Chapter 110 If I commit a crime, I am much better than this guy (please subscribe, the fifth update)

Chen Fan looked at his name tag and said,"Junior technician, I really am, this word is really speechless"

"Be content. Many people may have worked as junior forensic scientists for their entire lives. It is very difficult to get promoted. Go for it. However, I guess your attendance at classes is different from others."

"Well, isn't that what I'm teaching? Just go back to Baidu Encyclopedia and look up the information, and throw it out. That's it."

This is not Baidu Encyclopedia's business.

Lao Liu said:"They are all looking at that thing. You have to find a way to make it simple. I'll teach you two things, fingerprints, footprints, and blood. These three are also the most commonly used on-site"

"I know, I know. By the way, no one is stopping me from saying anything in class, right?"

"Just say it, we all have the ability to distinguish right from wrong."

Chen Fan nodded and went to prepare.

On this side, Qin Ming looked at the conversation between Chen Fan and Lao Liu, a little scared, and said:"Why do I feel cold sweat on my back? How can this Chen Fan do things in a normal way?"

Teacher He said:"Yes, I now think that Chen Fan will not handle the room in a normal way."

Here, the time came to more than four o'clock in the afternoon. When Chen Fan stood in the classroom, he spoke directly、

"If I commit a crime, none of you can catch me."

、After saying this, everyone in the live broadcast room and the observation room burst into laughter.

We knew, we knew, this guy would not do things in a normal way.

Several policemen in the audience looked at Chen Fan, and all of them took out the handcuffs and threw them on the table. Just say it again and see.

"I was just kidding, look at you guys, it's real."

The audience laughed like crazy

"Hahahaha, I'm dying of laughter, hahahaha"

"Chen Fan, this guy, really, I feel like he's about to let himself go"

"Maybe he has been suppressed for too long. For a born criminal like him, he finally has the chance to show off himself. He can't wait to show off, right?"

"I just don't understand whether these policemen can stand Chen Fan."

Chen Fan took out some photos and said,"There's nothing much to say about the course. It's nothing more than letting everyone make judgments quickly. If we rely on forensic doctors alone, we will probably be exhausted. Someone gave me some fingerprints for comparison, about 50. Let's take a look.,"

Then the photo appeared on the blackboard, it was illuminated.

"Well, everyone, take a look here, Zhelin"

"Well, right here, at this point, do you see it? Okay, next one."


The audience was stunned. No, wait, slow down.

It's like someone who doesn't know math going to math class.

The teacher asked the students,"Do you understand this?""

Several policemen in the audience stared at the blackboard with wide eyes, speechless.

Here, Lao Song said,"Slow down, you and Lao Li's brains are too fast, speak slowly, they can't understand."

Chen Fan was helpless and said,"It's just a surprising thing, can't you understand this? Here, here, I'm not sure, just change to the next one, why waste time?"

Someone said,"What if it matches later?"

"Do you think it's reliable?"

One of the old police officers stood up and said,"What Chen Fan said should be the first surprising point. If this point doesn't match, the follow-up will be difficult. The probability is too low. If you waste time comparing, you will probably be exhausted."

This is a problem of efficiency.

Chen Fan is a very lazy person. Any quick method is what Chen Fan likes to think about.

Chen Fan said:"Moreover, fingerprints are rarely used now. In the past, everyone didn't understand the law, and bloody handprints were everywhere on the streets, but now, everyone is smart and has learned to wear gloves by themselves."

"Fingerprints are also improving, so speed is what we are pursuing."

Everyone nodded.

Chen Fan compared it again and said,"Here, here, the corner of the fingerprint, the general Chongqing fingerprint method, or the Qingdao fingerprint method, or, Chen Fan's fingerprint comparison, most of them are the same."

Wait, there's a strange thing mixed in?

Teacher He said:"Chen Fan fingerprint comparison, what is it~?"

Qin Ming said:"Damn, let this Chen Fan pretend to be so good. The fingerprint comparison proposed by Chen Fan before has been named. It was named after him. At that time, it was planned to be named by the province, but Chen Fan said his own name. He is really pretentious."


