Chapter 113 Grave Robbers' Chronicles is actually an autobiography (please subscribe, second update)

(Speechless, I lost my glasses while eating, and started writing after getting them back)

When Chen Fan finished speaking, everyone present was stunned. No, more than stunned, everyone was simply shocked.

No, brother, you said before that you can do autopsies and so on, we can help you and so on, but now you say you can rob tombs, I'm sorry, we fans, we really can't help you.

Chen Fan looked at everyone speechlessly and said,"Why are you looking at me like that, I was just kidding."

Everyone finally chose to ignore the matter.

The tomb was right, but the person in the tomb was not right, so Lao Song had something to do.

After the bones were carried out, Chen Fan looked at the bones and conducted a simple examination with Lao Liu.

"The skull was shattered, so he must have been killed, but the scar is a bit strange."

Strange scar?"

The question raised by Chen Fan here shocked Lao Liu, who asked,"What do you mean?"

Chen Fan gestured and said,"This is the position of the face. The murderer should be facing the deceased, and then going down like this. What is this thing?"

Lao Liu knew the answer instantly, picked up a hoe on the side of the road, and said,"This."

Everyone looked at the hoe and was speechless.

The hoe killed the person and then put the person into the coffin.

What is the purpose of this?

Lao Song still has some brains and thought of some other things, such as some special rituals.

Then Lao Song began to investigate the original deceased, the sixteen-year-old child who died of illness. A sixteen-year-old child died of illness, so who would be the most uncomfortable? Naturally, it would be the family.

Here, Lao Liu checked the clothes and said,"The remaining cloth smells a bit like a leather jacket. This thing is a bit strange. It is not used by the villagers."

At this time, someone remembered and said,"Is it Qi Lao Si? If I remember correctly, this person has disappeared for a long time."

The villagers around thought of something and nodded.

Lao Liu hurried to do a DNA test and then compare it.

In fact, there is no need to compare it. Just check Qi Lao Si's house and find similar clothes to confirm the identity of this person.

The rest of the forensic results are also supplementary.

The audience was the most speechless. Why do they feel that this case seems to be nonsense?

And Chen Fan's next sentence made everyone speechless.

": This should be considered a ghost marriage. The child died without getting married, so naturally they had to hold a silver wedding. They dug up other people’s graves and then held a joint burial or something. Do you have this custom here?"

The village chief said,"Yes, but it has been cancelled a long time ago. It is not allowed. Some people paid money and wanted to hold a silver wedding ceremony, but later they were stopped. This is not a good way."

Then everyone suddenly thought of something, and Old Song naturally understood.

Some villagers said that the grandfather of this sixteen-year-old child had been clamoring to hold a silver wedding ceremony for his child.

Was it this old man who did it?

Then, the child’s parents went home and found their grandfather’s old house. They found the evidence they needed inside. The old man wrote in beautiful handwriting.

"I'm dead. When you see this letter, you'll know that it was me who did it."

"My grandson likes that girl, but it's a pity that both of them don't have such a good life."

"We met in the hospital, but both of us don't have much time left. My grandson asked me if he could be buried with her, but her family disagreed. This is the only way I can do."

"This damn scum, just beat him to death, I have no regrets, this man deserves to die."

The letter ended here, everyone looked at each other, thinking it was outrageous.

Old Song continued to investigate and found something wrong.

Qi Laosi had committed a crime in his early years, in which he raped girls in the village. Later, the girls in the village were worried that they would not be able to get married, so they moved to another place to live.

The world is so wonderful.

The evil man was beaten to death by an old man, and then this man replaced a woman and stayed in the coffin in the grave for many years.

Old Song was speechless and said,"Don't tell me that the girl that Qi Laosi raped was this dead girl."

Everyone shook their heads, indicating that it was not the case.

Old Song heaved a sigh of relief.

So how should this case be handled? Naturally, the bones should be taken out, and it depends on the other party's parents' opinions. If the family members are willing to bury them together, then they can be buried together. If they are not willing, you can't do so in front of them.

In the case of Qi Laosi, the girl was beaten to death by the old man. The old man himself admitted it, but the old man had passed away.

