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"Hello~ Shen Yixi, Luo Hongzhen told me about your situation.

I’ve also seen videos of you practicing boxing. Now I need to discuss with you your views on human nature? ".

"Human nature? Perception?".

Park Kyung-ho couldn't figure out what the director wanted to express.

Shen Yi thought about it and said, "Human nature is divided into good and evil, and good and bad cannot be easily distinguished. But when good people do bad things, it is evil, and when bad people do good things, it is good."

Li Zhenfan didn't expect Shen Yi to give this answer.

In his mind, the best candidate for the protagonist of the movie is Motohama, and he has been actively contacting him for this purpose.

It's just that it's hard to reject a friend's recommendation directly, so I have to agree to meet him.

After meeting, I will ask some more difficult questions to answer, so that the other person can give up before they are faced with difficulties. This way, I can reject the other person without offending my friends.

It was just the answer given by Shen Yi that aroused his interest.

Li Zhenfan was going to ask the other party a few questions to see what other answers the young man could give.

"We all know that in a society governed by the rule of law, judgments are made in accordance with the law, so what should you do if you cannot be fair?",

After hearing the other party's question, Shen Yi didn't know how to answer it.

(After all, speaking out may make the author fail to pass the review. Isn’t that just like saying it in vain?)

After thinking for a moment, Shen Yi raised his head and replied.

"As the saying goes, there is no circle without rules, and there is no system without systems. When rules and systems cannot correctly determine right and wrong, then there is no need to abide by the rules and systems."

Park Jinghao looked at his brother beside him with wide eyes.

Xiaoyi felt strange to him at this time, especially the cold temperament on his body.

It seems to be conveying a message.

"Since justice cannot be served, I will be the law enforcer."

Li Zhenfan looked at Shen Yi blankly, and the other party gave him a strong sense of oppression at this time.

"Since you can't give me justice, then I will seek justice myself."

"Forgiveness is God's business, and my job is to send you to God."

Li Zhenfan carefully studied the answer given by the other party.

Finally, Shen Yi was labeled "uneasy factor" in his heart.

If you reason well with this kind of person, he will also reason with you calmly.

If you play rogue with the other person, he will definitely be more rogue than you.

But when the other person is trying to reason with you, you are acting rogue. When the other person is acting rogue, you want to reason with the person.

I don't want to solve the problem, but I want to take advantage and not suffer a loss.

Then Shen Yi will definitely deal with you first, and then say something to you who is covered in scars.

"Can you calm down and be reasonable now?".

However, this kind of character needs to be supported by strong strength, otherwise he himself will be a joke.

But it happened that Shen Yi had such strength.

So when Shen Yi interacts with others, if you are nice to me, then I will be nice to you too.

But if you slap me in the face, he will definitely remove your arms and thighs, and then teach you what mutual respect means.

Li Zhenfan's belief began to waver, mainly because Shen Yi's performance was too consistent with the image of the male protagonist.

If Motohama stars in this movie, he will need to undergo at least 3 months of action training.

This is undoubtedly a drag on the filming progress of the crew. Choosing Shen Yi first of all makes him famous, and the other party has his own fighting skills and can join the crew at any time for filming.

For this reason, Li Zhenfan had a hard time making a choice.

After all, I asked Motohama the same question back then, but the other party replied, "Justice in the world will never abandon the people, and we must pursue justice even if we are broken into pieces."

Motobin's answer was idealistic, while Shen Yi's answer was realist. If the table is turned over and no one plays, no one will eat.

The two opinions, Shen Yi is more in line with the characteristics of the character.

"Let's do this. Follow me to a place. After you go there and pass the action test, I will give you the final answer."

"Okay~ Director Li Zhenfan."

The three of them drove away and hurried to a training ground.

This is a training center that specializes in transporting actors for action movies. Most of the action movie actors in Hancheng come from here.

When the three of them appeared in the training hall, Park Kyung-ho couldn't help but praise them when he saw the action actors wrestling and beating in the hall.

At this time, Park Zhengyul, who was in charge of teaching, came over.

"Welcome to Director Li Zhenfan, why don't you say hello in advance?"

"I know you stay here every day, why do you say hello, Shen Yixi, this is Park Zhengyul and my movie

action guidance".

Park Zhengyul looked at Shen Yi and Park Kyunghao beside him.

"Hello~Shen Yixi, nice to meet you~".

"Hello~nice to meet Teacher Park Zhengyul~".

When Li Zhenfan saw the two of them saying hello, he told Park Zhengyul the reason for coming.

"Testing? Okay, you guys follow me."

The three of them followed Park Zhengyul and walked towards the training equipment on the side.

Waving away the members who were practicing, Park Zhengyul invited Shen Yi to come over for a basic assessment.

Others saw Shen Yi taking the test and gathered around him. Everyone was curious to see if the other person could pass the test.

Shen Yi quickly finished all the assessments amidst the exclamations of the people around him. He didn't expect that the assessments would be so easy.

"Wow~~Shen Yixi's physical fitness is simply great. She must exercise regularly."

"Well~ I have been learning Dragon Kingdom martial arts since I was a child. I practice every day and never stop."

Shen Yi thought that it was not illegal to brag anyway, and he could do whatever he wanted with the system he had.

Park Zhengyul nodded to Li Zhenfan and said, "There is no problem with physical fitness. Let's start actual combat training."

"Has Shen Yixi ever made an action movie? Do you have any experience in this area?".

"I just finished filming "Yellow Sea" directed by Na Hongzhen, and there are action scenes in it."

"That's it~ Then let's not start with the basic movement essentials and go straight to the competition."

Park Zhengyul sent a team member to compete with Shen Yi.

Seeing the two of them getting ready, the battle officially began with a wave of hands.


Within a second the player fell to the mat.

It seemed that the time was short, but Shen Yi's attack speed was so fast that the opponent ended the contest without even reacting.


Park Zhengyul didn't expect that his team members would be so embarrassed, and he didn't last even a second.

So he waved again and the two team members marched out together.

"Director Park, let everyone come up and let's have a group battle scene."

"Is it really going to be like this?".

Li Zhenfan and Park Zhenglu looked at Shen Yi who nodded, looked at each other and expressed understanding.

Then all the players in the stadium came forward to surround Shen Yi.


With an order, about 30 team members rushed toward Shen Yi.

[Bang, bang, bang, bang].

Various sounds of falling to the ground were heard, and 30 seconds later there were action actors lying on the field.

Although no one was injured, they were temporarily stunned by the sudden fall.

Li Zhenfan, Park Zhengyul, and Park Kyunghao looked at the calm Shen Yi in the center of the venue with their mouths open.

Park Zhengyul turned to look at Li Zhenfan and seemed to ask him, "Where did you find the master to come and destroy me, right?"

Li Zhenfan shrugged and said, "You ask me? Who am I going to ask? Who would have thought that this kid is so skilled?"

PS: The action scenes are difficult to write. I’ve written too many words. If I don’t write them, it won’t be enough for the readers.

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