Xu Qing's singing directly pushed the atmosphere of the concert to a high point!

Although this section actually only has six short lyrics,

But under Xu Qing's singing, it almost reached an extremely perfect level!

The last word of each sentence is the essence of this song!

Every section of the singing constantly refreshes the higher range!

At this moment, the audience at the Kyoto Bird's Nest concert

was directly stunned by Xu Qing's passionate high-pitched singing...

Is Xu Qing's high pitch so high?

And... continuous high pitch...

The effect of each section is better than the previous one!

This is simply... the sound of nature!!!

At this moment, they only felt a tingling feeling on their scalps,

and goose bumps all over their bodies appeared uncontrollably again.

This extraordinary high pitch...

The power that goes straight to the heart and shocks the soul!

Xu Qing can actually write such a song? !

The key is...

He not only wrote it, but also sang it!

Is Xu Qing a human? !

Could he be a natural high-pitched saint?

That throat...

Isn't there any discomfort?

It's really too exaggerated!

In the eyes of the audience, Xu Qing is worshipped at this moment!

And the professional singers present know even more clearly...

How difficult is Xu Qing's song "Stars"!

To sing this song well, you must have sufficient physical conditions.

If the high-pitched part doesn't make your soul fly...

Then you can't sing this song at all!

This condition alone can stop 99% of singers!

What's more,...

Xu Qing...

actually chose to sing this kind of song at the concert? !

Moreover, this is only the second concert of the Bird's Nest!

Although Xu Qing's performance is almost perfect, textbook-level performance!

But the high pitch will still cause great damage to the throat!

If you sing a single song, of course there is no problem!

But it's a concert now, Xu Qing actually chose to sing such a high-pitched song at the concert? !

What on earth was he thinking?

Will the next concert be held? !

At this moment, these professional singers were all confused.

After all, for such a song, they might not be able to sing it well even if they tried their best.

But Xu Qing actually sang it directly.

It's like playing Landlord, Xu Qing played four second-generation kings at the beginning!

Will you play next? !

Liang Yuan, a professional music critic, said...

The song "Stars", the six lyrics just now, actually used six sets of mixed voices? !

It's incredible!

Mixing refers to a technique of combining real voice and false voice.

Generally speaking, when singers sing,

most singers will choose to sing in false voice, which is easier to play and less exhausting for the throat.

If you sing with your real voice, the intensity will be too high, and it is a very reckless behavior...

So Xu Qing chose mixed voice!

This method can be said to be quite difficult when singing high notes!

Because most male singers will try their best to use falsetto, otherwise it is very easy to break the voice.

But Xu Qing directly chose... mixed voice!

Or six lyrics, all mixed voice!

This is simply a kind of unparalleled confidence in his singing ability!

No wonder Xu Qing can write works of the level of "Seven Miles of Fragrance" and "Nocturne"!

His confidence does not only come from his amazing creative ability, the key is...

He also has perfect singing, and can sing the songs he wrote!

This is very scary...

And for Liang Yuan, he is also looking forward to it.

The second song is a difficult song like "Stars", so what will you do next?

You have to know that there are nearly 20 songs left in this concert!

If you keep singing, is this voice really something that people can do?

According to Liang Yuan's estimate, Xu Qing would need to rest for at most four or five more songs...

After all, such songs are still too exhausting for the voice, although his perfect mixing has tried to avoid this situation.

On the stage, Xu Qing's voice did not change at all, and he had gradually sung to the end of the song.


[I will wait patiently]

[And prepare for myself]

[Embark on the journey to my dreams and hopes]

[Don't burn yourself out]

[My stars are waiting for me]

As Xu Qing sang this songAfter singing, especially...

His last part...

The high notes actually reached the G5 range? !

Everyone at the scene was extremely shocked!

It was the kind that made every pore and cell in the body open...

I have never heard a more exciting concert than this!

Xu Qing could actually sing "Stars" to this level?

To be fair, if this song was not sung by Xu Qing,

then it would not be comparable to the first song "Jiangnan"!

But Xu Qing's perfect and shocking high notes directly added a lot of points to this song "Stars"!

Even when Xu Qing had finished singing, the audience had not noticed or reacted yet!

Similarly, as Xu Qing's live performance ended...

Netizens who had been squatting on Weibo and major music apps soon saw the release of this song "Stars"!

"Here it comes, Xu Qing's second new song, I've been waiting for it until all my flowers have wilted!"

"Damn, the live video of the concert is out..."

"This... Xu Qing is actually singing high notes?!"

"It's so cool, just seeing it online is so cool, I can't imagine what it feels like to hear Xu Qing sing this song live!"

"What a pity... It's only less than 20 seconds... It's not enough to watch!"

"Download, download, "Stars" has landed on major music apps!"


As netizens downloaded it crazily,

In just less than a few minutes, this song "Stars" has broken through the terrifying level of tens of millions of downloads!


All major entertainment and media companies are suffocating...

Xu Qing is a fucking human money printing machine, right? !

This is too exaggerated, right? !

Although the speed of this song "Stars" is not as terrifying as "Jiangnan"...

But it still surpassed the second place on the new song list of the month within a few minutes...

You know, this second new song was ranked first on the new song list with 3 million downloads not long ago!

It is a new song sung by the Times Boys Group...

It is said that in order to occupy the new song list at the beginning of the month, the company behind the Times Boys Group has invested a lot of money!

Not only did they invite the top lyricist in China, but they also bought the arrangement!

Even the dance is intact and copied from the Korean country...

But such a high-investment work,

was easily defeated at the beginning of Xu Qing's concert!

What's more terrifying is that the reason why Xu Qing can occupy the top two places on the new song list is...

He has only sung two new songs now!

If he continues to sing new songs next...

It is very likely that the song of the Times Boys Group will not even be in the top three!

Xu Qing, what kind of music monster is it? !

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