Finally, several people returned to the forensic doctor.

When they returned to the forensic institute, it was already evening.

Chen Fan said:"What do you think, if this dead girl was harmed by Qi Laosi, wouldn't it be strange?"

"" Didn't everyone in the village say it, didn't they say it was Qi Laosi?"

Several new forensic doctors looked at Chen Fan and explained.

Chen Fan said,"How about I do a shaman dance?"

Everyone was stunned and looked at Chen Fan and said,"Are you serious?"

"I was just kidding you guys, how could I really find my soul?"

Chen Fan returned to his room, pulled down the curtains, and then lowered his head.

When he looked up again, the look in his eyes in the mirror became gentle.

"I really want to go out and play"

"There is still a lot in this world that I haven't tried yet."

"Mom and Dad, I'm sorry, I can't take care of you in your old age."

"Xiaoyan, I'm sorry, I'm not clean anymore."

Chen Fan suddenly woke up and looked at the result. Damn, is it really true?

However, it seems that there is no way. If Qi Lao Si harmed this girl, then the old man would avenge his grandson?

However, if he avenged his grandson, Qi Lao Si would die, and the old man would die too.

This case should actually be over.

In the evening, Old Song gave Chen Fan some not very good news.

"The family agreed to bury the two together."

Chen Fan thought about it and said,"If I say that this case was not committed by the old man, do you believe it?"

Old Song felt his heart begin to ache.

In the evening, the live broadcast was not closed yet. Old Song came to the forensic doctor and found Chen Fan.

Everyone gathered together to eat.

"What did you say?"

"It doesn't make sense. Qi Laosi is strong and healthy. How could that old man have the strength to kill Qi Laosi from the front? Is Qi Laosi a fool?"

Old Song said,"I know this, but the old man is dead and he admitted it himself. What should we do?"

Chen Fan was speechless and said,"If I say that this girl was violated by Qi Laosi and I know it through shamanism, do you believe it?""Fuck you.

The other stars at the table were dumbfounded.

The audience was also dumbfounded.,

"Oh shit, oh shit, no way, damn, this makes sense now"

"Why is it that if a child dies and the parents leave this place, they should normally stay with the child and visit him/her every year, right?"

"It can’t be the girl’s parents who did it, right? If it was the girl’s parents who did it, it seems to be explainable, right?"

"But if this is the case, I suddenly don’t want to arrest this couple, because this family will be really ruined."

Everyone has sympathy, but the law is the law, and the law does not allow sympathy to exist.

Here, Qin Ming said:"I think Lao Song should have thought of it too, right?"

"Well, I went to look for the people who were there, and I asked a lot of people, because it is really difficult to kill someone head-on, the other party will resist. The reason why they don't resist must be that the other party is very fast. It is unrealistic for an old man to be so fast."

"Moreover, that letter is a bit ridiculous, it seems that the old man left it on purpose."

"Well, I'd better ask here. Although I know that I will feel bad if I handle this case, I still have to do it."

Soon, Lao Song found the girl's parents.

When the father saw the police coming to the door and asked about Qi Laosi's death, he panicked and took the initiative to confess. (To read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The psychological endurance of ordinary people is actually not that strong.

Then in the interrogation room, the man explained what happened.

His daughter was indeed bullied by Teacher Qi in the early years, and then this man beat Qi Laosi, and then gave him money and didn't care, and Qi Laosi didn't look for his daughter.

Then the girl got into trouble, the man spent all the money, the daughter died, and then when the funeral was held in the village.

Qi Laosi made all kinds of sarcastic remarks, and kept saying that his daughter died well and that if she had slept with him, she would not die.

The man was so angry that he beat him directly at the funeral. Qi Laosi, for this matter, also paid compensation to Qi Laosi.

At night, the more he thought about it, the angrier he got, so he took a hoe and killed Qi Laosi. This incident was seen by the boy's grandfather.

The old man did not call the police, and said that he could take the responsibility for the matter, but there was a prerequisite that the man's daughter and the old man's grandson would have a silver wedding anniversary.

