"No, I don't." Yang Mi said

"Then why are you saying it now?" Di Lireba still refused to accept

"Because, that's why I think you've grown too long. Some truths need to be known." Yang Mi said.

Di Li Zhiba, "..."

The truth is she's pretty


she doesn't believe


She felt that the longer Yang Mi and Lin Yi got married.

Yang Mi's attitude towards her changed more and more.

To even say such a thing.

Aren't you afraid that she would hurt Shanmai and run away?

"Sister Honey. You've changed." Di Lireba said pitifully.

She used this trick every time before.

Yang Mi will definitely hold her and take care of her

And Yang Mi listened

There was no movement in his heart and he glanced at the text message.

It was discovered that Lin Yi had actually sent a short message twenty minutes ago.

She quickly clicked to apply for video chat

Then Di Li Zhiba watched Yang Mi walk away from her.

Tears were still hanging on her face.

Are you still crying?

Forget it.

Or wipe away the tears first, and then later

Yang Mi had absolutely no idea about Di Li's small gesture of holding the ball.

At this time, Lin Yi had already connected to her video.

""Lin Yi. Are you having a good time tonight?" Yang Mi said sweetly.

"It's okay." Lin Yi said.

"Then when did you finish filming?

This sentence, she has to reply every night.

"There are still about two weeks." Lin Yi said.

"Oh, it's still so long... Then. Do I still have to go?" Yang Mi muttered.Recently signed two new A's. Going to build a new draft for them and so it's going to be a busy night lately. "Lin Yi said

This must be reported to Yang Mi

In the next few days, he filmed "

I only have time to engage in variety shows at night.


Because Mi just played a game with Di Li Reba.

But I missed Lin Yi's live broadcast.

Naturally do not know this.

"What Newcomer 3" Yang Mi is puzzled

"Tonight we have a live broadcast, you can watch it when you have time - just check out my Weibo." Lin Yi was too lazy to explain too much to her.

"Also have a live broadcast? Why didn't you tell me in advance, I'll cheer for you! Last time I broadcast live. There are five million fans. What newcomer did Lin Yi sign.

She only sees

Lin Yi.

"Five million fans?" Lin Yi showed a strange expression.

"Isn't it a lot? According to the number of fans on your Weibo, there should be one million online, right? Not even one million, right?" Yang Mi was surprised.

In her opinion.

Take Lin Yi's number of followers and dedication on Weibo.

A million followers should be okay

Lin Yi felt that what he said

There is a suspicion of pretending.

So he said lightly, "You should check Weibo later, you should have thought about reporting it.


Why does Yang Mi feel that things may not be the same as she imagined?

"Why so mysterious!" Yang complained.

"Okay, I'm going to rest, we'll talk next time." Lin Yi Daoyong.

"Okay." Yang Mi pouted.

Anyway, every time I made a video with Lin Yi, he hung up in advance.

She's used to it!

.[It's a bit busy during the Chinese New Year, so the update is late.The remaining three are still on Ling Wan.I wish all the original book friends to be safe and well, just stay at home and read, and don't go out. 1_

Chapter 358 Di Li Reba's ultimate move [2 more, please subscribe! 】

After turning off the video.

Yang Mi walked into the hall.

Then I found that Di Lireba was recording something with a pen.

This scene is very rare.

When did Di Li Zhiba work so hard?

And Di Lireba is too serious.

I didn't even notice that Yang Mi received

Yang Mi found out that she was looking at her win rate in the game.

It seems that what she said to Yang Mi was very inappropriate.

I don't feel like that at all

see this scene

Yang Mi almost

didn't laugh out loud

This hot bar.

It's so cute L

Do you want to count the points if you cook or not?

Do you have to tell her?

At this time.

Di Lizhiba seems to have finished the statistics

She raised her head with joy. She was about to call Yang Mi.

She found that Yang Mi was standing beside her

Almost didn't frighten her.

"Sister Mi, how long have you been standing here!" Di Lireba complained.

"Oh. It didn't take long, just saw what you were thinking and

already. "Yang Mi said easily.

"Huh? Then I don't need to say that I have a very strong desire to express towards Reba.

"No need _. You are not stupid.. You are very powerful⊥_" Yang Mi interrupted.

"Huh?" Di Lireba was stunned

Although she worked so hard for so long just for this - sentence.

But I think what Yang Mi said is a bit perfunctory 700!,

"Now. You open Weibo first and see what's trending." Yang Mi said

"No, Sister Mi, I also want to tell you about the winning rate." Di Lireba felt that she couldn't waste her calculations.


Yang Mi saw Di Li Zhiba like this

I don't think I can convince her.

She said seriously, "No. Didn't I watch it? You are great, without you, I can't take a head.

"No, Sister Mi, you are still very harmful." Di Lieba said modestly.

"Then can we go to Weibo to see - download it?" Yang Mi said.

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