Chapter Thirty-Nine really don’t get up (please support, first change).

After teasing Yang Fan, Gina sat on the sofa and took a nap, which was a sequel of getting up early, but fortunately, she slept very steadily and early last night.

I also gradually got used to this kind of life of going to bed early and getting up early.

Habitually took out his mobile phone, opened the variety show, and watched seriously.

“One meat and one vegetarian, absolute, this lyrics, really fantastic.”

As soon as I opened it, I saw the new song of Mao Mao, who was the first in the hot search.

The Son of Tomorrow has entered the screening stage, that is, the team has been initially formed, but Boss Yang still has not found anyone willing to help Mao Mao.

To put it bluntly, although Boss Yang has connections, he cooperates in music, unless the other party is really crazy.

But there are still songs, and Mao Mao still stands firm.

And everyone is more and more curious about the person who wrote the lyrics behind Mao Mao.

What kind of person is this person who can write a song like this.

One meat and one vegetarian, all are life.

“What song?”

“You don’t understand, you still can’t understand the meaning of the lyrics, you are still young, when you are older, you will know, understand.”

“Even, I still don’t understand.”

I still have to pretend to be a child or something once in a while.

Practice the piano in the morning and take a nap at noon, and the basic life can be regarded as stable.

In the afternoon, Yang Fan went to his grandmother’s to check in and stay with Gong Huang for a while.

I basically went, that is, I took the big bag of things.

To put it bluntly, if you don’t eat, you can’t do it, you can’t wear it.

“I obeyed.”

When Yang Fan went home, Gina looked envious, because Yang Fan came back this time and hung a jade pendant on his body.

“Hetian Yu, Gong Huang is really willing, alas…”

Yang Fan said: “Sister, do you want to know grandma?” ”

“That’s my idol, but I can’t contact it now, after a while, it’s so annoying, I don’t dare to speak when I see her now, my legs and stomach are spinning.”

“Grandma is very nice.”

The fart is good.

That’s good for you, that’s cruel to others.

You know, Gong Huang is known as the queen of the set, a little unaccustomed, directly open, but not used to it at all.

In the evening, Xiao Nuomi went home, everyone finished eating, and then watched variety shows.

Tonight’s program, it is said that there are new songs, and I don’t know if they are true or fake, it seems that there is a student on Lao Xue’s side and came out with an original song.

And before the show started, Lao Xue expressed his views on his Weibo.

“Today, there’s an explosive song to be produced.”

This also brings everyone to the show, full of expectations.

“Brother, tomorrow I have a holiday.”

After eating, Xiao Nuomi said happily.

“Ah, what are you going to do on vacation?”

“I don’t know, but I know it’s a holiday, and I’m happy.”

“But you have homework.”

Poof, hahahaha.

Gina said: “Don’t talk about homework, otherwise Xiao Nuomi should be irritable.” ”

Xiao Nuomi was very indifferent and said: ‘Homework, I finished writing it in school, hahaha, I have wit.’ ’

Oh hey, it actually grew.

It’s not easy, it’s not easy.

“Don’t talk, watch TV, your mom showed up.”

At this time, on TV, Boss Yang once again appeared in the public eye.

Sit quietly, with the posture of a queen.

On the stage, one of the trainees has finished the performance.

Several judges are commenting, but Boss Yang is still the same old and does not know how to pretend to understand.

However, this did not affect the results of this student, because, this time, he was really bad.

At this time, the host invited new students to the stage and gave a certain amount of publicity.

“Zhou Fan, this time I will bring you an original song and come across the ocean to see you.”


Oh lying groove, don’t want your face?

Is it so straightforward?

Original? 》

Yang Fan looked at the TV and watched all this in disbelief.

Gina said, “What’s wrong with you? ”

“I’m not much, nothing, nothing.”

“It’s weird.”

Yang Fan didn’t speak, but he was already helpless in his heart.

In fact, when the lyrics are released, someone must see it, but if the musician has a little dignity, he will try to ask the owner of the lyrics first, and then go to compose the music or something.

This is a normal development.

But if you use it directly, if the other party finds it, it will be a fryer.

Is this guy crazy about fire?

In fact, that bet, there is another layer once, Jiang Shuying is betting on the self-dignity of musicians, but for now, there is no dignity.

The musical accompaniment sounded, and Zhou Fan sang softly on the stage.

The backdrop board flows with lyrics.

Paragraph by paragraph the lyrics rolled, Boss Yang looked at the lyrics, unconsciously, with tears in the corners of his eyes.

Although she doesn’t understand music and music, she is already a little uncomfortable watching this lyric.

What did this person who wrote the lyrics go through to write such good lyrics?

Simple lyrics represent a story, and this simple story is easy to make into a movie.

In the current new era, it is normal for everyone to lack socially, fall in love, and be in a different place.

The hard work of a different place, in fact, everyone knows it themselves.

Reading the lyrics one by one, the story also deeply entered everyone’s mind.

It’s a stroke of God.

This person is 100% a scumbag.

Gina said.

“Why, sister?”

“What is not a scumbag who understands women so well, who understands feelings so much? I told you, you may also become a scumbag in the future, you have to control yourself, know whether you know or not. ”

“Ah, what happens if you don’t pay attention?”

Yes, how can this be explained?

After thinking for a while, Gina said: “If you don’t control it, when you get there, your little bug will be lost, you know no.” ”


Xiao Nuomi quickly stretched out his hand to protect it and said, “No, no, that’s my toy.” ”

Yang Fan dodged directly and said, “That’s mine, you shut up, glutinous rice.” ”

“Brother, why are you angry?”

“I didn’t, I just raised my voice.”

“Even dolls.”


Gina smiled presumptuously without heart or lungs.


ps: please support, new book beg everything, thank you all.


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