In a room behind the Kyoto Bird's Nest venue.

Xu Qing is being interviewed by a group of media reporters.

The room in front of him is full of people, all of them are reporters from various media.

At this moment, they are taking out their cameras and taking pictures of Xu Qing in front of them.

Xu Qing felt that his eyes were almost blinded by the flash. Could these reporters be from the rival company to harm him?

If I had known earlier, I should have asked my assistant to prepare sunglasses or something.

Sure enough... he still refused to do this kind of activity from the bottom of his heart...

Xu Qing forced himself to cheer up in his heart. All this is for Jiaxing and for Mimi!

Looking at the camera that kept flashing in front of him, Xu Qing remembered an interesting thing.

As we all know, Kimchi has strict training for artists to debut...

However, few people know that they actually have a special training to face the flash!

The profession of a star means that there is no privacy exposed to the public.

Therefore, any detail will be infinitely magnified.

So for this reason, the Korean country even specially set up some rooms full of flashlights!

Then let all these newcomers go in and try...

In a room full of flashlights, force yourself to hold on and control your expression management...

It can be said that when Xu Qing knew about it, he had to be shocked!

It really deserves to be the Korean country, and the fucking ones are really perverted!

This is in line with Xu Qing's impression of this small country.

From head to toe, it reveals a sense of pettiness, so it has to do some strange things.

In the room, Xu Qing endured the discomfort and finally waited until the flashlights ended.

At this moment, the reporters who had already drawn lots to arrange the order could not wait to start asking questions.

"Mr. Xu Qing..."

"Excuse me, what do you think about some of the current online statements..."

"That is, they think that the new songs you sang at the concert were not written by yourself, but bought?"


These reporters really dared to ask, and they made such explosive remarks right at the beginning.

Xu Qing finally understood why every star in the past Earth world hated paparazzi so much!

Even Jay Chou wrote a song to diss paparazzi!

There was another interesting thing. Naying attended an event, but all the reporters asked about Wang Fei!

This made Naying angry!

She just turned around and left!

You guys want to know Wang Fei's love affairs so much, why did you come to interview me?

So... no matter which world they are in, these reporters are really outrageous.

But, let's talk about it again.

They are also trying to attract attention, just like the UC shock department. If they don't choose some outrageous titles, who would click in to read in this era of diverse traffic? !

After listening to the reporter's questions, Xu Qing's expression did not change much.

Such questions were not surprising to him.

After all, before this, even the Jincheng concert had not started.

Every now and then, there will be articles online saying that Xu Qing didn't write his own songs, and that all his songs were bought from the underground. Oh, yes, I have channels!

Even more outrageous are some articles that prove Xu Qing lip-synced, and then a long section of music theory analysis is posted. After a while of output, the final conclusion is that Xu Qing can't sing like this, otherwise he is not human!

Often at the end of these articles, there is also a contact number for a private music teacher...

Xu Qing has naturally gotten used to these things.

Of course, Jiaxing Entertainment Culture will definitely take action against their slander and defamation.

But as a star and public figure, there are too many people who are trying to get traffic.

It's impossible to sue them all!

Even if you sue one, you can't get much money, and it will waste a lot of time...

That's why Xu Qing's tolerance for these things has long been much higher!

Buy songs from other people? Lip-syncing? !

To be honest, if he were a passerby, he would even doubt it!

After all... Which singer in Longguo can be like him?

Writing more than 20 new songs in a week?

Then the Kyoto concert was full of new songs that were outrageous?

And they also dominated the Dragon Country New Songs Chart?

Such a resume is indeed a bit too shocking, and it’s not their fault!

Xu Qing glanced at the audience. Except for the reporter who asked the question, the other reporters also looked very serious, and their eyes revealed visible desire!

Obviously, although it was not their turn to ask questions, everyone was very excited about the first reporter asking such a heavy question!

They all wanted to knowHow would Xu Qing answer?

This is definitely a hot topic!

Xu Qing smiled, and then spoke calmly.

"Are you asking me what I think?"

"I watch it on my phone while lying on the bed!"


All the reporters were stunned after hearing Xu Qing's answer!

? ? ? ?

Xu Qing, you are just making fun of me, right?

These reporters never expected that Xu Qing would answer in this way.

They thought Xu Qing would be angry, after all, many celebrities would be upset when facing such offensive questions.

After all, celebrities are also human beings, and everyone has a temper.

What's more, Xu Qing is currently the top star in Longguo?

It would be strange if he didn't have a temper!

But... Xu Qing didn't show any anger on his face when facing this topic, but instead took the initiative to make a joke?

Watching it on your phone while lying on the bed?

Don't say, there's nothing wrong with his answer!

After all, it was the reporter who asked, "Mr. Xu Qing, what do you think?"

Then Xu Qing answered, I was lying on the bed and watching it on my phone, is there anything wrong with that?

Nothing wrong with that!

The reporters in the audience looked helpless, Xu Qing actually took advantage of their word game.

They couldn't report back with such an answer.

Seeing the embarrassed look on the reporter's face, but not daring to ask further questions, Xu Qing continued to smile.

"I was just joking with you."

"As for the issue of buying songs you mentioned just now..."

"Well, I'll answer it together with the topic that some people said I lip-synced, so you don't have to ask again later."

As Xu Qing spoke, his eyes and gaze swept across the faces of the reporters in the audience one by one, and everyone was looking forward to

how Xu Qing would react to these public opinions.

Finally, Xu Qing spoke.

"My answer... is very simple."

"If you think I bought the songs or lip-synced, you can show me the evidence."

"Not only will I not be angry, I will also give 100 million as a thank you!"


Xu Qing's answer was very serious and justified.

Are you kidding, buying songs?

Do I need to do this? !

In the previous life on Earth, there were so many classic and excellent songs that I couldn't copy them all by myself. Do I still need to buy songs?

Do you look down on me, or do you look down on those awesome singers on Earth?

Just a song by Jay Chou, Jay Chou, Xu Qing can make a living for a lifetime!

Of course, Xu Qing was talking about the works before "The Greatest Work".

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