The man said that the boy liked his daughter, and the man knew about this. At that time, the two often interacted and played together.

Although he was nineteen years old, older than the child, the two got along very happily. At that time, the man also said that he liked the child very much, and that he was smart and had good academic performance...

However, the child was sick, and his daughter was also sick, and then there was no more.

After that, the old man buried the two together, and then threw Qi Laosi into the coffin.

"How did you find out?"

Lao Song actually gave two answers.,

"The first answer is your daughter's grave. You are so panicked. You can spend money to save your daughter, so you naturally love your daughter very much. But you seldom visit your daughter. This is illogical. From the moment I saw your daughter's grave, I began to doubt you, but I was worried that you would run away, so I said something else to trick you back first."

"What about the second one?"

Lao Song said,"It's a shaman dance. I know a forensic doctor who always has some strange skills. I think your daughter must have been bullied or something."

The man sighed and said,"Although I know this person is very annoying and damnable. But for so many years, before I go to bed every day, I can recall the face of this person, the face of the one I killed."

Most people are not as cunning as in the movie world. Many people are actually very simple. As long as you ask , they will confess voluntarily.

It's just that the audience who finished watching the movie felt very uncomfortable.

Good people don't get good rewards. The death of bad people needs to be borne by good people.

But are they really good people? Who can judge? No one can judge.

If a child is bullied and the parents retaliate, then the law will no longer exist.

The first sentence of any law book is always people-oriented.

If revenge and revenge are allowed, then the whole society's hard-built physique will collapse.

Even if many people are unhappy and unhappy in their hearts, this is the law and the rule.

Chen Fan was in the morgue, carefully piecing together the bones bit by bit.

Looking at the bones of Qi Laosi, and then at the bones of the people next to him.

Standing outside are family members, or to be precise, only the family members of the boys.

Here, an old man walked in with two apprentices

"You pay?"

Chen Fan said:"Yes, pay. If you can complete it, then complete it. If not, forget it."

"Do you look down on my craftsmanship?"

"How much"

"Five thousand per person, and if you make it for Qi Lao Si, two thousand"


"This man and woman is a delicate job. For this Qi Lao Si, just find some dead pork to deal with. Why do you want to set diamonds for him?"

Chen Fan was speechless and said,"Okay, I'll give you the money."

Chen Fan sat aside, lit a cigarette, and watched silently.

The photographer beside him was recording this wonderful moment.

Chen Fan's face was calm, and he watched the old man's restoration work quietly.

Putting together a person actually requires a lot of things, but the old man's craftsmanship is really amazing.

When a sixteen-year-old boy and a nineteen-year-old girl appeared on the dissection table, the family members standing outside burst into tears. After so many 5.1 years, it is such a happy thing to see your children again.

However, the work continues.

In addition, Qi Lao Si was also restored.

Here, when Lao Liu passed by the door, he nodded with satisfaction without saying a word.

Qin Ming gave Chen Fan a thumbs up and said,"No selfishness, this is what a forensic doctor should do most, Chen Fan, you are great, I can't do it."

Chen Fan laughed, then took the broom and broke it.

He took the stick and hit Qi Lao Si's body with it.

"Great, all right, you guys do it, hold the wedding, I want to eat."


Instantly, countless netizens laughed.

The old man who had just finished repairing couldn't help but laughed, too. Well, he spent two thousand just for this stick.

This kid really doesn't play by the rules.

Qin Ming was speechless, but after reading it, well, he felt relieved for some reason.

He opened his notebook

"Perhaps, when a person dies, the sin will dissipate, but if your sins are remembered on the day you die, then it is also a punishment for a person."

Here, Xiang Qinqin helped the two people put on their wedding dresses, because they were pieced together and couldn't stand up.

They just took a group photo.

Both of them closed their eyes, but this photo was the best gift for the family.

The live broadcast, at this time, the director turned it off.

At this moment, everyone even felt that this live broadcast was sometimes really like a movie.

It is so fascinating, yearning, and can't stop, eager to continue watching, looking forward to the next development. ps: Please subscribe, follow up, thank you everyone. ps: Please follow up, thank you..

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