After entering the hole where the light is pointing,

The three could clearly feel that the terrain was downward, and seemed to be walking towards the center of the earth.

The distance from the surface is getting farther and farther, and the live broadcast signal naturally cannot be transmitted.

Gu Lin turned around and said, “It’s okay, it’s not the first time to cut off the live broadcast.” ”

Hearing this, Reba couldn’t help but feel a little ashamed.

The last time the live broadcast was interrupted, it was because of her sudden brake, which made the camera reimbursed.

Gu Lin was stunned, “Can it still be like this?” So do you usually take any secretly photographs? ”

A soul question also made Teacher Chen feel ashamed.

He did take two videos secretly.

One is Sanya’s beach side, Reba’s affectionate confession.

The other is Reba’s casual marriage proposal in the desert of Dunhuang.

However, he did not show the video to a second person.

He just thought those images were more valuable, so he kept the video.

Waiting for a suitable moment, he planned to take the video as a gift and give it to Gu Lin and Reba.

As the footsteps move forward,

The road beneath your feet has also become more bumpy.

Three people climbed up and down,

Struggling forward.

Along the way, Gu Lin was paying attention to the rock walls on both sides.

He couldn’t help but wonder if his interpretation of the treasure poem was wrong.


The three slowly climbed down a rocky slope.

Coming to the bottom, the field of view suddenly widened.

A brand new cave appeared.

“It’s really a hole.” Reba exclaimed.

“Karst landscapes are like this, so you must not walk around, otherwise you will turn into Solon if you are not careful.” Gu Lin joked.

Reba said excitedly, “Solon I know, the one who is capable of the lost fruit.” ”

Gu Lin smiled, “I’m afraid you’re not watching “One Piece”? ”

Reba’s face suddenly turned red, “What netizens said.” ”

The two continued to walk towards the depths of the cave.

The temperature gradually drops,

Instead, the humidity rises sharply,

Thanks to the fact that they all wear wet clothes that can keep them warm, otherwise they may really die of cold in the summer.

They crossed a narrow and rugged path caught in a stone crevice.

There was a sudden sound of water in my ears.

Gu Lin was about to step forward 547, but found that there was a cliff ahead.

He immediately paused and shone his lighting helmet and flashlight down at the same time.

I saw a valley in the cave below.

Two underground rivers from different directions complete their confluence in a ravine.

Reba said excitedly: “Gu Lin, the two snakes are entangled, will it be these two streams of water?” ”

Gu Lin smiled and nodded, “Oh, go with me.” ”

Reba was overjoyed and felt closer and closer to the treasure.

But she soon had new questions:

Gu Lin frowned and thought for a moment, and said with a smile: “I have a bold idea, as for whether it is right or not, I have to go down first.” ”

With that, he began to lay rock nails on the rock wall again.

A conservative estimate is also more than ten meters, and the angle is nearly 90 degrees.

With Gu Lin opening the way, fixing the safety rope for him and Reba, it is absolutely no problem to go down.

But what about coming up?

My own weight of these two hundred pounds, I am afraid that it is a little difficult.

“Brother Lin Zi, I won’t go down, I’m afraid I won’t come later.”


“Okay, you give me the camera, I’ll shoot it for you.”

Gu Lin is not strong.


Gu Lin grabbed the climbing rope and easily swung to the bottom.

He carries two backpacks in front and back, and a camera around his waist.

It can be described as excess weight.

He’s too dexterous, too.

Should he go to the Public Security Bureau to file a case?


Reba also slid down slowly through the safety rope fixed by Gu Lin.

He instantly regretted it.

Staying alone in this dark cave is worse than letting him die.

He closed his eyes, curled up in the corner, and kept chanting in his mouth: “The demons and monsters are leaving, the demons and monsters are leaving…”

In the valley of the cave.

Reba took the initiative to reach out and said, “Give me the camera.” ”

Gu Lin was surprised: “You come to shoot?” ”

Reba nodded, “You are the protagonist of decrypting the treasure poem, of course I have to shoot you.” ”

Gu Lin smiled and naturally handed over the camera unceremoniously.

As soon as she took over, Reba regretted it.

It’s so heavy!

“Go, why are you still stunned?” Gu Lin urged.

Reba wanted to show weakness and return the camera.

But thinking that this move would incur Gu Lin’s sneer, she simply walked with difficulty.

Come to the confluence of two underground rivers.

Gu Lin took out a compass to determine the direction.

