Xiaozhu's expression

Seems to be sincere.

Considering the advice he gave last night did work.

Lin Yi thought it was okay to have a meal with him.


- After getting into the car.

Luo Xiaozhu said, "Lin Yi, do you think it would be too boring for the two of us to eat. Do you mind if I ask two friends to come over?"

Lin Yi, "..."

He suspected that he had been fooled.

Just now Luo Xiaozhu said that he was boring to eat.

Now let's call two friends.

It's obviously a lie to him.

Luo Xiaozhu probably also realized that "it's actually two little sisters who asked me out. But I think it's too dangerous for me to go by myself. I just want to pull you.

Companion. , you will protect me, right?"

Lin Yi, ""

He felt that according to Luo Xiaozhu's performance on the set today.

It should be those two little sisters who are in danger.”

Sa Beining also likes to drag him

Luo Xiaozhu also likes to drag him

What does this look like to him - what?

but.He couldn't ask such a question.

After all, the skin is not as thick as that of a pig.

Yifei and Lu remind you that there are three things to study.datanghuangdi


Original works of Feilu Novel Network (b_f__a1loncom), _Enjoy the joy of reading!

Chapter 345 Cai Xiaoyan and Zhong Xinxin [1 update, please subscribe! 】

Seeing that Lin Yi's second deputy wanted to jump out of the car and escape.

Luo Xiaozhu hurriedly took out his mobile phone and said, "I'll show you the photos of these two little sisters. Let's go to Hong Kong people! It's really cool. It's your loss if you don't go."

Lin Yi didn't want to see it.

But Luo Xiaozhu was too enthusiastic.

I almost didn't put my phone on his face

Lin Yi looked at it reluctantly.

The two women in the photo are probably around two years old.

One of them also has a pair of small dimples

Lin Yi asked curiously, "How did you know the two of them?

2” of

Luo Xiaozhu said proudly: "Online dating software. Don't you even play it? Why don't I download it for you now?"

Lin Yi asked suspiciously, "Do they know your identity?"

Luo Xiaozhu rolled his eyes, "They're not stupid, of course they know!"

Lin Yi is even more strange, _ "Aren't you afraid that they will expose you for making random friends online?

Luo Xiaozhu pouted, "Where am I messing with friends? Don't you know this A "Zero Ershi" PP?".

Lin Yidao, "What AP2_

Luo Xiaozhu said,

"Of course! You? This is the star's internal dating software! Each user needs manual verification to register!"

Lin Yi, "1_"

He suspects he must be a fake star

I don't even know that the cute little girl who has such a software nest is called Cai Xiaoyan. L this fair-skinned and beautiful is called Zhong Xinxin.They are all little sisters who have just signed a contract and have no works yet.

Do you think we old ladies are obliged to teach them and let them take less detours?"

Lin Yidao said, "1 I haven't debuted for a year. I can't bear the title of Big Brother."

Roar Pig. "..."

I really don't want to talk to him anymore.

How can this make him, a brother-in-law like him, who has been out of the earth for a few years?

Suddenly he found out.

Lin Yi is a few years younger than him

This is not the same age as him, okay?

Make sure it's appropriate to take him to see the little sister

"However, I look young. I don't look old." Luo Xiaozhu muttered.

even so.

After speaking.

Luo Xiaozhu still quickly took out the makeup box and came out to touch up her makeup.

Lin Yi, "..."

He thought Luo Xiaozhu was so concerned

You should just drop him off the car.

He doesn't mind."

Inside the Pengcheng Overseas Chinese Town Hotel.

Cai Xiaoyan and Zhong Xinxin were playing in the indoor heated swimming pool at this time.

After playing for a while.

They lay down and chatted

Zhong Xinxin said, "What time did you make an appointment with Brother Piglet, shouldn't he let you fly?"

Cai Xiaoyan said, "He said that he will be late for filming today. Don't worry, Brother Xiaozhu will definitely come.

of.And he also said that he would bring a little handsome guy over here.

Zhong Xinxin pouted.He said, "Why do you care about the handsome guy at this time?" You see, we have been dating for so long, and the company still doesn't give us any records.Don't make movies for us.

We finally got to know Brother Xiaozhu through this software.He must have asked him if he could sign his company! '

Cai Xiaoyan said in surprise, "Ah? So you have such a purpose? Wan-what if he doesn't sign us?"

Zhong Xinxin said to herself, "Look at me

Is it beautiful?"

Cai Xiaoyan said, "Beautiful,".

Zhong Xinxin asked Cai Xiaoyan to look at the reflection in the water, "Look at you. You're not cute!

Cai Xiaoyan giggled, "Cute!" Where would he sign such a beautiful and lovely artist, right?"

Cai Xiaoyan was still a little unsure, "Then should we go and touch up the makeup first?"

Zhong Xinxin nodded and said, "Of course!"

Cai Xiaoyan looked at the time and said

"Brother Piggy is coming. Then let's go and touch up our makeup."

Zhong Xinxin immediately got up from the pool bar and said, "Then what are you waiting for, let's go."

At this time, Luo Xiaozhu and Lin Yi had just entered the parking lot of the Overseas Chinese Hotel.

Luo Xiaozhu directly sent a message to Cai Xiaoyan, "We have arrived at the parking lot, where are you 2"

When Cai Xiao&Yan saw the information, they immediately became anxious.

"Xinxin, little pig brother is here, what do you think? I told you not to go swimming!"

Zhong Xinxin said calmly: "You first let him go to the restaurant and wait, and directly mention that we are wearing makeup. We will pass it later.

Cai Xiao & Yan said, "Is it okay to say this?

Zhong Xinxin said, "Don't worry. We

Make-up, is to respect him, he will understand. "

"Okay." The message, "Sorry, little pig, we are still doing makeup. Why don't you go to the restaurant to get a seat first and then tell us."

Luo Xiaozhu didn't get angry when he saw it

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