Everyone laughed.

Song Zuer said:"Teacher Qin Ming, if it were you, what would you do?"

"It must be my real name, right? I dream of writing my name in a book, okay?"

The audience was speechless, this was the most uncomfortable.

This guy is a young and handsome guy, but he got the first-class merit.

Although the first-class merit has the meaning of publicity, the fingerprint comparison of Chen Fan's name is the biggest harm.

"Generally, fingerprints are compared, photographed, and put into the computer, and the results can be obtained in minutes. If the fingerprint database does not contain it, it can only be compared manually. However, finding the suspect or something is still up to everyone. Forensic doctors cannot provide solutions for these."

Forensic doctors can only give a general direction. It is the job of the police to lock on the suspect.

In other words, reasoning.

Everyone in the audience nodded.

This is the truth.

Chen Fan asked a person to come on stage and said,"Compare these two."

The man was wearing a police uniform. The medals on his body and the stars on his shoulders told others that he was of high status.

The man was quite old and looked very slowly. He compared them one by one and said,"Hey, this is not right. This one doesn't match. I think these two can match."

The man pointed to two fingerprints.

Chen Fan nodded, then looked at Lao Song, who called someone directly.

"People from Liaoyuan, I'm Old Song. By the way, the fingerprint comparison here has the result. One case is arson, and the other is robbery. The two cases can be combined. You can start arresting the person."

"Shit, really? That's right, that's right, who are you comparing with?"

"A guy in the fingerprint database, the photo will be sent to you"

"Awesome! I'll treat you to a meal later."

Everyone in the audience was stunned.

Wait, did they just solve a case?

So fast?

Everyone looked at the police on the stage. The police habitually wanted to take a cigarette, but he didn't think about the class.

"Well, as expected, the match was successful. Young people nowadays are really smart and much better than us.,"

Chen Fan said,"Well, if it were me, I wouldn't do that with my fingerprints."

Everyone looked at Chen Fan.

Chen Fan put on gloves and said,"Look, it's basically hard to handle when I start to commit crimes with gloves on. What are you going to do?"

The old policeman said,"Are you giving me a hard time?"


"You hold this paper."

Chen Fan held it, and the police said,"Did it leave any traces?》"

"Left it, but this can't be considered a reason."

The old policeman said:"I don't need this as evidence, I just need to know the approximate direction of the grip. Probably, fingerprints can infer a person's height, and the same goes for the palm." At this moment, everyone was furious.

Damn, damn, is it so awesome?

Chen Fan said:"You are not elegant, and it's not interesting at all. Isn't this just reasoning?"

The old policeman said:"Yes, it's reasoning. This is how I think about it. The direction of my research has errors. In fact, there are certain errors in the palms and feet of people."

"Palm lines can actually be calculated, but I know how to solve your problem. I'll give you some data later and you'll understand."

"Do you have data? Oh, I know, it was the secrets leaked by that bunch of junk software, right?"

The old policeman said,"Give me a copy of the data later, and I'll think about it. If I'm lucky, I can really use it to identify people."

"Yes, many people are used to going to the scene to see their masterpieces."

At this time, the people in the audience were already very excited. (To read the exciting novels, go to Fulu Novel Network!)

Chen Fan pointed to a pile of fingerprints and said,"The solution is up to you, come on."

Everyone came on stage and compared the fingerprints. If they matched, Lao Song would call directly. If they didn't match, they didn't worry. It didn't matter. There was nothing shameful about this, but the case was solved like this, and I was really happy.

Soon, it was time for a break, and Chen Fan followed a few police officers outside. Everyone was in the corridor, smoking.

"It’s great, really great, Lao Song, you are really lucky. To be honest, if Chen Fan is here with us, if there is a backlog of cases here, I will chop my head off directly."

Chen Fan took the cigarette and said nothing.

Lao Song said:"Do you have a daughter?"

"I am, but I am married, hahahaha."

Chen Fan said with a chuckle:"Forget it, I won't go, you don't have a daughter,"

"The girls in my unit are pretty."

Chen Fan got angry and said,"We must keep in touch with them in the future."

