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His eyes returned to Shen Yi.

After he changed his clothes and drove the car towards Nanshan Cafe.

"Huh~ I'm so nervous~ I'm going to see the bride soon. I wonder if she will be surprised when she sees me!".

Even if Shen Yi is worried about the bride, going to the coffee shop will eventually end.

Looking at the coffee shop not far away, I took a deep breath and walked over with firm steps.

Pu Xiaomin, who was staying on the second floor, received a notification from the accompanying staff, "The groom has arrived downstairs~".

"What? So fast??".

Extremely uneasy, her heart beat rapidly.

"What should I do~ Are you so nervous?".


The wind chime on the door rang, indicating that someone had entered the coffee shop.

As footsteps came from the stairs, a figure slowly appeared in everyone's eyes.

Pu Xiaomin turned around and looked over, and was so shocked that she stood up.


"Long time no see Xiaomin~".

Shen Yi greeted the other party with a smile.


At this time, Pu Xiaomin's mind suddenly shut down and she looked at Oppa Shen Yi in front of her in disbelief.

Although her teammates gave her many lists of idols, there was always one figure in her heart.

Unexpectedly, this figure actually walked in front of her today, and the impact of her dream becoming a reality still made her a little overwhelmed.

Shen Yi looked at the little girl in front of him and couldn't help but feel funny, "Don't you invite me to sit down?"

"Ahhh~ Oppa, please sit down~".

Pu Xiaomin frantically invited Shen Yi to sit down.

She peeked at the other person while he was ordering coffee but was worried about being discovered by him, showing the expression of the girl's crush vividly.

He even used the gesture of drinking water to peek at each other many times.

"If you want to see it, just look at it openly. Why are you so cautious?"

Shen Yi was made to laugh and cry by the little girl. What the other party did made him very strange.

Pu Xiaomin, who was pricked in her thoughts, immediately lowered her head in shame.

"Am I scary?".

"No~ I just didn't expect that the groom would be Oppa!".

Pu Xiaomin looked up at Shen Yi happily.

"How are you sure that I am the groom? Maybe I was hired by someone else to deceive you?"

Although Pu Xiaomin did not speak, the panic in his eyes already expressed the worry and uneasiness in his heart.

Han Guo is very popular in playing "Hidden Camera", so there is no guarantee that the show crew will really do this to her.

"Is that Oppa?"

The little girl asked him tremblingly.

Shen Yi took out a task card from his pocket and showed it to the other party.

"If you tease her when we first meet, will you get beaten later? Be careful not to make her cry, which will cause trouble."

After seeing the task card, Pu Xiaomin calmed down her worries.

"I snatched this from 2PM. I don't know if the program team will take it back."


The heartbeat that had just calmed down rose again.


Pu Xiaomin's face was ashen at this moment, and she didn't expect that the other party was really not her groom.

"It has the groom's name on it, see for yourself."

Shen Yi handed the task card in his hand to the other party and motioned for her to lift the covering note.

He nervously took the task card and looked up at Oppa Shen Yi, who was drinking coffee.

After carefully opening the note and seeing the two characters Shen Yi, Pu Xiaomin was so excited that she could no longer control her emotions.


Shen Yi almost spit out the coffee in his mouth, quickly swallowed it and looked at Pu Xiaomin who was crying loudly.

"Oops!!!!!! It's a big deal!!".

He quickly got up and talked to the program crew to comfort Pu Xiaomin, who had an emotional breakdown, until the other party temporarily left to go to the bathroom to reapply her makeup.

Shen Yi looked at the accompanying writer for help.

Now the writer wants to slap him "Is there anyone who scares the bride so much?"

The panicked Shen Yi was also truthfully recorded by the camera, and was condemned by all netizens after it was broadcast.

Unknowingly, the negative news about Park Xiaomin not being worthy of Shen Yi was covered up.

We can only say, "Blessings lie behind misfortunes, and misfortunes lie behind blessings."

Pu Xiaomin returned to her seat after finishing her makeup, and only then did Shen Yi see the little girl's outfit.

