——[Brother Lin Zi is really too straight, without a little bending around the kind. 】

——[Laughing to death, his focus is actually on happy beans, shouldn’t he care about the woman’s mood at this time? ] 】

——[If he will care, is he still Brother Linzi?] 】

——[Looking at the entertainment industry, I can’t find a second artist who is more real than him. 】

——[I would like to call it a model for my generation!] 】



The voice of the system sounded in Gu Lin’s mind again:

[Dingdong, it has been detected that the host’s behavior meets the ‘My Generation Model’ standard, and rewards are now randomly issued. 】

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining: professional fishing skills, professional swimming skills, permanent physical enhancement.] 】

The moment he reaped the reward, in addition to the extra professional knowledge in his mind, Gu Lin felt that the muscles of his whole body seemed to have been beaten, and became extremely solid.

Now he is full of strength, and he can’t wait to shout: I want to hit ten!

“Although the system reward is random, it is quite humane. I’m fishing at sea, so I’ll give these rewards, not bad! ”

Gu Lin was very satisfied.

With his current physical strength, it is not a problem to let him fish for another two days and two nights.

But Reba doesn’t want that to happen.

She lived up to expectations and successfully made Gu Lin’s happy beans.

Boredom ensues.

“Gu Lin, Happy Bean has lost everything.”

Reba shouted.

And at this moment, the float shook violently.

“I’ll talk about it later, a fish is hooked.”

Gu Lin gripped the fishing rod and turned the fishing wheel vigorously.

It’s laborious!

It seems to be a big fish!

Thanks to the fact that he had just gained his physique, dragging this big fish was not a problem for him.


A black giant sprang out of the sea along with the fishing line.

“Huh? Not a fish! ”

Gu Lin fixed his eyes and saw that it was a turtle that was up to one meter long.

——[Lying in the groove, you can even catch turtles?] 】

——[Hahaha, the angler can catch anything except fish. 】

——[There is a saying, Brother Lin Zi’s strength is also too great, right?] This turtle looks at least a hundred pounds. 】

——[Look at his tendon meat, outrageous, is this still small fresh meat?] 】

——[Saying that Brother Lin Zi is Xiao Xianrou is definitely insulting him. In addition to his appearance, no other small fresh meat can compare with him. 】

——[Correct, other small fresh meat is not as handsome as Brother Linzi.] 】

——【Birds! Brother Lin Zi, a real man! 】



Gu Lin took a lot of effort and finally pulled the turtle onto the deck.

Reba was dumbfounded.

This guy looks at Wen Wen weakly, why is he so powerful?

The cameraman ‘Teacher Chen’, who had been following the shooting on the side, was also stupid.

What did I just see?

He actually brought up such a big turtle without much effort?

In the future, he will call me ‘Teacher Chen’, I better continue to endure…

Captain Yang Haisheng was attracted by the sound of turtles landing on the deck.

Seeing the behemoth, he grew his mouth, “Xiao Gu, do you mind that you caught it?” ”

Gu Lin wiped the sweat on his head, “Yes.” ”

“Groove! Awesome! ”

Yang Haisheng couldn’t help but burst into foul language, forgetting that there was still a camera on the side.

He stepped forward and pinched Gu Lin’s biceps, “Xiao Gu, I can’t see it, you are more hoisty than our crew!” ”

Gu Lin smiled, “Sprinkle water.” ”

“It’s a turtle protected animal, you can’t take it with you if you catch it, you have to put it back.”

“I didn’t want to take it away, I just caught it and took a look.”

Gu Lin leaned over and prepared to pick up the turtle and release it.

At this time, he found that the back of the turtle was covered with barnacles.

There are so many that dense-phobias people tremble when they see it.

Suddenly, he had a commotion idea.

“Reba, aren’t you bored? Find you a good deed to do. ”

Gu Lin looked up and smiled.

Reba was startled, “What? ”

Gu Lin grabbed the knife that killed the fish before and handed it to Reba, “Help the turtle turtle clean up the barnacles.” ”

“Huh?” Reba shook her head repeatedly, “I don’t do it, it’s disgusting.” ”

“Did you know that barnacles are very harmful to turtles? They parasitize turtles, which can make them weigh and make them unable to feed. Can you bear to see such a poor turtle die tragically because of barnacles? ”

Gu Lin said affectionately and luxuriantly, as if he was the turtle that was troubled by barnacles.

The kind Reba suddenly moved her heart of compassion, “How to clean up, teach me.” ”

“It’s simple, hit it with the tip of the knife, and then come down with a light buckle.”

“Okay, I’ll try.”

Reba learned and quickly cleared out a barnacle.

Bursting with a sense of accomplishment, she said excitedly: “I cleaned up one.” ”

As soon as he raised his eyes, Gu Lin brazenly continued to fish.

Fooled again!

In order to be able to continue fishing, this guy actually fooled me into doing stupid things!?

“Don’t say I fool you, you don’t believe Baidu, barnacles will really endanger the lives of turtles.”

Gu Lin seemed to have guessed Reba’s thoughts.

Reba immediately chose Baidu.

She didn’t believe Gu Lin’s one-sided words.

But the search results show that what Gu Lin said is actually true.

After thinking about it again, Reba still crouched down and continued to clean the barnacles on the turtle shell.

“A Gu Lin!”

Reba huffed and cut off a barnacle.

“Two Gu Lin!”

The second barnacle was cut.

“Three Gu Lin!”

“Four Gu Lin!”


——[Hahaha, Reba is also too cute. 】

– [Vent your anger, Reba is definitely venting her anger! ] 】

——[Why do I especially like to watch people clean barnacles, it feels so decompressing!] 】

– [Me too.] 】

– [Gospel for obsessive-compulsive patients.] 】

——[It’s cool to see me.] 】


Reba picked more and more vigorously, and had already cleaned up a small pile of ‘Gu Lin’.

And the real Gu Lin can finally fish with peace of mind.

In a short time, the tank next to him was filled with colorful sea fish.

But these are smaller species.

Gu Lin, who had just obtained professional fishing skills, naturally wanted to try something new.

He returned to the cabin and asked the captain Yang Haisheng to replace a large pole.

This rod is specially designed for fishing big fish, with a higher dead weight and a larger catch.

At the same time, he switched to a line with larger pounds, as well as the Iseni hook commonly used for big fish.

Just for the whole big one, to end the day with a successful sea fishing trip.

As the saying goes, Jiang Taigong fishes, willing to take the bait.

Gu Lin sat quietly by the fishing rod and waited silently.

An hour passed, and the wind and waves at sea became more violent than before.


The fishing boat began to rotate, and the fishing line tied to it was dragged into the sea.

With a bang, the fishing line was dragged away at least tens of meters.

Gu Lin stood up abruptly, his face was unconcealably excited.

Reba asked curiously, “What’s wrong?” ”

Gu Lin said with a smile: “The bigger the wind and waves, the more expensive the rain.” Gao Qiqiang sincerely does not deceive me. ”

“Huh?” Reba looked confused.

As the two talked, the fishing line was almost pulled to the end.

Gu Lin hurriedly shouted: “Quickly help me shake people, tell Lao Yang by the way, turn the rudder in the direction of twelve o’clock!” ”

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