The news about Xu Qing's night meeting with female artist Li Yitong was still the number one hot search on Weibo until the next day.

Before Xu Qing got up in the morning,

Yang Mi had already called him!

Xu Qing heard Yang Mi's angry and anxious tone on the other end of the phone!

"What did you do last night?"

"Why didn't you tell me in advance?"

"It's not that I can't accept it, but you have to be careful!"


To be honest, Xu Qing was confused.

What did he do?

After recording the song yesterday, he went to Li Yitong to discuss the script.

Because we talked for a long time, the phone ran out of battery, and he chose to go to bed when he got home.

He didn't know what happened at all!

Yang Mi suppressed her anger and patiently told Xu Qing about the hot searches on Weibo from last night to this morning...

"Of course, Sister Mi, I still believe you."

Yang Mi gritted her teeth and said this, but she had been comparing herself with that woman Li Yitong all morning!

Isn't she just a little younger than herself? Her legs are a little whiter? !

But what about the bear? Is it as big as mine? I can take on two of hers, not three!

Xu Qing, do you have eyes?

Even if you really like her, can't you make an appointment at home?

If it really doesn't work, you can come to Sister Mi's house!

Now, the whole Longguo knows that you, Xu Qing, are meeting female stars at night!

Especially, they exaggerated and said that Xu Qing threatened the other party...

Yang Mi still believed this from the bottom of her heart. Xu Qing never threatened the other party.

After all, there are too many people who want to discuss the lyrics of the Night Light script with Xu Qing!

Does he need to threaten the other party? Even I was very proactive... ahem!

It's just that this matter is really too big now!

Behind the commotion, even a fool knows that there must be a person behind the scenes.

According to what Yang Mi knows, the official side is also very concerned about this matter.

I have been waiting for Xu Qing's explanation.

On the other end of the phone, Xu Qing nodded, and roughly understood the cause and effect of the matter.

But Xu Qing did not make any excuses...

He even had time to joke with Yang Mi.

This made Yang Mi so angry that she hung up the phone directly!

It's already this time, and you are still asking me if my singing is too loud!

Didn't we make it clear that night? !

When Xu Qing sang alone, his voice was too loud, and it was a bit unbearable!


At 8:45 in the morning, when Xu Qing just arrived at the door of Jiaxing Entertainment Culture.

Suddenly, countless reporters and media had swarmed around!

There were even official reporters who had not left.

Under the siege of these reporters, Xu Qing did not have any special expression changes.

His face was still very calm.

His assistant Wang Yuan scolded these unscrupulous media and said that Xu Qing would never do such a thing!

Of course, Wang Yuan was still polite to the official reporters.

And said that Xu Qing would be interviewed by the official reporters alone later!

Yang Mi, who was in the office upstairs, naturally knew everything that happened downstairs.

But now she had no way to stop it.

At this time, the more you do something, the more mistakes will appear!

In particular, she is a little too anxious and worried about Xu Qing now.

It is easy to make a wrong decision.

Therefore, Yang Mi has been restraining herself and keeping calm.

At the moment, she can only choose to believe Xu Qing!

As Xu Qing and the official reporters walked into Jiaxing Entertainment Culture Company together, everyone else was stopped.

It was just that the headlines about Xu Qing on Weibo were quickly updated!

#The official personally came forward to investigate whether Xu Qing was a bad artist! #

Even the video of the scene was released.

[“Why does Xu Qing look so calm? Has he given up?”]

[“So Xu Qing likes Li Yitong? If you had said so earlier, I would have gone for plastic surgery!”]

[“Woo, woo, woo, I believe Xu Qing. He said he would accompany us until we grow old!”]

[“Xu Qing, you must hold on. At worst, we won’t scold you at the concert!”]

[“Xu Qing, woo, woo, how can we live without you!”]


The incident about Xu Qing meeting the star Li Yitong and threatening her to spend a night with him has gradually fermented to the peak!

Everyone is waiting for the official result.

After all, with the official fairness and justice, there is almost zero tolerance for bad artists.

What will be the result of Xu Qing’s incident?

At this moment, countless netizens in Longguo are waitingWaiting for the news to be announced!

However, most people are still quite pessimistic about this matter.

Because if Xu Qing is innocent, then why did the female star Li Yitong, who is the party involved in this matter, not say anything? !

Isn't this a default? !

Because they can't afford to offend Xu Qing, they simply keep silent!

This makes some people on the Internet believe that Xu Qing has a problem!

But what is the truth?

Li Yitong knew the news almost at the same time as Xu Qing,

What's more terrible is that she called Xu Qing as soon as possible,

but it showed that his phone was on the phone,

When she called again,

Xu Qing's phone was turned off,

At that time, he was interviewed by an official reporter!

Li Yitong saw that the spread of this matter on the Internet was getting more and more outrageous, and soon thought of using her own account to issue a clarification.

But after skillfully opening the phone, she found that the account password was wrong,

She tried several times in a row but failed to log in successfully!

Her Weibo account had long been controlled and modified by the company!

At this moment, Li Yitong understood something, but now she seemed to be unable to do anything!

Even when she took the initiative to contact some media to speak out, no one was willing to pay attention to her!

After all, what Li Yitong said was really not explosive at all!

Compared with her, these media are more concerned about what netizens want to see now!

The moment Xu Qing fell from the altar, the traffic must have exploded!

As long as they can get this wave of traffic, as for what happens next?

They don't care!

There was no way, and in desperation, Li Yitong finally found an old classmate in a news newspaper through interpersonal relationships.

But the arrangement of the interview and clarification can only be scheduled in the afternoon, and at this moment, it has been two hours since Xu Qing accepted an interview with an official reporter alone!

At this moment, Li Yitong realized the horror of having her speech controlled!

Li Yitong also called Wang Dong of her company, but as expected, it was hung up in an instant!

At this moment, Wang Dong of Tianyu Culture couldn't help but open the champagne!

Xu Qing explained to the official reporter? What a fart!

What can he explain?

He said that he was just discussing the script with Li Yitong that night?

But what the hell is the script!

As long as I don't admit it, can you show it to me?

Mr. Wang knows very well that Xu Qing is speechless at the moment!

If this happened at ordinary times, it could be suppressed with a high probability through the operation of public relations.

But what a coincidence, it happened just when Xu Qing was in contact with the official side for cooperation...

Isn't this a slap in the face of the official?

Then can the official let you, Xu Qing, have an easy time?

They can promote you, but they can also ban you directly!

Although this incident will not make Xu Qing disappear directly from the singer world.

But it is also a fatal blow to him and the Jiaxing entertainment culture behind him.

If Xu Qing cannot stand in front of the stage, who will support Jiaxing Entertainment if they invest and are optimistic about it?

Mr. Wang knows these fence-sitters very well!

As for Li Yitong? As long as this matter develops as it is now.

Wait until she reacts and stands up to explain? Everything is too late!

Just like those paparazzi reporters, most netizens never want the truth.

It's just the 'truth' they want to see!

Mr. Wang had already contacted many singers last night, and as soon as the official interview was over, he immediately stood up and attacked Xu Qing!

By then, he will have no way to defend himself, and he will not be able to clear himself!

In a word, Xu Qing... is finished!

No one can save him!

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