——[Hahaha, I thought it was a picture of old and young getting along with each other, but I didn’t expect it to be a large-scale gambling scene! ] 】

——[Let Brother Lin Zi go, uncle and aunt are about to commit high blood pressure. ] 】

——[Brother Lin Zi’s full name: Gu Gambling God Chess King Pension Killer Nursing Home Nightmare Lin! ] 】

——[Brother Lin Zi quit gambling class, class starts today! ] Let’s teach the young aunts a lesson! 】

Compared with the worried Reba and Dean Zhou, the audience was very happy to watch.

After all, everyone knows Gu Lin’s personality.

Although he is a little straighter, how can a person who does not take advantage of small traders really want the money of grandpa and aunt?


“Uncle Zhang, a melon seed, bring it!”

Uncle Zhang immediately covered his heart, his eyes were closed, and his expression was painful, “Oh, a heart attack.” ”

Seeing this, Reba immediately ran up, squatted next to Uncle Zhang, and asked with concern: “Uncle, are you okay?” ”

Uncle Zhang secretly opened his eyes and gave Reba a look.

Reba was still confused all of a sudden.

Gu Lin immediately laughed and said, “Uncle Zhang pretended, he lost so many games, and he was going to commit a heart attack early.” ”

Uncle Zhang and the surrounding uncles and aunts suddenly burst out laughing.

This happy picture of the “380” pie made Reba and Zhou Yingchun stunned.

Can you lose money so happily?

Uncle Zhang explained, “Dean Zhou, everyone was joking with you just now. Xiao Gu didn’t gamble with us, just play with us. ”

“Although he didn’t let us win once, everyone was quite happy.”

She looked at Gu Lin, and some of the prejudices she had had with him before disappeared in an instant.

Reba shook her head and smiled, and said, “Gu Lin, can you do less of this scary thing in the future?” ”

Gu Lin shrugged, “It’s the uncle and aunt who have to lie to the dean, and it’s none of my business.” ”

Reba sighed, “Really, I originally came to scold you.” As a result, seeing that you get along so well with your grandpa and aunt, you suddenly want to praise you, what should I do? ”

“Stinky fart!”

At this time, Dean Zhou Yingchun stepped forward and said, “Okay, okay, thank you Xiao Gu for making everyone so happy.” ”

“The venue is arranged, the time is almost up, and the cultural performance begins.”

As soon as the words fell, Uncle Zhang bumped Gu Lin’s shoulder and smiled mysteriously: “Later, Uncle will show you a hand.” ”

Gu Lin looked surprised, “Oh? Uncle Zhang, do you have any unique skills? ”

“You’ll find out later.”


Everyone went to the auditorium of the nursing home.

The reason why Dean Zhou Yingchun arranged this temporary cultural performance is to show the demeanor of the elderly in the nursing home in front of the live camera.

In other words, this nursing home is really a crouching tiger, hidden dragon.

Uncle and aunt have some talent in them.

And that Uncle Zhang, who was conquered by Gu Lin’s chess skills, is a folk trickster.

He performed a traditional trick on stage – playing six consecutive rings.

I saw six iron rings in his hand, sometimes in series, sometimes separated, and constantly changing.

Reba in the audience was amazed: “Wow, this old man is so powerful.” ”

Gu Lin applauded, “Indeed, the masters are in the people. ”

Reba moved her body slightly, faced Gu Lin, and asked curiously: “Huh, you know so much, will it become magic?” ”

Gu Lin replied lightly: “How to say, I know all these principles, but I haven’t practiced the technique.” ”

Reba pouted, “Bragging! ”

“Don’t believe it?”

“Don’t believe it!”

“Then let’s do this, I’ll go to Uncle Zhang now to learn from the teacher.” Then we made a bet on whether I could learn a magic trick in a short period of time. ”

“Okay. What to bet? ”


Gu Lin suddenly didn’t know what kind of bet to set.

Gay men are sometimes like this, always like to make meaningless bets.

As for what to bet, I can’t tell.

“If you really learn, then the next experience task, you can do whatever you want, I will definitely not stop you.”

Reba suggested.

“Okay, in a word!”

After all, he is going to learn from a teacher, and he can’t live broadcast the techniques of revealing people.

Although cracked versions of these traditional tricks can be found on the Internet with a casual search.

But you still have to talk about some rules.

Without Gu Lin’s shot, the audience’s curiosity was instantly full.

——[Learn a trick in a short time, can Brother Lin Zi really do it?] 】

——[If before, I would still doubt him, but now, I can only believe it unconditionally.] 】

– [That’s right. I don’t find it strange that he would do anything. 】

——[Heaven’s favor for him, enviable (covering his face and crying)]

——[It’s so unfair when Nuwa created people (burst cry)]



Gu Lin found Uncle Zhang, who had just finished performing.