“Why the compass?” Reba asked puzzled.

Gu Lin explained: “I want to understand the direction of these two rivers. ”

Gu Lin smiled and said, “What if a few decades ago, one of the underground rivers was muddy? ”


Reba looked surprised, “How would you know about this kind of thing?” ”

Gu Lin chuckled, “Remember the love story that Village Chief Pang said? ”

“Remember. Is there any correlation between this? ”

Reba became even more confused.

Gu Lin said slowly: “According to Village Chief Pang, the suppression of bandits was in 49 years. ”

“If Liu Dabian really hid gold bars in the cave, it must have been hidden in this year.”

“And the local county chronicle I have seen has written that in 49, Jiulong Mountain, where Shilong Cave is located, had a flood period of up to two months.”

Hearing this, Reba probably understood something, “Because of the flood, the river does become muddy. But this is an underground river, it should have little impact. ”

“So I’m going to determine the location of the underground river.”

Saying that, Gu Lin pointed to one of the underground rivers, “This underground river flows from the northwest, and from the map software, the trend of Jiulong Mountain is from northeast to southwest. ”

Reba listened in a fog, “So? ”

Gu Lin continued: “In other words, it is very likely that this underground river did not flow from the Nine Dragon Mountain. ”

“Instead, a surface river outside the mountain flows into the ground and forms an underground river.”

“This is called voltaics in karst geology.”

“If my guess is correct, then this river must be muddy during floods.”

After listening, Reba grew her mouth in shock.

Although all this is just Gu Lin’s subjective guess,

But he can combine the love story told by Pang Yongyuan, the records of local county records, and the distribution of mountains on electronic maps.

So we analyzed the river clearing seventy years ago,

Simply breathtaking.

“Gu Lin, I kind of regret being with you?” Reba said stunned.

Gu Lin was stunned, “Huh? Is this the rhythm to break up? ”

“It’s not.”

Reba shook her head, “I feel like my IQ is not on the same level as you. Being with you will definitely be scammed by you. ”

Gu Lin laughed, “Are you still fooled by me?” ”

Reba puffed out her cheeks, “You’re embarrassed to say it.” ”

“Don’t waste time, let’s go, go in the direction of this river.”

Gu Lin put away the compass, ran the river, and walked in the direction of guessing.

He took a long stretch and walked fast.

Reba, who was carrying the camera, couldn’t keep up with him at all. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Gu Lin, can’t you go slowly, wait for me?” Reba complained.


Gu Lin continued to walk in big strides.

As soon as the voice fell, the voice of the system sounded for a long time:

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining: Ability Advancement – National Treasure Singing Skill Advancement to World-class. 】

Gu Lin was surprised by the sudden reward,

Reba in the rear roared loudly: “You go so fast, rush to reincarnate?” ”

Gu Lin turned his head and said helplessly: “I’m counting the distance.” ”

As he spoke, Reba followed.

“What distance is calculated?”

“If you didn’t say it earlier, I thought you were going to leave me alone.”

Reba muttered softly.

Gu Lin shook his head and sighed, “Forget it, I’ll reduce my stride length and take care of your little short legs.” ”

“Who has short legs, I have long legs.”

Saying that, Reba stretched out her legs coquettishly.

Gu Lin smiled, turned around and continued to hurry.

He forced himself to walk with a stride length of about half a meter.

To be honest, it’s a bit of a lady to walk.

Reba behind her laughed frequently.

Thanks to this, it soon came to the end of the underground river –

A wide underground lake.

“One meter stride took fifty-one steps, half a meter stride took two hundred and twenty-four steps.”

“That is to say, it is about 160 meters from the broken wall to here.”

Gu Lin calculated in a low voice, and then looked at the underground lake in front of him, “With this remaining hundred meters or so, do you want to dive into the lake?” ”

Reba answered: “Thanks to you for planning ahead and buying a wetsuit, otherwise we really don’t know what to do?” ”

She immediately changed her tone, “But in those days, the bandit leader didn’t have a diving suit, could he really hide the treasure in the lake?” ”

Gu Lin said with a smile: “It is really possible to be in an underground lake.” I feel like my guess was correct. ”


“Didn’t I check the life of the bandit leader Liu Daxun? This guy grew up by the sea, and he could dive unequipped. ”

“From the sea, run to the mountains to be bandits. His life experience is quite rich. Reba sighed.

