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Just when Shen Yi and Dawen were talking and respectfully seeing their seniors off.

"Please wait a moment~Shen Yixi, Wen Caiyuanxi".

"The meeting has just ended and we haven't eaten dinner yet. Let's have a meal together~".

Han Xiaozhu invited Shen Yi and Dawen to have dinner together.

"Okay! It just so happens that we are also going to have dinner, so it will be more lively together."

The two agreed to each other's invitation, and the three-person nanny car left SBS TV station and drove away.

Han Xiaozhu led the way, and the other two followed each other to a barbecue restaurant.

"Sure enough, the place where people in Hancheng gather most for dinner is the barbecue restaurant."

The group of people got off the car and walked into the hotel. The three of them entered the box to avoid the attention of others, while the accompanying agent and assistant sat at a table of their own outside.

It may seem obvious, but please don’t underestimate the network of connections between agents. Sometimes the work of your own artist may be recommended by other agents.

Therefore, except for those who need to drive and do not drink, the agents outside have long been close to each other.

In the box.

Han Xiaozhu looked at Shen Yi and Wen Caiyuan and said with a smile.

"This is the second time you two have collaborated!".

"Yeah~ I didn't expect that I would still be on the SBS crew."

Shen Yi asked the two women if they drank, and after obtaining their consent, poured the two women a drink.

"What's wrong? Aren't you happy working with me?"

Dawen took the wine glass and looked at Shen Yi, waiting for the other party's reply.

"How is it possible~ Not to mention how happy I am, I am lucky to be able to continue to cooperate with Wen Dabei."

"That's pretty much it~".

Wen Caiyuan let the other party go after getting a satisfactory answer.

"Wow~ I envy the relationship between you. You get along like a family."

Han Xiaozhu's words almost made the two of them choke. A little guilty, they raised their glasses and touched each other again before taking up the topic.

As the barbecue came, Shen Yi picked up the tongs and grilled the meat for the two women.

Han Xiaozhu also wanted to take over the barbecue and do it herself, but she didn't dare to bother Shen Yi for help. After all, they had only met twice.

However, Da Wen still stopped him and said, "Let Xiao Yi roast it~ The beef he roasts is particularly delicious, you will know later."

Seeing Da Wen say this, Han Xiaozhu could only watch Shen Yi roasting beef while she talked with Da Wen.

Soon, Shen Yi placed the roasted beef in front of the two women and waited for them to taste it.

He continued to bake the remaining ingredients.

Han Xiaozhu was amazed after tasting the beef. It was the best beef she had ever tasted. The meat was juicy, fragrant and tender, leaving a fragrant aftertaste in her mouth.

At this moment, Han Xiaozhu was even more curious about Shen Yi.

"What kind of man is this?".

After the three of them finished eating the barbecue, they went home separately.

The next day, Shen Yi came to the shooting location early to receive makeup preparations.

This is also Shen Yi's first scene, telling the first appearance of the male protagonist and the female protagonist who have just gotten off the plane.

At this time, Han Xiaozhu and Wen Caiyuan also came to the dressing room and sat next to Shen Yi to receive makeup.

The three of them got ready and came outside the venue.

Director Chen He explained the scene to Han Xiaozhu, Shen Yi, and they would have a driving scene later. Fortunately, both of them had driver's licenses and could perform in person without the director arranging a tow truck.

"Everyone is here~ Get ready to shoot immediately."

"The first scene, the first shot, the beginning of "Brilliant Legacy"."

Shen Yi walked out of the airport in casual clothes, and standing at the exit was Wen Caiyuan who came to pick her up. At this time, Da Wen didn't know that her sister happened to be on the same flight today.

However, the two people who missed it left the airport one after another.

And Shen Yi's arrogant aura made Da Wen next to him cautious, fearing that his words would offend him and make him hate her, thus dashing his dream of marrying into a wealthy family.

"OK~click, perfect~passed!!".

"Ah~ Shen Yi is not the illegitimate son of some chaebol family, right? This aura is more shocking than the third and fourth generations of chaebols I have ever seen."

Director Chen He looked at the playback on the monitor and marveled.

"What's going on with your temperament? Why can't you teach me something?"

Wen Caiyuan looked at the little man in confusion, wondering why the other man was progressing so fast.

When filming "The Painter of the Wind" before, Shen Yi's kingly aura was enough to oppress everyone, but just a look made him shut up obediently, and he did not dare to have any thoughts of resistance.

"I want to know~ I'll let you know if you work out with me tonight~~".

Wen Caiyuan listens

A blush appeared on the face after seeing the little villain's conditions.

"Really, why do you dare to say anything nonsense? What if someone hears you?"

Shen Yi looked at Dawen whose face turned red and was laughing to death in his heart.

Everyone returned to the monitor and took a look at the replay screen, and Shen Yi returned to the chair to rest.

Seeing that there is not enough space for the parasol, I took the initiative to lift the chair and sit under the sun to collect energy.

And his actions moved Han Xiaozhu and Dawen deeply.

The other female employees on the crew were warmed by Shen Yi's behavior.

However, in the face of everyone's misunderstanding, Shen Yi just smiled without any explanation.

After waiting for a while, the crew came over to inform them that the road had been closed.

Only then did a few people get up and prepare to shoot. The next set of shots showed the male protagonist throwing away coffee cups.

There would be a risk of a car crash on a normal road, so the crew deliberately found a place with little traffic for a short closure.

Of course, these are all applications that have been made to local government departments through formal procedures.

This shooting was somewhat difficult to grasp, mainly because Shen Yi threw it very accurately, but the scene of the coffee cup hitting Han Xiaozhu's car was not ideal.

Director Shen Yi was still dissatisfied after losing 10 cups of coffee in a row.

In the end, the director decided to find a car to follow the front left side of the heroine's car, and the crew smashed it to see the effect.


The coffee in the cup landed perfectly on the windshield of the car, blocking the scene, which also startled Han Xiaozhu, who was driving. In panic, he suddenly braked and almost hit the guardrail on the roadside.

This shot fit exactly what the director had in mind.

"OK, pass~".

Shen Yi looked at the car that almost caused a car accident, and quickly followed the staff up to comfort the frightened Han Xiaozhu.

Seeing that Han Xiaozhu was about to explode, Shen Yi quickly reminded the director to continue filming.

"I xxxxx and you xxxxxx, do you know how to drive xxxx?

Han Xiaozhu breathed out her fragrance to the car as it drove away, venting her fright.

"OK ~ It's great. Although the sound cannot be played, Han Xiaozhu's expression is simply perfect."

"How can it not be perfect? ​​I didn't expect that Han Xiaozhu, who appears to be a sweet girl, is also very angry when she scolds people."

"Yes, they are completely different."

Shen Yi and Wen Caiyuan stood together and whispered.

After venting her anger, Han Xiaozhu calmed down her breathing and returned to the rest area of ​​the crew.

The three of them looked at the picture on the monitor. Shen Yi and Dawen kept their mouths tightly shut for fear of making any sound.

Han Xiaozhu couldn't help but have mixed emotions as she looked at her crazy self on the monitor.

"Director, can this video not be broadcast? It would be too damaging to my image."

"Laughing beads~ How can you care about your personal image as an actor? You have to release your nature for the plot, right~ A dirty-talking girl!!"

After Shen Yi teased the other person, he fled the place, and behind him was Han Xiaozhu with murderous intent on his face.

The other personnel stood and laughed as they watched the two chasing each other.

PS; I have finished modifying the previous content, now waiting for the results.

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