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Park Mi-sun and Kim Na-young looked at the aggrieved two people and quickly comforted them.

"You guys are serious, just tell us after last week~ It's been a torturous week for us."

"Hehe~ Two sisters, the program team specifically asked not to reveal it, and we also want to tell you this news."

In this way, the indoor hosting team, which restored harmony, continued to watch the following scenes.

Watching Shen Yi take the task card and read out the content on it, then go home to wash up and change clothes.

This is also the first time Shen Yi exposed his dormitory.

"Oh~ What a clean room!!".

"By the way~ Have you two been to his dormitory?".

Jin Naying asked Im Seyong and Zheng Zhenyun curiously.

"I haven't been there, but I lived with Xiaoyi before we debuted. Xiaoyi is a very clean person, and he kept the dormitory very clean at that time."

"Ah? You still have this kind of experience!!".

When Jin Naying wanted to ask for some details, Shen Yi had already finished washing and walked out of the bathroom.


The two female hosts covered their faces and exclaimed. You must know that although Shen Yi was wearing clothes, the water droplets on his body that had not been wiped off directly soaked into the clothes and staged a wet temptation.

After waiting for a while, Shen Yi changed clothes and drove to Nanshan Cafe to look for the bride.

With the prelude of "SHE" (singer Elvis Costello), Shen Yi opened the door of the coffee shop with a task card.

The bride is informed of his arrival by the sound of wind chimes.

"Oh Mo~ Oh Mo! Let's meet~~ Let's meet."

The excited Park Mi-sun kept beating Zheng Zhenyun.

"Shen Yi Oppa!!".

"Wow~~Finally we meet!!".

The four people in the observation room cheered loudly, and the audience in front of the TV also clapped their hands in excitement.

The topic of "I Knot" that has been tossing for half a month has finally unveiled its mystery.

However, some fans are dissatisfied with Oppa Shen's appearance in "We Knot".

So many people went to the official website to leave messages asking questions.

As Shen Yi's "hidden camera" made Park Xiaomin cry, the little girl had to go to the bathroom to touch up her makeup.

Seeing that their idol had gone too far, "Guardian" began to condemn the idol's behavior again.

For this reason, I have never stopped building the official website.

When the scene came up, the two of them traveled to Nanshan, hung up locks, took photos, and had a romantic dinner together.

Mr. Shen Yi's performance saved a lot of lost points.

The two had a high-end French meal in an extremely ambiguous environment.

The tacit understanding between the two when they filled out the questionnaire later made the audience exclaim, "She is indeed the bride chosen by God. She is so in tune with her idol."

Until the end, the two reluctantly waved goodbye.

This program has finished playing.

"Wow~ I have candy every week."

"Yeah, yeah~ I'm really looking forward to next week's content."

As the content ends, the debate on the Internet continues.

Many passers-by can't stand Pu Xiaomin. After all, the popularity gap between the two is too big.

I think Shen Yi can definitely choose someone from Girls' Generation who is better than T-ara.

Or you can choose a bride from KARA.

But T-ara fans were very angry at her words.

"It is God's destiny for Xiaomin to become Oppa Shen Yi's bride. Otherwise, why wouldn't your idol be able to touch the red ball?".

And this sentence left everyone speechless.

But there are still people chasing this matter relentlessly and looking for various excuses.

"I Knot" saw that the fans of various families were arguing too much, so they personally went on stage to explain the whole process of receiving Shen Yi to participate in the show.

The program team really couldn't choose which idol to match Shen Yi, and finally decided to let all the female idols choose the candidate through auditions based on luck.

Although the explanation from the program team helped netizens regain some sense, everyone still felt that Park Xiaomin's popularity was not worthy of Shen Yi.

For this reason, Pu Xiaomin also sent text messages to Oppa Shen Yi to tell her about her grievances during this period.

I heard that the other party suffered so many cold words because of my own reasons.

Shen Yi felt that he should do something.

So, he asked the system to edit the footage of his selection and post it on the Internet.

As soon as this video was released, everyone immediately shut up.

"Oh my God~ Is it really fate? How can it be the same person three times in a row?"

"No, I'm getting goosebumps. If I hadn't seen Oppa Shen Yi write out the list of all the female idols one by one, I would have thought it was an edited video."

Just for everyone to discuss

While there were many discussions, a piece of news appeared in front of everyone.

Test results released by an authoritative organization confirmed that the content posted by Shen Yi did not have any traces of editing.

Thus "Destiny Couple" was officially born.

And this title is unanimously recognized by everyone.

However, the problem between Park Xiaomin and the show has been resolved.

Shen Yi's house is a hot mess.

Facing the eight women who gathered in the Hanjiang Apartment to investigate and accuse them, they looked like they were about to eat people.

Shen Yi immediately admitted his mistake and his attitude was very firm.

But still cannot be forgiven by Choi Ji Yoo, Park Ye Jung, Son Ye Jin, Moon Chae Won, Moon Geun Young, Hong Jung Young, Min Sun Yi, and Yoon Chan Hye.

Seeing that he could not get a satisfactory solution, Shen Yi had no choice but to use his best method and got up and started a fight with the eight girls.

In the past, even if Shen Yi defeated them, it would be a miserable victory, but now he has successfully redeemed the "Super Physique".

Physically more superhuman than superhuman.

"I haven't done anything yet? Why did you fall down?" (guess where the line is?).

Facing the reborn little man, the eight girls were beaten to the point of defeat.

"Strange, how did the little man become so powerful?".

"Yes, Xiaoyi seems to be a different person, and he still has the energy to go out and cook~".

"Sisters, the little guy definitely ate something while we were not paying attention. Let's grit our teeth and try it at night."

"Okay~ The team can't get any bigger, otherwise we will soon catch up with the seventy-two concubines of San Gong and Sixth Ward."

Just when the eight of them decided to have a fight at night, Shen Yi came in and called them out for dinner.

In order to replenish the energy consumed, Yame ate hard to replenish her strength.

But Shen Yi is no longer the same person as before.

Now he is so frighteningly strong that he can easily deal with the attacks of several women, and he can even defend and counterattack.

In the end, the eight people completely collapsed and forgave the little guy.

"I can't stand it anymore, I'm going to sleep."

"I don't care, let it be how it is with love."


When everyone saw that Xiaowen had fallen asleep, they had no objection at all.

"Just accept your fate, our men are not ordinary people."


Sighs echoed through the bedroom.

Shen Yi, who came back after washing, couldn't help but smile when he saw everyone falling asleep.

"The men of the Dragon Kingdom finally won the final victory."

After getting into bed and falling asleep, the eight girls fled here after breakfast the next day.

But I can't let the little guy catch me alone. I was alone in the past.

Now the little guy's physique is even more abnormal, and no one wants to face him alone.

"It's strange, why did he disappear in the blink of an eye?"

Shen Yi walked out of the bedroom and couldn't help scratching his head as he watched the girls disappear.

Today is the day to record "My Knot" again. Shen Yi cleaned up and drove towards the agreed place to gather.

After watching the video sent by Oppa Shen Yi.

T-ara members congratulated Xiaomin on being the chosen wife.

She was even more envious of the other party being able to play newlyweds with Shen Yi.

But they didn't have that luck. They chose each other.

PS: Come up with some new tricks. There are simply too many things that can be controlled in "My Knot".

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