Luo Xiaozhu said, "No! If the one given to me is the same as the one given to him, then I would rather not."

Lin Yi, "!'

This is also carrying a book L

Zhong Xinxin said, "No, it's not the same. I took the picture with you in this pose, you can change the pose with him."

Cai Xiaoyan also said, "Yes, yes! We have different postures!"

Roar Pig. "11!'

Does he care about posture?

What he cares about is attitude L

He is the protagonist today!

They were so enthusiastic about Lin Yi from the beginning.

How does this tell him to face them?

He's so disrespectful!

Before coming.

He was fantasizing about meeting this scene.

Like a high-level boss like him

When the two little sisters meet, they must be all kinds of worship.

Then the handsome Lin Yi was responsible for stopping them. ,

How tall is this?

What now.

They both seemed to have only Lin Yi in their eyes.

I can't stand him at all

This he can accept 3

Zhong Xinxin seemed to sense that Luo Xiaozhu's mood was a little unstable.

She immediately winked at Cai Xiaoyan.

Cai Xiaoyan

Immediately understand e

She hurriedly poured a cup of tea, and then handed it to Luo Xiaozhu, "Brother Xiaozhu, Xiaomei apologizes to you, please drink Fen."

Zhong Xinxin also poured tea and handed it over, "Brother Xiaozhu and younger sister also apologize to you, please drink tea."

really don't say l

Luo Xiaozhu really eats this set.

Watching the two watery sisters pour tea for themselves.

Luo Xiaozhu's vanity was greatly satisfied.

He even proudly greeted Lin Yi

I mean, learn something!

Lin Yi directly translated

rolled his eyes.

This kind of party.He really can't learn

Is he here to watch the show tonight?

After Luo Xiaozhu finished drinking the tea, he said, "Little sister. Xiaozhu Gaoye, I didn't mean to lose your temper. Brother Xiaozhu is teaching you. If you encounter seniors in the future, you must remember to respect it. Senior. Do you know?"

Cai Xiaoyan and Zhong Xinxin said in unison, "I know!"

Luo Xiaozhu felt very useful."Okay, since you both like Lin Yi so much, you can take a few more pictures with him.

Zhong Xinxin thinks that little pig is going to test them, why?

Dare to provoke little pig brother again

After all, chasing stars is such a thing

Definitely didn't sign in - a good company is more important."

Then they turned red.

There are still opportunities for cooperation with Lin Yi

Once, lose the opportunity to sign a contract.

At most, they just had a good time taking a photo with Lin Yi tonight.

Do not know yet!

Zhong Xinxin immediately said, "Don't worry about this, little pig brother, we still want to learn more from you!"

Luo Xiaozhu was really proud, said:

Say it

, what do you want to learn? Little Pig is an encyclopedia in the entertainment industry, he knows everything!"

Zhong Xinxin winked at Cai Xiaoyan

Cai Xiaoyan immediately said, "Brother Xiaozhu, you said. If an artist signs a contract with the company, but the company does not accept any works for her. What do you think should be done at this time?"

Luo Xiaozhu said. "This is normal. Newcomers usually sit on the bench. It took me eight years to release my first album. So newcomers have to endure loneliness." Movies. And a couple of singles."

Roar Pig. _ ".."

What do I do if I feel like he's been beaten in the face?

He just said that he had been working hard for eight years.

Then the one next to him started acting in less than a year after his debut, so many TV dramas.

Is that why these two little sisters like him?

After Cai Xiaoyan finished speaking, she also realized that she had said the wrong thing.

She hurriedly poured another cup of tea, and then said, "Brother Xiaozhu. I'm sorry. I was wrong." Said, "No, you're right. It was me who was wrong. There are talented people in the country. If you think about it, let’s ask Lin Yi.”

Cai Xiaoyan said happily, "Really?"

Zhong Xinxin quickly covered her mouth.Said, "Brother Piggy. That's not what she meant."

Luo Xiaozhu:_"."

never mind.Anyway, tonight his heart has been broken.

got used to"

He didn't think he should have brought Lin Yi out.

However, as a senior.He wants to be generous⊥

You can't lose face in front of your two little sisters."

So, Luo Xiaozhu - with a grim face, "I know. Do you think I'm such a stingy person? No, I'm not

Cai Xiaoyan said immediately.

"Brother Piggy is the most generous."

Zhong Xinxin also cooperated, "Yes, | Pig brother Bao Zhou is super invincible and generous!"

Although the sincerity on the faces of the two women

But Luo Xiaozhu felt that they were all perfunctory to him.

The hearts of the two of them were already on Lin Yi.

He is so stupid.

Why did he bring Lin Yi here.

Last night and today. Lin Yi has proved it.His charm.woman.They were all dead set on Lin Yi.

These two little sisters who have not yet been chosen.How could he escape Lin Yi's claws?

He felt that it was necessary for him to start a course of cherishing life and staying away from Lin Yi.

This is dedicated to male stars in the entertainment industry. J


They'll feel as cold as he did tonight.


Chapter 347 Unspoken rules? [3 more, please subscribe! 】

Luo Xiaozhu's mentality is still very good.

It will come soon,

And he could see the real purpose of the two girls tonight.

What kind of friendship.

Obviously just want to see if he can sign them L

Luo Xiaozhu is not those wretched uncles

Whether to sign or not depends on whether it is suitable or not.

And a month ago with his company strategy

I haven't signed the demand for actresses in the short term

So tonight the two of them are destined to be disappointed.

Of course, Luo Xiaozhu is very good at making atmosphere.

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