Especially when standing together.It's easy to feel like twins

This can completely go the combination route.

If he had a company, he might still be able to sign the two of them.

to him.

[-] million to sign an artist who can become popular.This deal is definitely worth it.”

Cai Xiao & Yan heard Luo Xiaozhu say so.He was also very excited and said, "Brother Lin, do you also have a brokerage company? As long as you are willing to sign with us, we will slowly return the liquidated damages from the money earned to you.

Zhong Xinxin also said. "Yes. Liquidated damages are what we owe you. This (good) one can be written into the new contract.

Lin Yi is a very soft-hearted person.Seeing the two women like this, I can't help but ask if your situation in the company is so severe?"

Zhong Xinxin sees Lin

Yi showed signs of letting go, and suddenly said, "It's too serious." I'll just say it directly.In fact, the vice president wants to unspoken rules for us, and if we don't follow, he keeps hiding us.Our contract is ten years.

By the end of ten years, we will all be old.Don't say it's still in the music circle.Even getting married is difficult. "

Luo Xiaozhu was dubious about what Zhong Xinxin said.

Although the unspoken rules are unwilling to avoid anywhere.

But these two are like budding flowers.

It didn't arouse the desire of the man's part.

He thinks Lin Yi believes


He might have to remind him_xialin

Zhong Xinxin said such words, in fact, is a very sensitive child.

Seeing the little pig's expression...I knew he didn't believe it.

She directly recorded the chat on the mobile phone. ,

"Look. I haven't deleted the chat record!"

Cai Xiaoyan also said, "I'm here too"_

Chapter 348 Lin Yi asks the fairy sister to go to the hotel [4 updates, please subscribe! 】


Originally, Luo Xiaozhu was determined to dismantle them.

Unexpectedly, there are pictures and truth.

Watching the fun is his favorite

He quickly grabbed a cell phone and looked at it.

The content of the dialogue was not posted in detail for fear of being harmonized.

But Luo Xiaozhu saw a blue vein with B.

A sense of justice overflows.

"Lin Yi. Look. These people are the shame of the entertainment industry."

Lin Yi took a look and frowned.

"By this

You can't fuck him with just a few conversations.

Not waiting for Cai Xiaoyan and Zhong Xinxin to answer

Luo Xiaozhu said, "It's useless" and went in without saying anything.Even if it is successful.The punishment for them is verbal warnings and fines at most.But - once involved in this kind of news, it will have a great impact on the reputation of the two little sisters. "

Luo Xiaozhu deserves to be the 'old lady' in the entertainment industry.

familiar with these methods

Lin Yi frowned, "Is there no other way?"

Luo Xiaozhu said, "Yes, you signed these two little sisters. Then they became popular. This is also a slap in the face to them.

what! '

Lin Yi, "1.."

How do you feel he was being tricked?

He just expressed his sympathy for this kind of thing, why did he talk about signing people?

Cai Xiaoyan and Zhong Xinxin, the two little sisters, also know how to navigate the situation.

See what Luo Xiaozhu said.

He also looked at Lin Yi pleadingly, "Brother Lin, please help 807_ Let's go,"

If they use beauty or other means to persecute Lin Yi.

That definitely won't work.

But Lin Yi is the most

There must be no such dirty means.

He was really thinking about it.

three minutes later.

Lin Yi said, "What are your own thoughts? Do you want to become an actor or a singer?"Then get some fame and then take up idol dramas

Lin Yi listened.can't help frowning

Apparently, that's why the company hides them.

Idol singer. That is basically not singing.

Idol.That is not acting.


If there is no harassment.

His advice to them is.

Practicing hard - singing or pondering

Lay down your basic skills.

The company will give you a chance.

But now the VP's tone is like that.If they don't compromise, there will always be a way to make them compromise.

Lin Yi couldn't watch them enter the sea of ​​fire with his own eyes, could he?

Zhong Xinxin knew when she saw Lin Yi frowning

She begged with a face full of Jing, "Brother Lin - please sign us! We will study hard and L will never let your company lose money!"

Cai Xiaoyan also said, "If you don't have enough money, then you should sign Ah Xin first, her singing skills are better than mine. She won a place in the Xinxiang Singer Competition.

Zhong Xinxin said, "No, you should sign Xiaoyan first, her acting skills are better than mine."

Luo Xiaozhu saw the two women pushing and pushing

Can not help but a little depressed.

He just wanted to come out with bubble girls tonight.

How did it evolve into a drama of sisterly love?

Luo Xiaozhu has been in the entertainment industry for many years

What kind of things have you not seen?

6 This kind of drama has long been


It was Lin Yi.

This z scene reminded him of their childhood.

The scene of pushing and fucking over a piece of meat

He couldn't help but say, "Well, let's sing a song to listen to. /"

When Zhong Xinxin heard this, she felt that this was a drama.

But soon.she hesitated

"Singing in Chinese--like--."

Lin Yidao, _ "It's okay, Cantonese is also

Anyway, what he sees is the potential of the two

Sing or something.

No matter how bad

Is it worse than Yang Mi?

Fortunately, Yang Mi didn't know Lin Yi's heart

Otherwise, it would be frustrating again.

Zhong Xinxin and Cai Xiaoyan looked at each other.Said, "Then let's sing a song by the god Xu Guanjie."

Lin Yi nodded.

Zhong Xinxin thought about the lyrics for a while and said, "Li Wu smiled lightly, can you tell if it's mysterious?

Loneliness is deeply locked, dark shakes, the soul disappears


How can we cross the blue bridge together.! '

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