"How... How is it possible?!"

"Xu Qing can actually make such a song?"

In Xu Qing's concert, the arrangers and singers of other entertainment companies all looked ashen!

If the arrangements of "Jiangnan" and "Xingxing" are still possible to be reproduced...

Then this song "In the Name of the Father", just the arrangement of the prelude,

is already superb!

It's really too good and great!

Even the arrangers present thought that if they could make such a song in their lifetime, they would die without regrets!

It's a pity that Xu Qing is not from their company. Otherwise, if they use his works, wouldn't they become arranger masters instantly?

These people really envy the arrangers of Jiaxing Entertainment Culture Company. If they were to go...

Don't even mention not asking for money, they would even be willing to pay money!

As long as they can cooperate with Xu Qing, it is simply the most wonderful thing in the world!

They also have infinite expectations for this song "In the Name of the Father".

After all, even the prelude is so invincible? What about the lyrics? !

The key is that in their minds, a sense of picture has even automatically emerged...

Dark castle, dark clouds...

It is a gray tone and a gorgeous tone...

The prelude is almost more than a minute long, but no one in the audience has an anxious look on their faces.

This is really rare!

You know, there is almost no song in the Chinese music scene today with a prelude of more than 20 seconds,

30 seconds will almost be sentenced to death by major music critics!

And more than 30 seconds?

You are here to play instrumental music, right? Why don't you go to the country of cherry blossoms? !

But Xu Qing's "In the Name of the Father" has a prelude of 1 minute and 25 seconds! ! !

Yes, if it is not said, most people probably don't even realize that the prelude of this song is so long? !

Finally... With the end of the prelude, Xu Qing began to sing!

[The cool morning dew wets the black dress]

[The father whispers in the fog on the cobblestone road]

[The helpless awakening can only be more cruel]

[Everything is for the road to the temple]

[The fog that cannot be blown away hides the intention]

[Who gently paces and stops]

[Before I have time to cry, the bullets that pass through take away the temperature]


It's actually rap? !

No one expected that Xu Qing's third song at the Kyoto concert would be rap!

Although everyone already knew that Xu Qing could rap through the Jincheng concert.

But no one expected that this song "In the Name of the Father", with such an explosive prelude, in the gorgeous and dark, was also rap!

"This song is so great with Xu Qing's rap, my heart is pounding!"

"Enjoy...a top-notch feast!"

"Crazy, this is only the third song of the Kyoto concert, Xu Qing...what are you doing?!"


Backstage, Deng Ziqi was also singing along with Xu Qing in a low voice, but she found that she couldn't keep up with Xu Qing's rhythm at all!

Moreover, she was surprised to find that Xu Qing seemed to be born for the stage!

Of course, she had heard this song privately, but it was completely different from the live stage performance in front of her!

If Xu Qing could sing 98 points in the company's practice room!

Then now, he sang at the level of 180 points!

Even Deng Ziqi felt that her soul was numb!

It was really too shocking!


【Each of us is guilty】

【Committing different crimes】

【I can decide who is right】

【Who should sleep】

【Arguments cannot solve】

【In the endless night】

【Shut up】

【The only favor】


Xu Qing's wonderful voice almost fully displays this song full of darkness!

This kind of rap is called music. Compared with this, what kind of shit "Last-minute Cram"?

That thing is also worthy of being called rap? !

It's even the same as "Nocturne" in Xu Qing's Jincheng concert!

Top rap does not need lyrics containing swear words!

This is the cultivation and quality of a professional singer!

Look at those rap singers in China, every song is free of color and swear words!

Can you blame everyone for being biased when singing that thing?

If every song you sing can reach the level of "Nocturne" and "In the Name of the Father",

Do you think anyone dares to say that rap is not good and too low? !

"Oh my God, how could Xu Qing write such lyrics?"

"Shut up, it's the only graceHui! Isn't this also written very well? ! "

"I prefer the line 'Each of us is guilty, and we have committed different sins'. It is really advanced with Xu Qing's singing style!"

"Why do I feel that... this song "In the Name of the Father" is better than "Seven Miles of Fragrance"? ! ”

Music critic Liang Yuan was so surprised that his brain went blank!

Originally, he came for "Qilixiang",

but first there was a song with a beautiful melody "Jiangnan", then there was "Xingxing" whose high notes made the soul tremble, and then there was "In the Name of the Father" which was like a masterpiece!

This almost refreshed Liang Yuan's understanding of the current singers of Neiyu!

Can Chinese really write songs of this level and compose such invincible songs?!

In the past, to be honest, he didn't think much of Neiyu.

It feels like the end of the Qing Dynasty, closed the door and cheered himself up!

But with the appearance of Xu Qing, everything is different!

In the past, Xu Qing released a new song every month, which was not bad.

It just made Liang Yuan pay attention to such a person.

But now, two consecutive concerts have stopped. After that, he was stunned!

Xu Qing was just acting and pretending before, right?

He wanted to be an ordinary person in the music industry, but he just showed his hand? !

It is no exaggeration to say that although Xu Qing has not finished singing "In the Name of the Father",

but judging from the current performance, he can easily beat the entire "Chinese Music Industry"!

The most critical and outrageous thing is that Xu Qing's music is so diverse!

Love songs, hip-hop, rock, blues, Chinese style, R&B, retro, jazz, etc.!

Is there anything he can't do? !

However, Xu Qing's "In the Name of the Father" is far more than that!

[It's time to be vulnerable]

[Let's pray together]

[Merciful Father, I have fallen]

[I can't see the kingdom of sin]

[Please forgive my arrogance]

[Ah ya ya check it check it ah ya】


Xu Qing's voice suddenly rose, even becoming a little unreal, he sang this song to the extreme!

At this moment, not to mention the audience in front of him, even the staff backstage were stunned!

I don't even know when I stopped the work at hand!

Fortunately, the director on the scene was barely calm...

But when he looked at Xu Qing on the stage in the surveillance picture, he felt his heart beating fast!

It was completely uncontrollable!

"This kid... Why didn't he come to Kyoto before?!"

"I have been a live director at the Bird's Nest Concert Hall for more than ten years, and this is the first time I have heard this kind of music!"

"This song is so NB!"


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