Gu Lin smiled, “He is a villain, there is no need to sigh about his life.” By the way, you should be able to dive, right? ”

Reba nodded, “Yes.” The biggest regret in Sanya is that I didn’t go diving, but I didn’t expect to come to the mountains to make up for my regrets. ”

Gu Lin immediately said: “Then quickly change the diving suit, and go down together later to give you a sense of participation.” ”

Reba was shocked, “Just change here?” ”

Gu Lin sneered, “Otherwise, I still have to build a dressing room for you temporarily?” It’s just the two of us here, and it’s not like I haven’t seen you undressed. ”

Reba instantly blushed, “Don’t say it, the camera is filming.” Alas, the loss is not a live broadcast. I’ll have to cut this section when I go back. ”

Then he took out his diving suit and changed it in front of Gu Lin.

“You, don’t shoot randomly!”

Gu Lin shook his head and smiled, “I really don’t know what you’re thinking? I don’t have the surname Zhang, and I don’t play table tennis, how can I shoot randomly. ”

Reba suddenly felt embarrassed.

This paragraph is more sensitive and has to be cut!

It didn’t take long for you to do so.

The two changed into wetsuits one after another.

Gu Lin put two rock spikes on the shore and fixed the safety rope.

The safety rope is then tied around the waist.

“How long can you last in anaerobic diving?” Gu Lin asked.

In order to reduce the load, although the two brought wetsuits, they did not carry oxygen cylinders.

Only anaerobic diving is possible.

Simply put, it is to hold your breath and sink, and you can’t hold it and then float up to breathe.

“I used to do scuba diving with oxygen tanks, I didn’t try anaerobic diving. But my lung capacity is okay, and I should be able to last for three minutes. ”

Reba said.

Gu Lin sneered, “Three minutes is called persistence? Then you still stay on the shore, I’ll go down first to see, and if there is really a situation, then let you go into the water. ”

Reba muttered, “Then if you guessed wrong, the treasure is not in the lake at all, won’t my diving suit be changed for nothing?” ”

“It’s for nothing.”

Gu Lin nodded seriously, “I just want to trick you into changing your clothes and filling your eyes.” ”


Reba smiled helplessly.

There are more clips to cut when I go back.


After Gu Lin took a long breath, he jumped into the underground lake.

The lake is gentle and there is no need to worry about turbulence.

But the lake is unusually cold.

Even though the wetsuit had a warming function, he still felt the coolness.

Through the diving goggles, with the help of lighting, Gu Lin observed the situation at the bottom of the lake.

This underground lake is not deep, only about six or seven meters deep.

There are dense microorganisms floating in the lake, and a few catfish are seen sporadically.

Of course


He was searching for locations where gold bars might be hidden.

Excluding the 160 meters that came from wading in the water,

He thinks that as long as he swims straight forward for more than 100 meters, he should find something.

Suddenly, he saw a hole on the stone wall by the lake, which was only enough for one person to pass.

He quickly swam towards the entrance of the cave.

After entering the cave entrance, he swam hard for a minute.

When he reaches the end of the water, he sticks his head out of the water.

A hidden cave in Beppu comes into view.

The area is not large, only the size of a normal room.

There are also obvious traces of hand excavation on the stone walls.

Gu Lin showed a smile, “Damn, the treasure poem is really real!?” ”

He could have gone ashore alone to find out the whereabouts of the gold bars.

But he decided to share the joy with Reba.

He took a deep breath and swam back the same way.

When he returned to shore.

Reba’s worried heart finally relaxed, and joked: “Oh, it scares me to death, you don’t float up for a long time, I thought you were a gone?” ”

Gu Lin shook his head and smiled, “Go into the water, your diving suit has not been changed in vain, I will take you to make a fortune.” ”

Reba was startled, “You found it?” ”

Gu Lin nodded, “Very likely!” ”

Reba placed the camera on the shore and happily jumped into the lake.

In order to take care of her lung capacity, after coming to the location of the cave entrance, Gu Lin let her dive.

It took two minutes.

The two barely swam into the deep-hidden cave.

Immediately, it was a thief-like search.

“Gu Lin, come and see!” Reba exclaimed.

Gu Lin walked over.

I saw a decaying wooden board at Reba’s feet.

Gu Lin lifted the wooden plank.

Removing the thick dirt, a yellowed wooden box appeared.

The two looked at each other, reached out at the same time very tacitly, and opened the box.


The light reflected back,

Shining gold,

Blind dog’s eyes….

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