On the stage, Xu Qing sang this song "Mountain and River Map", and the faces of the fans and audiences in the audience showed extremely excited and excited expressions!

Xu Qing sang so well!

As a Dragon countryman, how can I not be happy to hear such a Dragon country song? !


When Xu Qing sang to the end, Deng Ziqi picked up the microphone again, and the two began to sing together!


[The westernmost side remembers the wolf smoke]

[The wind turns around in Kashgar]

[The southernmost side is the blue sea and sky]

[The dragon rises from the waves]

[This mountain, this river, this map, splashing ink]

[This mountain, this river, this map, splashing ink]

With the extremely passionate and high-pitched chorus of the two, the atmosphere of the entire concert was once again pushed to a higher level!

This song can be said to be the most exciting song tonight!

Although the audience in the audience did not sing a word, and even couldn't keep up with the lines...

But he sounded great!

The whole body was filled with the tingling sensation of electricity, which was so pleasant that it was almost too good to be true!

As the two finished singing the last line of the lyrics, the entire Kyoto Bird's Nest concert site erupted in cheers like a landslide and tsunami!

Everyone screamed wildly and loudly!

"Xu Qing——!"

"Xu Qing——!"

"Xu Qing——!"


The fans and audiences in the audience shouted Xu Qing's name!

"You sing so beautifully!"

"Sing it again!"

"Yes, sing it again, sing it again!"

"Everyone wants to hear it again!"

"This song is so beautiful!"


As expected...

Xu Qing smiled when he heard the voices of the fans and audiences in the audience.

No matter in which world, this song "Mountain and River Map" is a song that is very suitable for Longguo.

His lyrics describe the magnificence of Longguo's mountains and rivers, and convey the grandeur of Longguo through singing!

Let alone the more than 100,000 audience members, even other people in Longguo, who have heard this song "Mountain and River Map", will rarely dislike it!

One more time?

Want to listen again?

Xu Qing smiled faintly, although he was very happy that everyone liked his song.

But it was impossible to sing it again.

After all, he still had a lot of new songs left tonight!

Of course, there is another more important point...

This song "Mountain and River Map" is too exhausting for the voice!

Xu Qing had already had some difficulty before, and if he sang "Mountain and River Map" again, he might be ruined!

He now needs to give his voice a proper rest as agreed in advance.

It won't take long, one song is enough!

Xu Qing glanced at Deng Ziqi beside him, and Deng Ziqi immediately understood what Xu Qing meant.

She was a little nervous, but quickly adjusted herself, and then nodded seriously.

"It's okay, as long as you follow what Xu Qing taught you before, there will be no problem!"

Deng Ziqi cheered herself up in her heart, after all, she was really going to stand on this stage as a guest singer now!


At the same time, on Weibo, Xu Qing and Deng Ziqi finished singing "Mountain and River Map".

This song began to be released on major platforms!

Netizens who have been waiting for a long time chose to download it!

Tonight, they didn't miss any of Xu Qing's new songs at the concert!

As long as Xu Qing's company dares to release it, they dare to download it!

Xu Qing's previous songs one after another, each of them amazed everyone!

Especially, the difficulty of singing...

Damn, everyone tried to practice every time Xu Qing released a new song...

As a result, they found that they couldn't even learn the first song "Jiangnan"!

Xu Qing's new songs this time are really too difficult!

Everyone can only look forward to Xu Qing's next song being a little simpler? !

Unlike the audience at the Kyoto Bird's Nest concert, they are not desperate yet!

After all, there is a big difference between listening to songs online and listening to songs in person. At this moment, they are even hoping that Xu Qing will sing a new song that is not difficult so that they can also satisfy their singing addiction!

When this song "Mountain and River Map" was officially launched, everyone was slightly stunned.

"Damn? Why is there another person's name on it besides Xu Qing?"

"Deng Ziqi? Who is this? Search it on Baidu!"

"A female singer from Taiwan? A post-90s?"

"Although she debuted a long time ago, she is not famous. She should be considered a new singer!"

"Fuck, what level is she? Sing a song with us?"

"Insider, absolutely insider!"

"Isn't this song "Mountain and River Map" just to promote this new female singer?""Oh, I didn't expect Xu Qing to fall!"


On the Internet, people started to discuss the song "Mountain and River Map" the moment they saw it.

After all, this has never happened before.

When has Xu Qing's song ever been sung in chorus? !

Especially now that he is singing at the Kyoto Bird's Nest concert!

For such an important occasion, they actually invited such an unknown new female singer?

Who would believe you if you said there was no deal behind the scenes? !

Everyone couldn't help but have some expectations in their hearts, and their expectations for this song "Mountain and River Map" also dropped a lot in an instant.

After all, can a chorus song launched to promote a new female singer be compared with Xu Qing's solo singing?

If it weren't for the name Xu Qing, they wouldn't even want to spend money to download it!

"Forget it, just consider it as supporting idols. I've also invested in this business!"

"Xu Qing, you should be happy that you have fans like us!"


Everyone downloaded it with a pessimistic attitude.

Although everyone was not optimistic about the song "Mountain and River Map", it still broke through 5 million downloads in three minutes!


When everyone opened it without hope and prepared to listen casually...

Xu Qing's extremely steady and powerful voice came out!

[Look at this mountain, thousands of gullies and rocks]

[One river after another]


What the hell? Everyone was slightly startled, something was wrong!

Why does this song seem to be pretty good? !

Xu Qing... fucking started to sing rap again? !

To everyone's surprise, Xu Qing's rap was as powerful as a rainbow, as if he took the audience through thousands of mountains and rivers to appreciate the magnificent mountains and rivers of the Dragon Kingdom!

A sense of pride instantly rose in the hearts of every listener!

This song, combined with Xu Qing's vigorous voice, is really - so cool! ! !

"What the hell? Isn't this a chorus song? Why is it all Xu Qing singing? I've been fooled!"

"Xu Qing's rap level is considered the ceiling level in the rap world, right?"

"Xu Qing is so awesome, how can he sing everything?!"

"I just want to ask, isn't this a chorus song? What about Deng Ziqi?!"

"Is it possible that the staff who uploaded it made a mistake? This Deng Ziqi...maybe just a temporary worker or something?"


Amidst everyone's confusion, Xu Qing's voice finally sang the line [Dragon soars out of the sea and the waves are surging]!

Immediately afterwards, Deng Ziqi's high-pitched and passionate voice instantly burst out!

[Painting my mountains and rivers with a brush]

Almost at the same time, everyone listening to the song in front of the computer was shocked!

There was only one thought in their minds at this moment...

Xu Qing, you call this a new female singer? !

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