“Uncle Zhang, if you have time, I want to trouble you.”

“What’s going on?”

“I want to learn two tricks from you.”

Upon hearing this, Uncle Zhang was caught off guard.

In these years, there are young people who are willing to learn these old crafts?

“Hahaha… Are you shocked by my tricks and want to learn two tricks to make your girlfriend happy? Uncle Zhang laughed.

Gu Lin didn’t bother to think of an excuse, so he could only choose to nod.

“I’m very happy that you’ve been playing chess with me for so long. And now these tricks are not unique secret skills, and it doesn’t hurt to teach you. ”

Uncle Zhang changed his tone, “But in such a short time, can you learn it?” ”

Gu Lin smiled and said, “Try it.” ”

“Okay, so what do you want to learn?” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Hmm… Three immortals return to the cave, I know this principle, that is, the hand method is relatively vague. ”

Gu Lin was telling the truth.

There is so much to cover.

“Then I’ll go get the props, whether you can learn it or not depends on your ability.”

Uncle Zhang initially thought that Gu Lin was just curious to play.

But unexpectedly, this kid learned quite quickly.

After twenty minutes of practice, his performance became more and more proficient.

Although there are still some flaws from time to time, it is surprising enough.

“Young man, have you learned this trick before?”

Uncle Zhang asked incredulously.

Gu Lin smiled: “No, I said, I know the principle, of course it is quick to get started.” But the key is that you teach the technique well! ”

A wave of horse butt slapped Uncle Zhang so hard that he couldn’t close his mouth with a smile.

“Let’s almost practice here, I’ll go out and cheat … No, I went out to perform. Thank you, Uncle Zhang. ”

“It’s a trifle.”

Gu Lin returned to Reba with the performance props………

He pulled a chair and lined up three small balls and two porcelain bowls in turn.

Reba supported her chin with her hands and looked at him expectantly, “What are you going to perform?” ”

“Three Immortals Return to the Cave.”

Saying that, Gu Lin flipped his hands, “There is nothing on your hands.” There are two bowls and three balls on the chair. ”

Then he picked up the two porcelain bowls, “The bowl is empty.” ”

“This bowl covers one.”

“Take this one and put it in another bowl.”

“Pick up the last one and go in!”

“Now there are two balls in this bowl.”

Gu Lin said while performing the corresponding operation.

When he unveiled a porcelain bowl, Reba suddenly showed a surprised expression, “You really put the ball in the air?” ”

“Cover these two again. The one in that bowl, come here! ”

Saying that, Gu Lin opened the porcelain bowl again, and three balls appeared.

Gu Lin smiled, “magic! ”

“Too soon, I didn’t see clearly, do it again.” Reba shook Gu Lin’s arm excitedly.


Gu Lin repeated his old skills and performed again.

“How the hell did you change?”

Reba scratched her head, her little eyes filled with great curiosity.

Her eyes had been staring at the two bowls, completely ignoring the small movements in Gu Lin’s hand.

In fact, Gu Lin’s technique can be described as full of loopholes.

The onlookers on the side all saw the flaw coming, and they all covered their mouths and snickered.

Gu Lin shook his head, “No! It has to come quickly. ”


“Because I’m not going to be slow.”

The audience in the live broadcast room burst into laughter.

——[Hahaha… Such a simple magic trick burned Reba CPU. 】

——[Brother Linzi’s technique is too clumsy, I have seen him make mistakes several times. 】

——[No way, just learned.] But he is really awesome, and he really learned, if he is allowed to practice more, he can definitely deceive everyone. 】

——[Too strong, 5.5 This man is too strong! ] 】

– [Magic can make girls happy, brothers, take notes.] 】

——[You can also think crookedly, talent!] 】


Reba took the simple performance prop and checked it over and over to find out where the mechanism was.

But what kind of organ.

It’s pure magic.

“Little girl, don’t look at it, it has nothing to do with bowls and balls.”

Uncle Zhang also came to the crowd of onlookers at this time.

Reba hurriedly asked, “Uncle Zhang, can you tell me how it changed?” ”

Uncle Zhang smiled and shook his head, “I won’t talk about it, let’s let your boyfriend tell you.” He just told me that he learned this trick for you. ”


Gu Lin was speechless for a while.

Have I ever said such a thing?

Did I learn it for the sake of a bet?

Hearing Uncle Zhang’s words, Reba’s cheeks flushed faintly, and his heart was full of thoughts.

And the barrage was instantly filled with the same sentence –

[Uncle God assists! ] 】


There is an urgent matter today, more in the evening, less more, sorry!

Tomorrow, Blast!.

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