Li Baiyang was admitted to the Film Academy from the Beijing Dance Academy.

She is a classmate with Guan Xiaotong.

She saw Lin Yi recruiting actresses last night and decided to sign up.

Unlike Guan Xiaotong, she has no acting experience before.What I learned in school is just fur.

She felt that it was not good to sign up in this way! It was only after she had revised her resume.

After sending it, she didn't have the energy to go

Wang Chuang just lay up on the bed.

After lying down for a while, she fell asleep

in sleep.She was chosen by Lin Yi as a woman. She also had a kiss scene with Lin Yi.

However, in the moment of being kissed by Lin Yi

There was a sudden burst of phone ringing

Wake her up from Mi Chu.

She was very angry.

She felt that she had to break up with the person who was carrying her phone!

One: When she saw the caller ID, she immediately stood up.

she just pressed it off e

Then edit the information, what about the class.Why are you carrying the phone to me?"

Her mother said, "Beer, it's okay, I just want to ask you what you want to do if you don't come back for dinner."

Li Baiyang's house is only half an hour's drive from the Film Academy, so she knows

Go back several times a week.

She must report the name of the dish.

But now where is the mind to think about it

She is still waiting for Lin Yi@Reply her

What if she is selected and she can't make it back to the mirror?

thing, not going back. "

After replying, she couldn't help but open the email

Found out that there is a new post

"You must pass through, and you must penetrate the soil!" Li Baiyang prayed.

She opened the email with the heart of death. ,

Then I saw Lin Yi treat her

If it is convenient for you, please come to Nanyi classroom 102 to audition tonight.jumped up.

It's not a waste of time for her to make a resume for one night. L

This scene also happened in many places.

, in the classroom.

Whether male or female received an audition notice

Both the schoolmates and the female classmates had happy smiles on their faces.

The mood of receiving rejection emails is completely different.

"It's your loss to reject me!" You rejected me after all passed me! What a shame!"

"Oh, I'll follow

just try

_I really thought I wanted to go!"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, Lin Yi rejected me and I'm brokenhearted"

"It must be that my resume is not good enough. I'm going to make another one."

After Lin Yi sent the e-mail, it was already

It's five o'clock.

He simply took a bite in the dining hall and sent a message to Liu Xing. Then he rushed to the classroom ahead of time.

Liu Xing's role tonight is mainly room.

The only one who auditioned was Lin Yi himself.

But for Liu Xing.Lin Yi chose to let him welcome guests, this is not one thing

He was dazzled by picking his resume last night

Want him to help watch people 2

He thinks about autism every minute

So, he replied to Lin Yi: "Old lady. There is no man to greet guests.

Lin Yi said, "Are you coming or not?

Liu Xing, -_. Come to the mountain,"

After replying.Liu Xing thinks that Lin Yi loves him too much!

He could see that Guan Xiaotong was interested in Lin Yi.

Even if she doesn't want to unspoken rules, she can borrow free labor.

Why is it always him who gets hurt?

Do you think women can't do things?

He does agree with this.

Even though the audition doesn't open until [-]pm

But at [-]:[-], there are students there.

. o, just hang (aeab) one-one.


Do you think this is a bit shabby?

All other directors have auditions.

several assistants.

And rarely in the classroom.

The reason why they signed up was mostly due to their curiosity about Lin Yi.

In this way,

It doesn't seem so

But it came anyway.It's impossible to leave like this, let's try again-

"Liu Xing, can I go in for an interview now?" Someone who knew Liu Xing took the initiative to ask.

"Wait a minute. Didn't it start at a good time? Why do you all come so early!" Liu Xing said strangely.

"Anyway, if you're idle, you're idle, come and see now." The garden school said.

"Okay. Then I'll ask you." Liu Xing picked up a walkie-talkie.,Then said, "Report. Now someone is coming."Can you audition first? "Come in in order."

Liu Xing said, "Okay."

Then he picked up the list and called out. It's very distinctive. May I ask if Du Ziteng is in?

"Here" a boy who was about [-] meters around and was also [-] meters away rushed out

Liu Xing saw his body shape, and immediately took back the joke.

"go in."

I don't know what Lin Yi's interview rules are.

In short, Pu Ziteng can't get in

Neurosis came out in minutes.If it weren't for the look of his little white face.I'll punch him

those who haven't interviewed

People crowded around and came out soon 2 What is the content of the audition?"

Tu Ziteng said, "I didn't even try.

.He told me to undress as soon as we met, do you think he is insane?"


Du Ziteng's words scared everyone

But too much of it showed a look of disbelief.

They felt that Pu Ziteng was just trying to find reasons for his own failures.

Even if Lin Yi wants to watch people take off their clothes_ Then he must choose a beautiful girl.

At this time, Lin Yi's words came from the walkie-talkie.

Issued to,_

"Next." is true or false.

After all, Lin Yi had chosen fifty auditions, and it would have taken him an hour.

He still wants to finish work early to play ball.

Liu Xing shouted at the list, "Hao Meili⊥"

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