Chapter 100 A Forgotten Case (Please subscribe, first update)

The man held a remote control in his hand and looked at the people around him.

In fact, many people know that there is most likely no bomb in the box, but no one dares to gamble.

You know, that thing is more reliable in the movie world, but it is very difficult to buy in reality, let alone buy raw materials.

You are just the cost of assembly, and there are dangers?

Without a professional place to protect you, you may blow yourself up.

Chen Fan stood in the distance, watching the negotiation expert arrive quietly.

Hawkeye said:"Well, looking at the box, it is probably a person、"

Squinting, it must be a ruler.

Here, the sniper was ready, and the one who was in charge of the small talk was Li Tian.

As a result, Li Tian came back after a few words. The other party had explained to Li Tian and ignored Li Tian. Finally, Li Tian patted Chen Fan on the shoulder and gave Chen Fan a name and information. Chen Fan looked at it and walked over.

"Let me make it clear first, I don't have a gun."

The man said silently:"I know you, a genius in forensic medicine"

"Fortunately, I am just good at cutting people. The person in your box is Jiang Yuan, your apprentice.

The man said,"Yes, he is my apprentice. You guessed right. You know what I am going to do, right?"

"You know, it caused a public reaction and then reopened the case, right?"


"Suppose, this case was really committed by Jiang Yuan? Have you ever thought about it?"

"Jiang Yuan is dead. He just died today. I am just the first one to know about it. If the police saw it, what do you think the media would write about it? It would be nothing more than the so-called suicide out of fear of punishment."

Chen Fan paused and said,"How did he die?"

"Hanged. When I entered the room, he was already dead."

Chen Fan nodded and said,"Then let's do an autopsy. No matter if it was suicide or some other reason, let's do an autopsy."

"What I want you to solve is the case of insulting Jiang Yuan, not Jiang Yuan himself."

Chen Fan said:"I am a forensic doctor. If you don't let me cut, what should I do? How can you expect me to perform a magic trick and invite Jiang Yuan's soul to possess me? Do you believe this thing?"

"I don't believe it, this thing is just a lie"

"Right. Okay, let's go back and do the autopsy first."

"Jiang Yuan was raped to death. What's the point of dissecting Jiang Yuan?"

"Who knows? Who cares? It’s better to cut it than not to cut it. Let’s go.

The man put down the remote control, and Zhang Tianxiong and his men rushed up and arrested him.

Soon, the interrogation room and the autopsy room had two cameras, one for Chen Fan who was doing the autopsy and the other for Li Tian who was in charge of the interrogation.

The lawyer here was Zheng Zifeng, who was considered a good lawyer in the province.

The lawyer in the observation room also knew Zheng Zifeng.

The lawyer also knew about this case.

"Well, the woman committed suicide after being raped, and it was a big deal at the time."

Brother Hu said,"Is it the case that was on the news a while ago??"

"Yes, it was a case that was in the news some time ago. Jiang Yuan was sentenced to three years in prison for rape and paid a lot of compensation. After he was released, he died today. Alas, Zheng Zifeng had to run a lot for this case, but the evidence was irrefutable and there was nothing he could do."Ironclad evidence"

, these four words have a meaning.

Chen Fan cut open the man's body while Lao Liu directed the operation.

Xiang Qinqin handled her own footprint case and came over to help carry the things.

Lao Liu said,"It was indeed death from suffocation, hanging, and finally suffocation."

Chen Fan took out the stomach, cut it open, and looked at the contents

"Well, it's a bit like sleeping pills. This person probably doesn't sleep well."

Old Liu didn't say anything, just looked at Chen Fan. From these words, Old Liu knew that Chen Fan was starting to make trouble again.

"Well, there is a scar here. How did you get injured?"

"I saw the case back then, this hand has old scars"

"By the way, how was this case decided, Master?"

"The woman jumped into the river and died. The day before, Jiang Yuan had sex with this woman, and Jiang Yuan's DNA was found in her body. Do you understand?"

Jumping into the river to commit suicide."

This statement is really interesting.

"What about time?"

"Well, at night, after Jiang Yuan and the girl finished, the girl went home, and then she couldn't figure it out, so she died."

"Why can't you figure it out?"

Old Liu got angry and said,"Why do you have so many questions? Are you starting to get emotional when judging the case?"

Chen Fan lowered his head, then raised his head in an instant, with tears in the corners of his eyes, and said,"Teacher Liu, we are in love, why would she commit suicide? I don't understand."

