.But you enter these words.

Are you a judge of the Sin Fei.Tian Award?_t, I told J to take a photo and tell you, am I responsible for what you said?The i you dare to say to you is the whole -k1 when you offend you

The judges of the Tian Awards _⊥"h took the picture from the window: - ⊥ Bi Zhifei. If you don't...I see if you believe it or not, I will post it on the 8 mix!' Why are you still in the director circle in the future? "You guys! People "Okay what are you?

Let's help 5E products speak.For the work, take 1? Just

Lin Yi, do you dare to compare with me?Came to see it through.you Y today

It's hot"." Here it is. The character of internal search.

already understood.at first glance

The person who sacrificed everything, I mean, it's probably just like this. , that accounts for

With a righteous name. aLearning

conflicts between births.also stick to the point

I came to scold Lin Yi.Zaobi villain "Anyway, I'm going to challenge! I'm right here

Lin Yifa is positive

Does he dare to take on the challenge?” said Yin Shi, Lin-“Director Bi, you are a director and want to be an actor with Yi Chengming, you should 2

Is he better than the director?_"L see_

Full text version of the novel (data


.Enjoy the joy of reading!

Chapter 380 Director Zhang's Director Competition [4 Updates, Happy New Year]

When Wu You heard Hong Yang say this, he also cried out.

"Well, you are a Bijifei. I thought you really dared to fight like a man. You and Director Lin Yibi, you are not ashamed!"

At this time, Yang Zi also looked like he shared the same hatred, "Bi Zhifei. You are not a man."

Any man can't stand being scolded by two big beauties pointing his nose like this.

What's more, Bi Zhifei, who is very strong from the grass 2

Bi Zhifei immediately said, "Didn't you guys just brag about his great acting skills?"

Have not.Isn't our senior sister Zhao Wei an actor, and now she is also a director?"

Liu Xing said, "You let the PL family's senior sister Zhao become a director after taking the directing course as an elective. You have to compare with Lin Yi, you can. At least wait for Lin Yi to graduate." Can't wait. , maybe he will never graduate.Do you know the graduation rate of advanced students? "

At this time, Lin Yi had to open the "four three zero" mouth. "What's the matter with the director competition you're talking about?"

Liu Xing knew that Lin Yi chose to study in the directing department.

And he also understands that young people are full of energy.

How could Lin Yi back down in this situation?

He didn't wait for Bi Zhifei to speak, but he said to Lin Yi, "Don't care what he says_ He's a china touch!"

Bidgfield saw that the fish was about to bite.How could you pass up this opportunity.He quickly said, "Director Zhang, as long as we submit works before June, we can participate in TV series, short films or movies. No matter how bad you are, you can at least make a short film!"

Lin Yi was taken aback, "Director Zhang? Which Director Zhang is that?"

He thought to himself, could it be the national teacher, that coincidence D?


Zhifei immediately said very proudly.

"Of course it is the pride of our film school, the idol of all our directors, director Zhang Tai, the national teacher!"

He still didn't say a word, which is also the origin of his title of Bi Da director.

His son originally wanted to be a big coffee like Director Zhang.

Liu Xing was afraid that Lin Yi would agree.He said harshly to Bi Zhifei: "People are the pride of the film school, you are the shame of the film school". You can't get out.If you don't get out, I'll hit you⊥"

When Bi Zhifei saw Liu Xing, his fist really shined.

He was also afraid, "Get up.

Bi Yi Liu Xing also has a criminal record

He didn't want to be carried for nothing.

But before he left, he still made some noise_"Lin Yi. I will fight you on Weibo! If you are brave enough, respond to me on Weibo! If you are ranked higher than me, then I will serve you! ."

As soon as he said this.

Everyone knows his purpose

He has only a few hundred followers on Weibo at most.

Maybe most of them are robots.

He actually asked Lin Yi to accept his challenge on Weibo. Everyone knows Sima Zhao's heart⊥


After Bidgefield left.

Liu Xing to Lin Yidao. _ "Don't pay attention to him. He's just a jerk. He doesn't do his job at the film school all day long. From the beginning of the school year, he said he wanted to make a big movie. He lied to many ignorant little sisters, and now he doesn't even make a P."

Lin Yi said with great interest, where did you get that match from?"

Liu Xing's eyes are protruding

Dare to say what he said just now is all in vain, right?

Wu You also said. "Miyi...don't pay attention to him, we all believe in you!"

Yang Zi also said, "Yes, we all believe in you!"


Lin Yidao said, "No, I really want to know about that competition. By the way, I haven't told you yet, I'm studying the directing department this time."

Lin Yi said this.

Immediately, his jaw dropped.

They just said Xin Lin Yi loudly.

It's just to take care of his emotions

After all, there are not a few stars like Lin Yi who come back to gilt after becoming famous.

Unexpectedly, Lin Yi chose the acting department following the example of Senior Sister Zhao Wei.

Is he serious?

Think carefully

a bit.

In less than a year since his debut, Lin Yi has acted in so many TV dramas with high ratings, and he has made two movies.

It's normal for him to have this idea

But I thought that Lin Yi was about the same age as them.

There is this achievement.

They are still reading.

They couldn't help feeling emotional.

Why is the gap between people so big?

Originally, they were all very proud of being students of the film school.

But in front of Lin Yi, this pride doesn't seem to be worth mentioning.

Hong Yangdao, _ "Lin Yi, do you really want to participate in this competition? It's already March. The deadline for submissions is in June. Is it too late?"

Lin Yi said, "Let's get to know it first. As for time, there should be enough."

Judging by the fact that he made such a famous play.

Even a series of more than [-] episodes like "Three Lives Three Worlds" would not take three months.

If he plans to shoot, he will shoot a short episode first to practice his skills. e

Of course, this is also a goal he set for himself in the directing department.


You are definitely a die-hard fan of Lin Yi when he heard Lin Yi say this.

Immediately open the school's official website with a mobile phone, and then find the registration page and hand it to Lin Yi:. "Look at L, but I have to say it, if you really shoot it.

Liu Xing said, "I want a role too!"

Wu You immediately glared at him."Didn't you just ask Lin Yi not to participate?"

Liu Xing said, "I was reminding him not to be slapped by Bi Zhifei."

Yang Zi said, "What if Bi Zhifei shouted on Weibo that Lin Yi did not dare to fight? Wouldn't it damage Lin Yi's reputation? Don't worry., If he really dares

In the Weibo challenge, everyone is just a joke.If you don't believe me, you are now on Weibo, @杨米Senior sister, saying that you are going to challenge her.See if anyone cares for you. "

Wu You immediately rolled his eyes at him, "Hate!"

Lin Yi ignored them, he was carefully looking at the registration rules.

Conditions here are very relaxed.

As long as it is a student of the Film Academy, no matter whether it is an undergraduate or an advanced study, it can apply to graduate students.

And the content of the works is not limited to s

But for comparison. . There will be two departments

The first is that they direct the stable group


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