He was not pretentious and said whatever he wanted to say. He also had a very good personality, so everyone was naturally willing to get along with him.

Qin Ming said in the observation room,"You may not know this group of people? The one who gave Chen Fan cigarettes."

Everyone nodded.

"That's the director. He's not the highest-ranking official. He became the director because he was in a life-and-death fight with someone a few years ago and injured his leg while chasing drug dealers. This director is very ruthless. He is absolutely ruthless in his drug crackdown."

"And that skinny guy over there? Let me tell you, this guy was a martial arts champion before, and his reach is incredible."

"Oh, and there was that guy. In order to catch someone, I took a few people and detained that guy for a month. I managed to get him out. He ate, drank and slept in the car."

".And the guy over there, the one with mosaics on his face, was an undercover agent before, I won’t go into details about this."

Everyone knows that when a police officer has a mosaic on his face, it means that this person's identity is very hidden.

He needs to be protected.

Teacher He said:"Are Chen Fan's methods really effective?"

"It works, it improves efficiency. For example, many times, criminals are at the scene. We can quickly identify them and kill them directly on the scene."

Damn, it's really creepy.

This speed, this efficiency.

The audience is also the most afraid, because this will really have a scare effect.

If you want to commit a crime, you have to think about the strength of these domestic forensic doctors. If you can't deal with this group of people, you shouldn't commit a crime.

Back in the house, Chen Fan took out some photos or some videos and said,"I'm going to give you something now. It's my intuition. Let's put it this way. You all know that I have imagined countless crimes in my mind."

Everyone nodded.

Chen Fan said,"These videos and photos are all taken by me at random. I show them to everyone to ask everyone, if you commit a crime, or if the criminal commits a crime, which place is suitable for throwing the body."

Everyone looked at Chen Fan. This topic is very fresh.

Someone said,"The first photo, the area under the tree over there, I think it is most suitable for committing a crime. There will be less rain under the tree."

Chen Fan shook his head and said,"Wrong, I won't choose under the tree because it's hard to dig."

And the police nodded, as if he was really right.

"Here, by the river"

"No, the water will wash the body out."

"Over here, over here in the grass"

"No, if the grass is destroyed, it will be easy for people to find out that this area has been touched.

"That is the open space?"

Chen Fan said:"Eighty percent of the time, we have to choose the open space, because this kind of area���The most suitable, the second point, if it is a long-term case, it is not within the scope of consideration, but it can also be distinguished, for example, the trees around are growing well, while the grass here is relatively short, but no one trims it in the wild, (Zhao Ma Zhao) if it is relatively short, what does it mean?"

Everyone was stunned for a moment.

Several big guys in the front row stood up and said,"Wait a minute, I'll make a call here."

The big guy went out to make a call, and after the call, he came back and handed Chen Fan a cigarette. He didn't care whether he was in class or not.

The big guy walked back and forth, anxiously leaning on the table, feeling very irritated.

Soon the phone rang, and the man said,"Found it"

"Are you in there?"

"The person was arrested."

"All right."

Then everyone stood up and saluted Chen Fan.

Chen Fan saluted back and said,"It's a small matter. I'm just thinking from a criminal perspective. If I commit a crime, I can do it more perfectly than these rubbish."、"

Someone jokingly asked:"Does a perfect crime exist?"

"It doesn't exist. Any material exchange always follows the principle. As long as you commit a crime, you will leave evidence. Not leaving evidence doesn't mean it doesn't exist. We just didn't find it."

Everyone nodded.

Everyone gestured to Chen Fan to continue.

Chen Fan continued to give a lot of photos.

During this period, someone suddenly thought of something and asked someone to find it. He really found it.

One may be a coincidence, two, three?

So, at this moment, everyone looked at Chen Fan, no longer laughing, no longer thinking that Chen Fan was young, at this moment, everyone felt that Chen Fan was a god.

The god of crime.

The old policeman said:"I'm worried... someone will challenge you, after all, you are live broadcasting."

Chen Fan said:"It's okay, come on, I like others to challenge me the most." ps: Please support, follow up, thank you everyone. ps: Please read a supplement..

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