Old Liu was shocked. Chen Fan's sudden change and extension of his voice, as well as the tears, scared Old Liu.

Jiang Yuan had looked for him, and Old Liu remembered the child.

How could he not remember this child? A lawyer who went to a remote area to teach, how could he not remember him.

This child was so sunny and outstanding at the beginning.

Old Liu was a little scared and subconsciously reached for the amulet. Chen Fan lowered his head again and changed his voice and said,"Master Doudou, look at you, why are you so scared?"

Old Liu didn't say anything.

Because now he really believed in Chen Fan's shaman dance. This thing was probably true.

But he couldn't admit it, and couldn't let the audience believe it. This thing was very strange.

In fact, Chen Fan was the one who didn't understand it the most, because at the moment he was brought in, Chen Fan really had some more memories, some voices, some skills, and some habits.

It was as if he could really imitate anyone.

But it could only be dead people.

Is it superstition or science? Chen Fan didn't know, just like his original bet.

Betting on himself, so, is it a conceptual ability, or is it that because of his words and bets, the world began to change?

So Chen Fan never bets on who killed someone.

Because Chen Fan was worried that in the end, because of his bet, the original development would be changed, then the real murderer might change.

"He suffered from insomnia for a long time and even had a certain degree of irritability. Moreover, he often drank alcohol. Teacher, what do you think is the reason for a person to commit suicide? Is he guilty? You have seen a real rapist, right?"

Old Liu didn't say anything.

"Teacher, go ahead and tell me about the rapists you have seen."

Lao Liu said helplessly,"I have seen rapists, I have dissected them, and even observed their lives. These people are not morally condemned. They all live a very easy life and sleep soundly. People with insomnia always blame themselves, but there is no such thing as self-blame for rapists." It completely exploded. Lao Liu's words directly ignited the emotions of the people in the live broadcast room.

Everyone thought about it for a long time. Yes, who would believe it if a person who went to teach in a remote area raped a girl in the village?

No one would believe it.

Everyone has seen the ordinary world. Do the beauties that appear in the village really exist?

That is the world of movies and TV. In reality, there is no such thing.

"Uh, really?"

"That's right. The residue in the stomach represents the daily life of this person. Drinking for a long time in the blood is different. These can be analyzed by forensic doctors. The forensic doctors give these data, and the police officers infer the daily life of this person. This is a kind of forensic work. Therefore, there is no so-called guidance."

Qin Ming continued:"Except for the part about jumping the shaman, everything Chen Fan said is reasonable, because rapists really don't blame themselves. People who can blame themselves and reflect on themselves, are they still rapists?"

People who commit crimes always blame themselves for being caught, not for committing crimes and letting that person down.

Qin Ming, the lawyer, and even the audience all understand this deeply.

Suicide for fear of crime?

This has always been a person who accidentally killed someone and couldn't stand the condemnation in his heart and finally committed suicide.

How could a person who wanted to kill someone commit suicide for fear of crime? He really wanted to kill someone.

In the interrogation room, Li Tian looked at Zheng Zifeng and said,"To be honest, how many years have passed? Let me count. It's been two years since you helped your apprentice to fight the lawsuit. Your apprentice has been in prison for three years, a full five years." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Yes, it's been five years, the child's future is ruined, you all know it, Li Tian, look at me, don't tell me you didn't say hello to Jiang Yuan."

Li Tian was silent, and said:"But at that time, it was those family members who made trouble. You knew better than me that the girl was going to get married."

"Yes, married, but not married? Moreover, Jiang Yuan said that he was in love with that girl. You look at me, look at me, the photo of the ring on the girl's finger, is it there? I'm asking you, are you there?"

"It's too violent."

"Do you deserve to wear this outfit? Tell me, Li Tian, look at your clothes and tell me if you deserve it."

Li Tian slammed the table and said,"I go there every year to try to find the murderer. Do you think I don't want to? But I can't find it. There are only footprints over there, nothing else. The surveillance and electricity over there are all working. You tell me to find the murderer?"

Zheng Zifeng and Li Tian fell silent at the same time.

"But you could have asked those reporters, right?

"What a bunch of rubbish, why bother with your own business."

At this time, Lao Liu's phone rang, and Chen Fan said speechlessly:"Don't tell me, I'm on a business trip."

