【Ahem, plodding, old, gluttonous】

【Law, worm, covetous, quarrelsome】

【Ape, shrew, wicked】

【The sound of the wind is like a snake, a filthy mosquito】

【Reward, punish, criticize, criticize the current situation】

【Lines upon lines, one opening, one closing】


Listening to Xu Qing's singing and looking at the lyrics displayed on the screen at the concert.

The audience at the Kyoto concert were all stunned...

What the hell, stop it, Xu Qing!

My eyes are full of Dragon Country characters, but I almost never recognize them all!

Even if I can understand one or two lines of the lyrics occasionally, it's so hard to read them, let alone sing them!

Even...it takes them half a day to react to which line Xu Qing is singing!


This is too outrageous!

Please Xu Qing, please stop showing off!

The difficulty of these lyrics is simply outrageous.

Not to mention the ordinary fans and audiences in the audience, even the professional music critics were all stunned.

Fuck, a whole line of lyrics, I thought it was just two words, Taoqi!

I also know Zhifa Zangfei, after all, it comes from "Chu Shi Biao"!

But what's the next one?

It seems that I know it, but I have no idea how to pronounce it!

Linci and the others also know it, but how to pronounce the word at the end?

Don't even talk about singing this thing, I guess I have to look it up in the dictionary on the spot!

Xu Qing, are you really not here to advertise the dictionary business?

Also, this is called simple?

Are you sure this is a song that humans can sing? !

At this moment, everyone's face was filled with a hint of sadness.

When you need to learn, you will regret not having enough knowledge. The ancients were not deceiving me!

Deng Ziqi, who had been waiting patiently in the backstage, was also helpless.

Of course, she had heard Xu Qing sing this song before.

She even tried to sing it herself.

As a result, she found out...

Even with the lyrics book with pinyin marked, her brain couldn't keep up at all!

Often her mouth had already sung, but her brain hadn't reacted yet.

Sometimes she didn't even know what she was singing!

At that moment, she even doubted herself.

Can I really sing? !


Deng Ziqi looked at Xu Qing with a stunned expression. Can the lyrics really... be written like this?

Are you sure you won't get beaten up when you walk out? !

Deng Ziqi shook her head. Looking at Xu Qing's excited expression on the stage, she knew it very well.

At this moment, Xu Qing was enjoying the pleasure of revenge crazily.

How about it, isn't my song simple enough?

The melody is ordinary, the singing method is not demanding, and the rhythm is not that fast...

That's it, can't you open your mouth?

If you don't want to sing, then don't sing!

Xu Qing's smile became even more proud, and he continued to sing.


[Chinese characters of our Dragon Country]

[The strokes become paintings and leave a history of 5,000 years]

[Let the world know]

[Chinese characters of our Dragon Country]

[Every stroke tells a story]

[Now all over the world]

[Dragon Country characters are everywhere]

[Yellow-skinned people raise their heads proudly]

[Chinese characters of our Dragon Country]

[One flat and one oblique tone composes a poem]


When everyone heard Xu Qing singing, they felt an indescribable feeling in their hearts.

Although they could sense that Xu Qing was praising the Dragon Country’s characters, they were more concerned about…

“What the hell? I know Dragon Country characters again? Just a moment ago, I thought I was a foreigner!”

“This is the Dragon Country characters we are familiar with. I almost collapsed before!”

“Wow… This familiar feeling makes me cry!”

“I understand. Xu Qing has good intentions!”

“He wrote such a difficult song to make everyone pay attention to Dragon Country characters, just to make us cherish them!”

“Yes, yes, brother, I think You are right!"

"Now I can fully understand the beauty of Dragon Country's writing!"

"Fuck, after listening to you, we still have to thank Xu Qing?"

"Thank? Thank you for nothing!"

"Have you forgotten what Xu Qing swore to us before?"

"We agreed to sing a simple song, how is this song simple?"

"I can't even understand the lyrics, how can I sing? Sing a hammer!"


The audience at the Kyoto concert had very rich expressions on their faces at this moment!

Of course they remembered that Xu Qing had sworn to guarantee that his song was absolutely simple.

But did he really not keep his promise?

According to the judgment of professional singers and music critics, this song is indeed not very difficult to sing.

The only difficult point is the song.The words are too abstract!

Is Xu Qing the god of literature descended to earth? Who can recognize these words without looking them up in the dictionary?

Is this song a little bit difficult?

It is obviously a little bit difficult!

[Walking alone, enlightened]

[Continuous descendants, take it as a guide]

[Dragon walks in every corner]

[Graceful and graceful, tears pouring down]

[Mumbling endlessly, not weeds]


Xu Qing's singing is still there, but as his voice echoes in the Bird's Nest concert venue, the faces of the audience are like wearing masks of pain!

Here it comes again, here it comes again!

This feeling of looking familiar but not knowing is really too uncomfortable and painful!

Especially, Xu Qing had sung this part for the second time, but they still didn't know it and couldn't keep up!

Although there were pinyins marked on it, Xu Qing had already sung it when they were still struggling with the correct pronunciation of the pinyin!

It was hard to imagine that even if Xu Qing wrote it himself, could he really sing it fluently the first time?

This song is too scary!

They couldn't help but guess in their hearts that Xu Qing could write such a song, so he must have some serious illness in his heart!

After all, how could a normal person do this?

Especially, when everyone looked up and saw Xu Qing on the stage, the smile on his mouth was harder to suppress than AK...

It was obvious that after seeing the painful expressions of the people below the stage, he laughed even happier!

Everyone was speechless. Xu Qing was really a pure music pervert!


[Beautiful melody from Gong Shang Jiao Zheng Yu]

[Everyone says that it is a language, so it is an idiom]

The song finally ended with Xu Qing's singing!

Everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Xu Qing finally finished. It's better to listen to him singing this kind of song than to sing the more difficult ones!

At least they can still understand it and hear it, and have a little sense of participation!

But this song?

Good guy... He was staring at the screen and recognizing pinyin the whole time!

Those who know it know that this is the scene of the Bird's Nest concert.

Those who don't know it thought that this is an extracurricular Chinese cram school opened by someone here!

"I hope everyone likes this simple song "Uncommon Characters"!"

"Thank you everyone!"


As Xu Qing's voice fell, the people in the audience spoke angrily.

"Like it? I fucking love it so much!"

"You sang well, don't sing it next time!"

"Please, sing something that everyone can understand the lyrics of!"

"Wuwuwu... I feel like my brain is being pressed to the ground..."

"Simple? Your fucking translation, what the fuck is simple?!"


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