"I feel sorry for the audience at the concert. Judging from the quality of the new songs released tonight, they can't sing any of them!"

"What's more terrifying is..."

"If Xu Qing sings "Mountain and River Map" in the next concert, everyone will have no chance!"

"I can't learn it. I can't learn it at all!"

"Don't tell me, don't tell me, I can already imagine that scene!"

"Xu Qing stood on the stage of the concert. When the accompaniment of "Mountain and River Map" sounded, he probably pointed the microphone at the fans below..."

"As a result, the whole audience was silent, and no one could speak..."

"Xu Qing even pretended not to know and asked in a fake manner, 'Why don't you sing? Don't you like this song?'"

"Believe me, Xu Qing can really do this kind of thing!"

"Woo, woo, why would your body at 37 degrees say such cold and desperate words?"


With the crazy analysis of netizens, they have completely come to the conclusion!

If Xu Qing holds the next concert, he won't even need to come up with any new songs.

With the quality of the Kyoto concert tonight, few people can learn it!

Originally, they were upset because they didn't buy tickets for Xu Qing's concert at the Bird's Nest, but now they feel better...

On the contrary, the audience at Xu Qing's concert were all confused!

At this moment, when Xu Qing and Deng Ziqi finished singing, they gradually remembered!

Damn... didn't they come to the Bird's Nest concert to sing for Xu Qing?

By the way, before entering the concert just now, they specially spent ninety-nine to buy the lyrics book of all Xu Qing's songs!

As a result...

Now none of them are used! ! !

Xu Qing is too outrageous!

In particular, no one expected that the Kyoto concert would be so much more outrageous than the Jincheng one!

After all, everyone still has a little hope of singing the song at the Jincheng concert.

Although it is a new song, everyone can practice it!

Diligence can make up for lack of talent!

But what about the Kyoto concert? My goodness... I can't practice even if I want to!

A song [I can never learn...] even echoed endlessly in their minds

At the concert venue, everyone has gradually recovered from the surprise given by the new singer Deng Ziqi.

They even looked at Deng Ziqi on the stage with a bit of resentment!

There is no way, who let you sing at Xu Qing's concert? !

Why? !

"It's uncomfortable... Ma Fei..."

"Xu Qing has completely blocked our singing career!"

"What can we do? Will you not grab tickets for Xu Qing's next concert?"

"That's right, as a fan of Xu Qing, what else can we do? Of course, we can only choose to forgive him!"

"By the way, if you buy tickets for the next Xu Qing concert, will you bring the lyrics book?"


Faced with the soul-searching question of one of the audience, the people around him became a little quiet.

Bring... or not... this is a question!

It is highly likely that it will be useless if you bring it, and it will not affect them if you don't!

Especially, for these songs tonight, even if Xu Qing personally goes down the stage and hands the microphone to their mouths, they will not say a word when they sing!

"Bring it, it's useless!"

"I declare that Xu Qing's lyrics are useless!"

"But if we really don't bring Xu Qing, will he deliberately provoke us?!"


As one of them spoke, everyone was silent for a long time. This possibility cannot be said to be non-existent, it can only be said to be extremely high!

Even Xu Qing's smug and irrepressible mouth corners have automatically appeared in my mind!

Xu Qing: Don't you like singing? I'll give you a chance tonight!

Xu Qing: Next, let's sing "Moonlight"!

Audience at the scene:...

Xu Qing: Huh? Why don't you have any reaction? Don't you like the song "Moonlight"?

Xu Qing: In that case, let's sing the song "Mountain and River Map"!

Audience: ...

Xu Qing: You don't like it again? ! I can't do anything with you!

Xu Qing: Oh, I remember, did you forget to bring the lyrics book? It doesn't matter, I will project the lyrics of "Mountain and River Map" directly on the big screen behind me!

Audience: ...

Xu Qing: This won't work? The fans of this generation are too hard to please!

Just thinking about that scene in my mind, everyone can't help but get angry!

Why does Xu Qing always make things difficult for us innocent fans? !

Can't you just let everyone sing two songs? !

At this moment, everyone is getting more and more depressed!

After all, after the Kyoto concert, according to gossip, Xu Qing's next concert will beIt should be half a month later.

That is, a full fifteen days.

Logically speaking, although Xu Qing has written new songs for the Jincheng and Kyoto concerts, he should not write any more for the next concert, right?

After all, anyone with a discerning eye can see that the reason why he wrote new songs for the Kyoto concert is because everyone has enough time to practice the songs for the Jincheng concert for a month!

After hearing the news, Xu Qing gritted his teeth and made up his mind to write more than 20 extremely difficult songs in one go!

So everyone didn't even have the chance to practice the songs!

So, as long as everyone can't practice the songs, there will be no new songs in the next concert, right? !

Alas... everyone couldn't help but sigh.

They knew Xu Qing's conspiracy, but they just couldn't do anything about it!

This feeling of powerlessness is even worse than the wedding night!

Just as everyone was complaining in the audience, Xu Qing on the stage spoke with a faint smile.



"I will continue to sing a song with Deng Ziqi!"

"A song called "Light Years Away"!"

"For everyone!"

"I hope you like it!"


Xu Qing's voice instantly brought everyone back to the concert.

"What? Xu Qing is actually singing a duet?"

"He wrote a song for two songs?"

"Is this still Xu Qing?!"

"Will this song "Light Years Away" be another difficult song?"

"Be more confident, and remove the three words "Will not!"

"Guess how many lyrics Deng Ziqi can have this time?"

"Something's wrong, something's wrong, it's strange that Xu Qing has a guest singer at his concert, and now they're singing a second song together?"


Under the stage of the concert, professional music critic Liang Yuan frowned slightly.

He had a hunch that Xu Qing's song "Light Years Away" might be very different from the previous song "Mountain and River Map"!

But he couldn't tell how it would be different.

But... Is Xu Qing really not tired? !

He has already sung more than a dozen songs!

Even a strong voice can't stand it!

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