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After Shen Yi saw that his little plan was successful, he couldn't help but smile.

He picked up the kettle and poured a glass of water for the other party. After seeing that Pu Xiaomin stopped coughing, he suggested going out for a walk.

"Xiaomin~ This area is very close to Hanjiang Park. Want to go over and enjoy the breeze?"

"Okay, Oppa, I just finished eating and went for a walk."

The two paid and left the snack bar, walking slowly towards Han River Park.

"Oppa's movie was very good today~".

After saying this, Pu Xiaomin lowered his head shyly, as if thinking of an unforgettable episode.

"Oh~ which clip impressed you most?".

Shen Yi suddenly leaned forward and looked directly into her eyes.


The two female hosts who were observing indoors heard another scream after watching this.

Pu Xiaomin was startled by Shen Yi's behavior, and then her heart began to beat wildly, but she was not disgusted in her heart and seemed to like this kind of intimate behavior.

"You haven't answered me yet~".

Looking at each other so closely made the atmosphere around the two extremely ambiguous.

Park Xiaomin can even see herself in Oppa's eyes.

"They all look good~".

Obviously Shen Yi was not satisfied with this answer, but he did not pursue the question too much.

"Let's go~ There's a park ahead, let's go and sit there for a while!".

After saying that, he took her hand and walked towards the park.

"Oh oh oh oh~ Let's hold hands~ Boys must take the initiative, and Shen Yixi does it very well."

Park Mi-sun kept teaching Im Se-yong and Zheng Zhen-yun how to chase girls.

The two came to the park and looked at the swings here.

So they sat on it and started hanging out. The two of them seemed to have returned to the time they played when they were children.

Shen Yi saw that it was inconvenient for Pu Xiaomin to wear high heels, so he stood up and came behind her and pushed slowly.

Pu Xiaomin screamed happily at the feeling of flying into the air.

After seeing that the intensity was about the same, Shen Yi returned to the swing and started playing with him.

Wait until the two of them are stable.

Pu Xiaomin then asked Shen Yi, "Oppa~how long do you need to go out this time?".

"About 20 days ~ will you miss me?".

Pu Xiaomin didn't reply but the look in his eyes gave him the answer.

"By the way, I have a gift for you."


Shen Yi took out a box from his pants pocket.

"Could it be!!!".

Pu Xiaomin's whole body tensed up instantly, and even the four hosts in the observation room looked nervously waiting for Shen Yi to make a move.

Until Shen Yi slowly opened the box towards Pu Xiaomin.


There is nothing in the box, just an empty box.

While Pu Xiaomin was stunned, Shen Yi raised his right hand, opened an exquisite necklace and dropped it.

"Prabhu~ You must have been deceived!".

There are three big characters hanging under this necklace, which is the Chinese name of "Pu Xiaomin".

Shen Yi told the other party the tedious details such as how to select materials, how to process and how to polish in the jewelry processing workshop.

It took several days of hard work to make this gift for her, and after saying that, she put it around Pu Xiaomin's neck.


Xiaomin stroked this gift that Oppa had carefully made, and she didn't know how to express the feeling in her heart.

With this touching blessing, Pu Xiaomin stood up directly on tiptoes and kissed Shen Yi gently on the face.

When she finished this action, they both froze in place.

"Thank you Oppa~".

Pu Xiaomin said softly.

Then I felt my face was getting hot, so I kept fanning myself to cool down.

"Your gift is not bad!!".

Hearing Shen Yi and Oppa teasing her, Pu Xiaomin stretched out her hand to slap him.

But how can Shen Yi let the other party succeed.

The two of them were hiding and chasing each other, and the small park was filled with their laughter.

However, Park Xiaomin was bound to have difficulty moving in high heels. During the chase, she looked like she would fall to the ground if her feet tilted.

Shen Yi immediately noticed something strange about the other person, and quickly came to her side and hugged her to protect her, and then they fell to the ground together.

At this time, the position of the woman on top and the man on the bottom is extremely ambiguous.

Pu Xiaomin was right next to Shen Yi's chest and could clearly hear Oppa's strong heartbeat.

For a moment, neither of them stood up but maintained their movements.

After the show aired, the sweetness of the two made all the viewers scream.

"If you don't get up, it will be dawn later."



Pu Xiaomin quickly got up from Shen Yi, but although she didn't fall to the ground just now, her ankle was still slightly sprained.

Shen Yi helped the other person sit up and began to check the injuries on his feet. He was relieved to see that no bones were injured.

"Don't wear such high shoes next time, it's too dangerous~".

"Don't move yet. I'll give you a massage, otherwise your feet will be swollen tomorrow."

After saying that, without waiting for the other party to refuse, she took off her shoes, looked at her beady little feet, and carefully placed her hands on her ankles.

A pink atmosphere appeared around the two of them again. Pu Xiaomin, who had her ankle touched by Oppa Shen Yi, felt a strange feeling emerge at this moment. She only felt that the other person's palm was extremely warm.

Under the influence of massage, the ankle that had been a bit painful gradually became very comfortable, and I even enjoyed the feeling.

"Okay~ Try taking a few steps and see if you still feel pain?".

Shen Yi put on the other person's shoes and carefully helped him up. He helped him walk a few steps and found that there was no impact, then let go. After seeing that Pu Xiaomin was indeed fine, he felt relieved.

As a member of the program team, everyone felt dizzy at this time. It must be a side effect of the two people being so sweet that they couldn't help themselves, which caused the blood sugar to rise.

"Just go back and wrap an ice cube in a towel and apply it. Don't soak in hot water, remember?"

"Yeah~ I remember~".

I originally planned to continue shopping, but I saw that the other person had difficulty moving and it was far from the parking lot.

Shen Yi tied her coat to the other party's thighs, then bent down and hugged her tightly like a princess.

"Let's go. I'll take you back first. Your injuries will be more serious as we go on."

Pu Xiaomin hugged Oppa's neck and looked at him intently.

The cameraman was very discerning and ran directly in front of the two of them to take pictures.

In the camera, Park Xiaomin is completely leaning on Shen Yi's arms.

Shen Yi exudes masculine charm, making any girl who sees this scene dream of taking Park Xiaomin's place.

The most important thing was that Shen Yi didn't feel the weight of the little girl in his arms, as if he was holding a ball of cotton very easily.

"The most famous scene of the princess hugging~".

This video was hailed by netizens as comparable to the famous scene of Kim Jong Kook covering his ears.

After traveling more than 1 kilometer, Shen Yi didn't feel any fatigue.

"Men ~ real men ~".

The two accompanying writers wanted to pounce on Shen Yi and feel each other's strong male aura.

However, the two of them also knew that they could only hide their thoughts in their hearts.

"Be careful when you get off the bus, you know? If it doesn't work, just ask the members to come down and pick you up. Don't show off."

Under Shen Yi's repeated instructions, Pu Xiaomin got into the nanny car and left here.

After seeing the other party off, Shen Yi stopped a taxi and went home.

Tomorrow morning we will start a nationwide road show with the production company.

"I wonder if the content of tonight's video is enough to be played later?"

PS: The author of this plot feels that the progress of the two people is fast enough. Of course, there are no cameras, and Park Xiaomin will definitely not be able to escape tonight.

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