"Well, you brought up the case yourself, so you handle it yourself. You can choose to go on a business trip or not."

"Let's go to the scene and have a look. It's been so many years, and there's no trace of it."

Here, Chen Fan packed his clothes and things, and contacted the local police station with Li Tian, and some authoritative local elders to form a team and headed straight to the place.

When the audience saw the live broadcast, it was already the next day.

Chen Fan and Lao Liu drank Red Bull, with dark circles under their eyes, and found the cemetery at that time.

"Drowned. This was a big case at the time, and more than a dozen forensic doctors gave the answer."

Chen Fan stared at the ground. Grass had grown here, and there were no footprints anymore. There were only photos.

The photos showed footprints.

There were a lot of footprints, including human footprints. In fact, they were all investigated.

There was no problem.

The parents sued Jiang Yuan for rape, and the family of the man the woman was going to marry also sued in the same way.

Chen Fan stared at the decoration of the village and said,"It's developing well."

Li Tian said,"Nonsense, that case was a big deal, the compensation was so much, and many people donated money."

Chen Fan said,"But, I'm curious, Li Tian, what would you do if one of your relatives' daughters was raped?"

"I've thought about what you said. You mean leave and go to another place, right? You suspect that this village is using this woman's death as a show, right? I tell you, it's just hype, to attract attention, sympathy, and money, but this thing didn't happen."

Chen Fan was speechless and said,"Damn it, you want to die?"

"Don't ask me, first of all, the woman is dead, and then what you need to do is to prove that the woman's death has nothing to do with Jiang Yuan, that's the only way."

Chen Fan was speechless, holding the photo and comparing it with the footprints.

He said:"There is a person, this footprint is wrong, do you really think I have no clues, and you are talking nonsense here?"

"This footprint belongs to the deceased's future father. What's wrong? Is there a problem?"

Chen Fan stood here and said,"Tell me, what am I doing standing here?"

"Traceology, I know you can do it, footprints, right? Tell me your judgment and I will give you the result directly."

Chen Fan stood where he was and said,"Suppose it is a rainy day, I will stand here, how deep do you think the footprints will be."

Li Tian was stunned.

He looked at Chen Fan.

He said,"Well, I haven't thought about this."

"Someone has died here. Do you think many people will come here?"

"You can tell from the wild grass that there are not many:"

"Assuming the soil has not changed, let's do an experiment to evaluate the rainfall. Under that humidity, how deep can a person stand and step?"

What a bullshit experiment.

Here, Li Tian directly got some water and poured it directly on the ground.

Chen Fan stood

"Well, I'm standing here, look at the depth of the footprints."

Li Tian slowly lowered his head and looked at his watch.

Time passed by minute by minute, and then, when he got the result (Zhao Li's), Li Tian felt terrible.、

"One hour, a whole hour."

Chen Fan said:"Well, one hour, it's raining, standing here for an hour, the old man is here reciting poems?"

Li Tian stood in Chen Fan's position and looked at the dilapidated house in the distance, just in time to see the window.

He looked over here again. After thinking for a while, Li Tian ran to the bushes next to him, took a shovel and started digging.

Zhang Tianxiong helped.

Soon, he found a white plastic bag.

"Plastic bags are really bad things. Even if they go underground, they won’t be destroyed. We are lucky."

Chen Fan said,"What do you think of this thing?"

"Then don't worry about it、"

Li Tian led his men and arrested the old man. Holding the plastic bag, Li Tian questioned the man and said,"Why were you smoking in the bushes over there?"

The old man was frightened and looked at Li Tian.

"I didn't, I didn't go"

"An hour, not more than an hour, how can the footprints be so deep and so firm? I am curious, why are your footprints so clear."

The old man did not speak.

Chen Fan came over and said something.

This sentence made the whole live broadcast room explode with knowledge.

"Old man, is this girl married to you or your son?"

The old man dodged his gaze instantly.

This dodging action made Li Tian furious and said,"Take it away, damn it, beast."

Chen Fan silently took out three cigarettes, put them by the river, and said,"These are for you. I know you don't smoke and don't bring any incense. This is it. Don't despise it."

Then, Chen Fan lowered his head and raised his head again.

He said in Jiang Yuan's voice,"I'm coming to find you. Don't be anxious. Wait for me."

In an instant, countless people in the live broadcast room burst into tears. ps: Please support, thank you everyone. ps: Please give more data and follow up.

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