Dunhuang International Airport.

Waiting for a flight back to the capital.

At this time, she was still a little depressed in her heart.

Originally, she and Gu Lin verbally agreed to conduct an interview with him when Gu Lin finished receiving the award.

To this end, she also deliberately did some homework and prepared a lot of questions.

But Gu Lin left the award ceremony because he was sure that he would not win the award.

The interviewer who was scheduled to be interviewed suddenly disappeared.

In order not to have a broadcast accident, Wang Bingbing could only temporarily change his plan and interview others.

That’s why she’s so sullen now.

Jingle bells…

The phone rings suddenly.

Wang Bingbing picked it up and saw that it was a strange phone call that belonged to the capital.

She answered the phone and asked, “Hey, hello, who is it?” ”

“Bingbing, I’m Hu Zhanfan.”

A thick voice came from the other end of the phone.

Wang Bingbing was suddenly taken aback.


How could he call me personally?

“Director Hu, is there something wrong?”

Wang Bingbing asked in surprise.

Although she is praised by netizens, she is now one of the most popular reporters within CCTV.

But she also rarely comes into contact with people at the level of the director.

At this time, the director of the station personally called her, which really made her untouchable.

“You’re still in Dunhuang, right?” Director Hu Zhanfan asked rhetorically.

“Yes. But I’m waiting for my flight to Beijing. Wang Bingbing replied.

“Don’t worry about coming back first.”

Hu Zhanfan said in an excited tone: “Taili has temporarily arranged an interview mission for you, which requires you to stay in Dunhuang for one more day. ”

Wang Bingbing asked, “Director, who do you want to interview?” ”

“Gu Lin!”


Hearing this name, Wang Bingbing was stunned for a while.

This guy just released my pigeon today, and Taili actually asked me to interview him exclusively?

To be honest, she was actually reluctant to take this interview.

But this is a task personally given by the director of the station, and she can only agree to it.

Hanging up the phone, the more Wang Bingbing thought about it, the more puzzling he felt.

But this will not make the director pay so much attention to it.

Why is the director so excited?

Could it be that Gu Lin did something amazing?

With doubts, she opened Weibo.

The first hot search that catches your eye:

Gu Lin, Dunhuang Feitian.

Click into the hot search, and she saw the video of the 3D holographic projection show.

As the video played, her expression changed from initial calm to incomparably unbelievable.

Such a shocking performance turned out to be from Gu Lin’s hand?

No wonder he left the award ceremony early.

If it was to prepare for this performance, it would be excusable.

No wonder the director is so excited.

If this is not an exclusive interview with him, it will be a big regret for CCTV!

This performance video made Wang Bingbing’s mustard for Gu Lin disappear.

She quickly dragged her suitcase and left the airport, already planning for tomorrow’s interview in her mind.

This night.

As soon as the performance video was uploaded online, the cumulative number of views on major platforms exceeded 100 million.

Before Gu Lin often triggered discussions on the whole network.

But this time it is far hotter than the sum of the previous ones.

After all, that performance video was too shocking.

No matter what age, no matter what class, you will be amazed by the performance.

Netizens rushed to forward it, making the video more and more widespread.

Even various official media giants shared this video on their official accounts.

In addition to domestic,

The video also caused an uproar on foreign social networking sites.

Countless foreign netizens marveled at the shocking performance with both a sense of history and a sense of future technology.

The spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs forwarded the video on the extranet and praised Gu Lin:

He completed an unparalleled cultural export!


Not only CCTV, who is responsible for propaganda outlets,

Even the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs have all paid attention to Gu Lin.

Gu Lin’s popularity has truly reached the national level.


The capital markets have also changed because of this hot video.

As a major shareholder, Gu Lin has made a lot of money.

But more and more investors are paying attention to this small company.

If nothing else,

As long as there is a healthy development, the listing is just around the corner.

At that time, Gu Lin will reap a large fortune.

That’s why he arranged this special show in the first place.


Early the next morning.

But CCTV’s interview suddenly arrived, and the two could only stay for one more day.

The program team also immediately made a change, so that all guests can complete a day of easy travel in their location. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

At this point,

Mogao Grottoes Scenic Area.

Wang Bingbing is conducting an exclusive interview with Gu Lin.

After all, to be able to complete yesterday’s performance, the two of them are also indispensable.

“First of all, thank you three for coming to us for this interview.” Firm. ”

Hearing this, Wang Bingbing was suddenly stunned.

Big brother, why do you tell the truth?

