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In the afternoon of the next day, everyone packed their luggage and headed for the airport.

After checking in their luggage, the group entered the waiting hall to wait for boarding.

It's just that today, apart from taking care of the members, Min Xianyi became taciturn and didn't even say a word to Shen Yi.

If she hadn't often peeked at herself through her sunglasses, Shen Yi would have been easily deceived.

"Why is this bad guy so ordinary? Shouldn't he take the initiative to apologize to me and ask for my reasons? What does yesterday's behavior mean? Is it just a romantic relationship?"

Facing the cold Min Xianyi, Shen Yi couldn't help but regret her impulse last night.

"Why did my concentration become so bad? How about cultivating one's moral character?"

In this strange atmosphere, a group of people got on the plane back home.

I don't know if it was a coincidence, but Shen Yi and Min Xianyi happened to be sitting together.

The two of them sat on the chairs and neither of them spoke.

Min Xianyi even leaned on her chair and closed her eyes to rest before the plane took off. Yesterday's experience had consumed her body too much, and she even ate more lunch than usual today.

But it still cannot make up for the energy consumed.

Amid the excitement of the two maknae, the plane took off and flew towards the other side of the ocean.

After a while, everyone who was extremely excited fell asleep one after another.

Min Xianyi, who wanted to rest instead, couldn't sleep when she thought about the bad guy who bullied her, right next to her.

But she couldn't help but want to secretly observe what the bad guy was doing, which also made her restless and unable to sleep.

Just when Min Xianyi was restless, a warm big hand took her right hand.

Feeling the warmth of the other person's palm, Min Xianyi's irritable heart calmed down instantly.

Turning to look at Shen Yi, he saw him whispering "I'm sorry~".

Min Xianyi gave the other party a roll of her eyes and then closed her eyes and ignored the other party, without indicating whether she forgave him or not.

But she didn't let go of their clasped hands.

After calming down, Min Xianyi finally fell asleep.

Shen Yi looked at the beauty in front of him with a smile.

Normally I don't pay much attention to this sister, but today Shen Yi discovered why fans gave her the nickname "Little Fox".

The clasped hands of the two were illuminated by the sun, which not only made it easy for Shen Yi to collect the sun's essence, but also gave Min Xianyi a strong sense of security.

The plane landed smoothly at Incheon Airport after more than 10 hours, and everyone who had slept all the way began to stretch out their tight bodies, while Min Xianyi, who had relaxed her heart, returned to her original appearance.

But under the cover of a certain piece of clothing, their hands still didn't let go.

After the plane stopped smoothly, the two of them released their hands, got up, picked up their luggage, and followed the team off the plane.

After getting their luggage, the group walked towards the airport exit.

After a while, a flash of light appeared in front of everyone. It turned out that the reporter stationed at the airport spotted Park Kyung-ho. It is not an exaggeration to know that this person is JYP's second-in-command.

Unexpectedly, he showed up at Incheon Airport in the middle of the night. Quick-thinking reporters thought of the possibility "JYP and the others are back in China!!!".

At this time, a large number of reporters gathered outside to take pictures. After Shen Yi found out, he immediately protected Min Xianyi and other Wonder Girls members behind him.

And it was precisely this unconscious action that made Min Xianyi feel sweet in her heart. That girl did not have a child, and did not expect her boyfriend to be her prince charming and guardian knight.

And Shen Yi's behavior just now was exactly in line with the standard. What's more, the two of them have already had a substantial relationship, and he should be protected by the other party.

"Children, please clean up your appearance quickly and don't let reporters take ugly photos of you."

With Park Kyung-ho and others covering their faces, the five Wonder Girls finally straightened up their appearance and faced the reporters' cameras calmly.

Park Zhenying simply expressed his thoughts on this trip to the United States, and then got into the car and returned to Hancheng under the escort of airport personnel.

"Brother Jinghao~Long time no see, how are you doing lately?".

“I’m very nice~ but I haven’t congratulated you on your successful completion of your trip to the beautiful country~.

By the way~ the ratings of "Brilliant Legacy" have reached 30%, and it is very likely to hit the highest score in history! ".

Shen Yi looked at the other party in surprise, "The ratings are so high? Why didn't you notify me? I thought the TV series had poor ratings?"

"Didn't the crew notify you? I thought the crew would call you?"

"What? I've been doing it for a long time and I don't know how to stop it.

Pickup rate? ".

Park Kyung-ho also didn't expect that the crew and the company would cause such an own incident.

When the car returned to the apartment downstairs, Park Kyung-ho told him that the audition for the "Please Miss" actor was about to start and he should prepare in advance.

"I know~ I'll review the plot carefully these two days."

After watching Shen Yi dragging his suitcase into the apartment, Park Jinghao drove away.

"Little bad guy~ I'm at the dormitory, go to bed early~ Good night."

"Well, sister Xianyi also goes to bed early, good night."

Take the elevator to the door and enter the password to enter the house.

"After three months away from home, I'm finally back."

Shen Yi dropped his suitcase and walked into the house to find his pajamas. He went into the bathroom to wash off the dust on his body and got into bed to sleep.

The outside world has already reported the news of JYP’s team returning to China.

But at the moment the heroes are sleeping.

After a good sleep, Shen Yi opened his eyes, stretched, got up, and walked into the bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth.

When he came to the restaurant and opened the refrigerator, he found that there was no food in it. He picked up the phone and ordered a takeaway, then sat on the sofa and sent text messages to several beauties to inform them of his return to China.

The first person to reply to the message was Hong Zhenying.

"Hehe, I've known it for a long time~ International star, you are busy with your schedule now~ I will call you and come to my house to meet you when I have a break (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭❤~".

Then I received text messages from Park Ye-jung, Da-wen, Xiao-wen, and sister Sun Xian.

Unexpectedly, while she was abroad, Sister Sun Xian once again won the Qinglong Best Actress Trophy, winning two Best Actress trophies in a row with "My Wife Got Married".

I have to admire this sister's luck in winning the prize.

Park Ye-jung is recording "The Birth of a Family" outside, and Dae-moon is recording a radio program outside.

Xiaowen replied, "I am about to take the college entrance examination ~ I don't have time to go out now. I will come to him when the college entrance examination is over, why not".

At this moment, only Sister Choi Ji Yoo has no news.

"Are you filming an advertisement? Forget it, let's not disturb her yet."

Just when Shen Yi was thinking, the doorbell rang outside. After opening the door, taking the takeaway and paying for the meal, Shen Yi was about to taste it when the password sound suddenly rang outside the door.

【Didi Didi】.

Shen Yi watched helplessly as the door was opened.

The fried noodles with chopsticks were still in the air without being bitten, when a fully armed woman walked into the room carrying a bunch of things.

"Sister Jiyou? Aren't you busy at work?"

"Wait~ How do you know my password?".

Shen Yi looked at the other party in surprise and asked her.

Cui Zhiyou looked at the little man in front of him and couldn't help but roll his eyes at him.

"Other women know it, why can't I know it?"

Shen Yi looked at Cui Zhiyou with a horrified look.

"You...what are you...saying?".

What responded to him was the eyes of the man with the two swords.

PS: Finally returned to China. . . . The beautiful country chapter can be written in more detail, ε=(´ο`*))) Oh

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