I have to say that this outfit combined with the other person's figure is simply tempting and criminal.

"Xiao Min~ I'm sorry. I wanted to tease you, but I didn't expect the joke to be too big."

"Oppa~ It was really too much just now!".

After seeing Pu Xiaomin's accusation, Shen Yi could only smile awkwardly.

Male fans of the show watch

Seeing Park Xiaomin acting coquettishly, they all shouted, "It's so cute~".

At this time, the accompanying program team was also worried that Shen Yi was causing trouble.

He quickly handed over the task card and asked the two of them to go out and get familiar with each other.

"The Nanshan Tower above has a nice view, why don't we go for a walk?"

"Hey~ listen to Oppa!!".

Pu Xiaomin returned to her appearance as a little woman and completely obeyed Shen Yi's arrangements.

After Shen Yi settled the bill, the two of them walked out of the coffee shop and walked towards the mountain.

"The high heels you are wearing are inconvenient, why don't you forget about it?"

"It's okay, I just happened to have never been to Nanshan Tower."

Seeing Pu Xiaomin's persistence, Shen Yi slowed down and walked slowly with her.

The way the two walked side by side made the program team feel that they were a perfect match.

Strange to say, Nanshan Tower, which used to be crowded with people, didn’t know what happened today.

The two of them walked for so long without seeing a single person.

Slowly arriving at the Nanshan Cableway, Shen Yi bought two tickets and the two of them reached the top of the mountain easily.

When the two appeared, the citizens who were sightseeing on the top of the mountain were shocked.

If Park Xiaomin is not well-known, then Shen Yi is a household name.

Citizens gathered around to greet the two. When they learned that the two were filming "I Knot", the young crowd screamed with excitement.

"Dafa! Dafa!".

"Shh~ remember to keep it secret and be sure to watch the live broadcast on time~~".

Shen Yi and Pu Xiaomin waved goodbye to the citizens and walked around the area.

It is now sunset, and the sun in the sky has withdrawn its heat and is no longer as blazing as it was at noon.

The two looked at the concentric locks sold by the staff. Pu Xiaomin shyly asked Oppa if they would buy one to hang on it.

"Buy one, let's keep up with the trend!".

With Park Xiaomin's joy, the two wrote blessings on the lock with a marker.

Then find a secret place to lock the two locks together tightly.

After doing all this, don’t forget to check in as a souvenir.

"Let's go~ Oppa, I have to visit several places."

Shen Yi followed Pu Xiaomin to accompany her to Nanshan Tower.

The two of them walked around until the sun went down.

In order to make up for his excessive behavior in the afternoon, Shen Yi invited the little girl to have a feast at the revolving restaurant on the tower.

"Who knows, the restaurant will turn off the lights and light candles during meals."

The two ended their romantic dinner in an ambiguous atmosphere.

The program team handed them a box with several questionnaires in it that they both needed to fill out.

The questionnaire includes the two people's preferences, the cities they want to travel to together, their wishes to be fulfilled, etc.

The most important point is what requirements do the two have for the wedding room.

Pu Xiaomin asked Shen Yi seriously for his opinion. If there were similarities, the two would look at each other sweetly.

This makes the accompanying writers extremely sweet.

After filling out the questionnaire, the two returned it to the writer, which heralded the official end of their meeting today.

Pu Xiaomin bowed to thank the staff for accompanying the recording, then waved goodbye to Shen Yi reluctantly, turned around and got into the nanny car to leave Nanshan.

Shen Yi waved goodbye to everyone and drove away.

A week later, the clip of the two meeting was broadcast on MBC.

The entire entertainment industry is in a state of shock.

Netizens rushed to the official website to leave messages.

At first, they all complained that Park Xiaomin's status was not worthy of Shen Yi.

But after Shen Yi's operation made Pu Xiaomin cry, the message gradually turned into a general condemnation of Shen Yi.

What's more, he gave Park Xiaomin a suggestion to get a "hidden camera" for the other party next time.

PS: The meeting of the newcomers in "My Knot" is also a very interesting scene.

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