At this time, the camera did not focus on her, and she immediately moved her mouth.

The lip shape is: live streaming!

Gu Lin also reacted, coughed lightly, and said seriously: “My original intention was to publicize and carry forward our excellent Dunhuang culture. ”

“As we all know, the Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes are known as the art museums of the oriental world…”

He began his official rhetoric at length.

Although this was not his original intention, it was also his second thought.

The audience instantly went crazy.

——[Hahaha, Brother Lin Zi changed his face this Chuan drama. 】

——[One second unscrupulous businessman, the next second Chinese culture promotion ambassador! ] 】

——[Actually, it doesn’t hurt that his original intention is to make money.] Being able to make money while promoting Chinese culture is the right path. 】

– [That’s right.] There is a lack of people like Brother Lin Zi in China. 】

——[How do I feel that the future development direction of Brother Lin Zi is not an entertainment superstar, but an artist. 】

– [Empathy.] 】


Gu Lin’s tirade finally ended.

Wang Bingbing then continued to ask: “Yesterday’s special effects picture was particularly exquisite and beautiful. Is there any new technology used? ”

“Particle ink? Can you give us a brief introduction? Wang Bingbing asked again.

Sun Zhixing said: “Particle ink is a new form of three-dimensional animation, which combines three-dimensional CG animation with the innovation of ink painting in China. ”

“Three-dimensional CG animation has the characteristics of realistic and figurative, and the essence of Chinese ink painting lies in white space, and there is a natural technical contradiction between the two.”

“And our studio can solve this technical difficulty, all without the help and guidance of Brother Gu.”

Speaking of this, Wang Bingbing looked at Gu Lin with a surprised expression.

She originally thought that Gu Lin just played the role of a planner in this performance.

Unexpectedly, he was also involved in the development of new technologies?

Gu Lin smiled helplessly.

And the reason why he asked Sun Zhixing to answer this question was to give young people a little chance to perform.

I didn’t expect that Sun Zhixing, this guy, was quite good at being a person.

In the end, he left this wave of forcing to Gu Lin to pretend.

——[Lying groove, Brother Lin Zi still understands visual effects? What a almighty! 】

——[Yesterday’s performance is no wonder so quaint, it turns out to use new technology related to ink painting.

——[I really hope that one day I can use this technology to make an animated film, maybe it can revitalize the national comics.] 】

——[Don’t worry, Brother Lin Zi will make a move!] 】


The interview continues.

Wang Bingbing asked several more technology-related questions one after another.

Gu Lin was silent, and all of them were handed over to Sun Zhixing and Xue Kangsheng to answer.


This interview came to an end.

Wang Bingbing looked at Gu Lin and said with a smile: “Mr. Gu, I have a digression here I want to ask you, is it okay?” ”

Gu Lin sat up straight, “You asked.” ”

“Netizens say that you are very close to the people, what do you think of such a statement?” Wang Bingbing asked.

Wang Bingbing was stunned, and then laughed twice, “That’s right, that’s right.” So that’s the end of today’s interview. ”

“Thank you three for accepting our exclusive interview, and thank you for giving us such a wonderful performance.”

——[Close to the people? I am the people! Brother Lin Zi replied, awesome! 】

——[It’s really an old artist with both virtue and art.] 】

——[But there is one thing to say, Brother Lin Zi is really the most unshelf-worthy star I have ever seen. ] 】

——[It is recommended that other stars in the entertainment industry come to learn!] 】


End of interview.

Gu Lin immediately returned to the live broadcast of the love show from CCTV’s live camera.

Reba, who had been waiting for a long time, said: “Amazing, it didn’t take long to accept an exclusive interview with CCTV. ”

Gu Lin smiled and said, “What are we going to do next?” Didn’t the program group say let’s play in Dunhuang for a day today? ”

Reba immediately took out a travel list, “I’ve already made a plan.” ”

Gu Lin took a look at it,

The content on the list is to go to the Crescent Spring, Sand Spring, Mingsha Mountain, which are the eight scenic spots of Dunhuang to check in and take photos.

“This… It’s too unremarkable. Gu Lin frowned.

Reba sighed, “I can’t think of anything better, do you have any arrangements?” ”

Gu Lin smiled wickedly: “I do, do you dare to go?” ”

Reba directly grabbed his arm, “Why don’t you dare?” I dare to go up the knife mountain and down the sea of fire, go! ”

Gu Lin was taken aback, “Are you sure you don’t understand the content first?” ”

“No need.”

“Well, don’t be sorry!”

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