"That's why I said..."

"It's almost impossible to grab the microphone from Xu Qing's concert again!"

"It's obvious that he has prepared for this Kyoto concert..."

"In a month, he has prepared very well!"

"If you still want to see whether Xu Qing writes songs faster or you practice songs faster, I think you don't need to waste your energy!"

"Because as I said before..."

"It's impossible to do it!"

"This is not about hard work, it involves talent!"

"To be honest, even if Xu Qing doesn't write new songs at the next concert, he still sings these songs, and he can't disrupt his rhythm at all!"


"It's impossible for us to learn it!"



The audience took a breath of cold air at the same time.

Although the words of the person in front of him were unpleasant to hear, they were indeed true.

The songs that Xu Qing is singing now... are really too difficult!

So difficult that they can't be learned at all!

In this weather of over 30 degrees, they just felt cold all over.

Could it be that the ‘happiness’ of the concert in the past is gone forever? !

These fans at the scene wanted to say something more and struggled,

However, the prelude of Xu Qing’s next song had already sounded at the scene of the Bird’s Nest!

Originally, they wanted to say something, but they were all forced back.

If it weren’t for the fact that Xu Qing’s songs were really good, everyone would not be so tolerant of you Xu Qing!

This face was given to Xu Qing by the entire Chinese music scene...

The people who were still struggling at first also completely quieted down at this moment.

They really wanted to know which new song Xu Qing was going to sing now!

Because the prelude of this song... they had never heard it before!

“The next song...”


“I hope everyone likes it!”


With the accompaniment of music, Xu Qing finally spoke.

Now everyone is holding their breath and looking forward to Xu Qing’s new song.

They really want to know, besides the very nice prelude, is this song "Crossing" still a difficult song to sing?

Although everyone is mentally prepared...

According to the current rhythm of the Kyoto Bird's Nest concert, Xu Qing probably won't sing songs that are not difficult to sing!

But they still fantasize...

After all, a difficult song means that the singer will also be very tired. Even if it's Xu Qing, there will always be times when your body can't stand it, right?

They still don't believe that Xu Qing can really choose all those difficult songs to sing!

But if it's just the result, I'm afraid they will be disappointed again!

This song "Crossing" is known as one of Lin Junjie's most difficult songs to sing, and it may even be ranked first!

It can be said that this song is much more difficult to sing than the previous "Torment"!

In the eyes of everyone, Xu Qing finally put the microphone to his mouth and began to sing.

[I am reborn in my sleep]

[The dawn outside the window turns to dusk]

[Dreams come true when I am about to wake up]

[Scars of a burned heart]

[Youth lost in the corners of the eyes]

[Reborn as if by miracle]


Xu Qing just opened his mouth and the difficulty of this song was revealed!

Damn, why is the beginning so low? How can I sing this? !

Unexpectedly, this is actually a bass song?

The audience in the audience speculated that Xu Qing had already sung a high-pitched song, so the song "Crossing" he was singing now must be the main bass!

But... isn't this too low? !

And how did he sing this kind of listlessness, as if he was really reborn in his sleep?

Eyes followed the lyrics on the big screen behind the stage, and every audience member on the scene had an extremely serious and focused expression on their faces.

In their opinion, Xu Qing's song was attractive enough just at the beginning!

Although it doesn't have the amazing feeling of "In the Name of the Father", for some reason, this song "Crossing" makes people want to continue listening!

They really want to know how many surprises Xu Qing has given them in this song "Crossing"!


[Wo 2003]

[Wo The day you were the most lonely]

[Time draws a curve]

[Wo The most fateful encounter]

[Wo Imperfect Perfection]

[Walk into your world]

This song "Crossing" is still barely within the normal range until here!


Xu Qing on the stage suddenly raised his head, instantly!

[Stay Crossing in apprehension][Thought I could untie many knots]

[Erase the mistakes I made]

[Rewrite what I thought I did right]

[Wooh I just want love to have results]

[Stay Crossing in prayer]

[Get out of this fateful original sin]


As Xu Qing continued to sing high notes, the eyes of the fans and audiences in the audience suddenly lit up!

This… is too beautiful, right?

So this is not a bass song? Xu Qing gradually improved his vocal range during the singing?

And this verse is so well written!

“Crossing in prayer” because regrets and pain cannot go back in time, what is left in the end is the knot in the heart…

You can only bear the fateful original sin in shouting, and only those who have really suffered understand how well this verse is written!

Just when everyone thought this was the best part of the whole song, Xu Qing’s voice still did not stop, and his vocal range was still improving! ! !

[But hurt is also reincarnated]

[Because you love me, you choose to leave me]

[Let the whole crossing become a misunderstanding that cannot be resolved]

[I didn't have it in the dream, and I'm not there when I wake up]

[Who crosses over, crosses over who]

[If I didn't, if there wasn't me]


The series of self-questions in the chorus instantly pushed the whole song to a truly superb point!

The entire concert venue was once again ignited by Xu Qing's singing!

Damn, how can this song be sung so high? !

At first, everyone thought, "This song is so low, it can only be listened to!"

Now as Xu Qing sang the chorus, everyone changed their minds again!

"This song is so high? It can only be listened to!"


Professional music critic Liang Yuan even heard some details.

First of all, the bass part at the beginning can already make 99% of female singers stay away, and they can't go down at all!

In the chorus, Xu Qing directly jumped over two octaves and rushed straight up, which is something that 99% of male singers cannot do at all!

In simple terms, it is basically the level that female singers cannot go down and male singers cannot go up!

At present, Xu Qing is probably the only one who can sing like this in the entire Chinese music scene!

Isn't it clear that he doesn't give fans a chance to sing along? !

Liang Yuan also had to sigh that Xu Qing's song was well named.

Yes, why do you, an ordinary person, want to play such a high-end operation as "Crossing"?

Singing should be left to professional CD masters!

Ordinary audiences should just appreciate it honestly!

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