Even Xing Ye looked very interested.

After all, this is the song he put on Gaiyu.

The musical instruments prepared by Lin Xiaobo include guzheng, flute and guitar.two


Luo Xiaozhu naturally chose the guitar

And Lin Yi picked up the flute

At this time, the live broadcast room is already boiling

"Lin Yi actually plays the flute! I can!"

"So is this a song of dragon country style?"

"Did Lin Yi create it?"

"Lin Yi has a new song again! . .

"support support support)"

So much commitment here.

Many of them were brought by other anchors from their own live broadcast room.

Which includes

Lin Yi's old fans

Tuanzi saw Lin Yi pick up the flute

The sound of a scorpion is a rocket!

"The regiment is here!".

This rocket seems to have kicked off the battle for this live broadcast.

After shouting this sentence.

Swish, [-] more rockets went up

'The Easy Guard is here''

Among the [-] million fans, e

There are at least five million fans of Luo Xiaozhu.

It was impossible to watch Lin Yi's fan Tu Ping.

Swoosh - a rocket lifts off!

“Pig fans are here!.”

Swish again - a rocket lifts off

“Show fans are here!”

Luo Xiaozhu didn't even think about it at all.

It's going to be a fan fight

With a star of his level a

Naturally don't care about these fires

Don't be hurt, just be nice

Luo Xiaozhu said to the camera: "Thank you for your rockets, but please don't be a little sister."

At this time.

Cai Xiaoyan

And Zhong Xinxin both took the microphone.

Even if they can sing, they still need the blessing of a sound card.


By Lin Yixian playing the flute e

A crisp and sweet flute sounded out.

"Lin Yi really knows how to play the flute⊥. And it's so nice, so I knelt down on my knees⊥"

"Why do I kneel down and watch the live broadcast between mothers⊥"

"This melody r is destined to be a divine comedy again⊥"

"Has anyone heard what song it is 2."

"Could it be really original?


Have you heard of Lin Yi's performance in Qin's work? It's [-]% original!"

"Record the screen quickly!"

among the famous fans.

There are many music schools.

Ordinary fans can only say that it's so good to hear it!

But can't say why.

This group of high-quality fans only feel

The melodious and melodious flute sound directly impacted their hearts.

They burst into tears

I feel that they have learned so many years for nothing. C6 and Lin Yiyi-compared, Shun Wen was smashed into scum.



Luo Xiaozhu's guitar sound also entered the page.

More guitar sound.

This song suddenly has another layer. Edge sense.

Makes people feel excited.Can't do it yourself.

at this time.

Cai Xiaoyan spoke up, _"Ask if this mountain is the highest in the world

Or something higher than nothing. "

Zhong Xinxin sang along, "There is a mountain in the world that is higher than this mountain.

But love cannot be better than you. "

have to say.

The two women's voices are unique.

Cai Xiaoyan's voice was a little hoarse.Long high pitch: Zhong Xinxin's voice is thicker.Good at mid-bass.

Lin Yi gave the practice method of this song for their different voices.

After practicing all night.

They basically sang Lin Yi's

Plus the melody is nice.

The charm of Lin Yi's personal accompaniment

Fans are also very happy to hear that

"These two young ladies sing pretty well."

- "This song is so good!_"

"Another new single Xun Jue is scheduled"

"Has your sister debuted?"

"I prefer that young lady named Cai Xiaoniu.".

"I like Zhong Xinxin|& elder sister. "I'm different, I want to go to all of them"

When singing to the chorus part.

Lin Yi started switching to Guzheng.

The soundtrack was instantly enriched

However, Lin Yi underestimated his own charm.

After fans saw him switch instruments

It boiled again.


Shang Lin Yi can actually play the guzheng!"

"Wait a minute, shouldn't you be playing erhu?

"I was studying by myself. I was a little angry when my friends called me out. Now I think it's worth it."

"High school student 1 shit. My old auntie is exposed."

"Middle-aged auntie, don't worry. You're not alone L_"

"Junior high school students laugh without saying a word."

"Primary school students are shivering!"

At this time.

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