Chapter 116 Human Perfume (Please subscribe, the fifth update)

The next day, there was no sunshine, and it was still rainy. Just like every case, the ending may not satisfy everyone.

In the breakfast cafeteria, Lao Liu comforted me and said,"I know you are upset. I asked about the case."

"Nothing, I figured it out."

"Let me tell you, both of them will be punished, and I have issued a certificate to the other side, the man also participated in the murder, not just a simple accomplice."

"I know that the woman died from excessive blood loss, but the man was also committing murder when he buried her."


Both of them were punished, which was the best outcome, and the audience was also confused.

When they learned that a case had happened last night, they were also very surprised. Is this forensic doctor so busy?

But in fact, there are not so many cases in reality, but because this is the forensic department, everyone feels that cases seem to happen every day.

On this side, Li Tian found Chen Fan with something and said,"Can you see this?"

"Well, I found it at the market. A man was selling things there. Someone bought it, so I got it here."

Chen Fan looked up and down and said,"Just arrest the person. This thing is usually a burial object in the cemetery. It is estimated that it was taken out by tomb robbers and then sold to others." The four newcomers also stood up. Lao Liu pulled down the blackboard and said,"Today I will teach you something new, which is forensic pathology."

Several people sat down one after another.

Lao Liu took out the PPT and said,"In addition to solving cases, forensic doctors actually need to do other things, such as disability assessment, such as pathological examinations.

Generally, this hospital can also do it, but if the forensic doctor comes to do it, he will have to face the judicial agency.

" In the observation room here, Qin Ming explained,"This thing is actually requested by the family of the deceased.

Generally, after the hospital issues a death certificate, if the family of the deceased disagrees, they will sue or something, and then the forensic doctor here needs to conduct a secondary examination, so the forensic doctor also needs to learn pathology.


Teacher He said,"Are forensic doctors also doctors?"

"No, no, no, we only care about complications, no matter how it is treated."

Old Liu continued,"Lobular lung infection is mainly caused by purulent bacterial infection.

The lesions start from the bronchioles and develop to the surrounding or peripheral lung tissues, forming a purulent inflammation with the lobule as the unit and focal distribution.

Because its lesions are centered on the bronchi, it is also called bronchopneumonia.

It is more common in infants, the elderly and the weak and sick.

The lesions are mostly located in the lower lobe and dorsal side of the lungs, with focal distribution.

The lesions are dark red or grayish yellow, of varying sizes, irregular shapes, and slightly solid in texture.

Under the microscope, purulent inflammation centered on the bronchioles, purulent exudates can be seen in the bronchial and bronchiolar cavities in the lesions, and the surrounding alveolar cavities are filled with neutrophils, a few red blood cells and desquamated alveolar epithelial cells, and there is generally less cellulose.


Several people were confused after hearing this.

Chen Fan said,"Let me give you a simple explanation. Cut open a person, put your hand in, and pinch the lungs. If you feel like you are holding snow, then this is basically an infection.""

"If you feel it is very smooth when you pinch it, or if you feel like you are pinching your skin, then there is no problem."


Puchi, is this okay?

Lao Liu was helpless and said,"Well, you have a lot of crooked ways, but what you said is quite right. Generally, when you hold it, it feels like holding snow, then there is indeed a problem with the lungs."

Several people looked at Chen Fan speechlessly.

Chen Fan said,"Why are you looking at me? This is how to quickly distinguish. Do you have to wait for you to collect blood for testing or something? Wouldn't that be tiring?"

In the observation room, Zhang Xinyu said,"Teacher Qin Ming, is what Chen Fan said right?"

Qin Ming said speechlessly,"This is the first time I've heard of it, but it seems to be true, but no one does it. Who cares what it feels like to hold it?"

Well, everyone has understood Chen Fan's perversion, and by now, everyone has become numb.

Here, Lao Liu continued to talk about oil and fat and said,"You should pay attention to oil extraction... Oil extraction methods are required here."


Chen Fan held back his laughter. Everyone looked at Lao Liu, not really understanding what this thing meant.

Qu Yiling said:"Teacher, the oil extraction you mentioned is... the oil in the human body."

"No problem, please continue."

Teacher He was completely autistic. In the observation room, he watched Lao Liu introduce the lesson. Wow, it was all work.

Could it be that he was so calm in his heart?

Qin Ming said:"This is actually a special case, because only if you know the solution, you will not be surprised when you encounter it."

"What case?"

Everyone looked at Qin Ming.

Qin Ming said:"There is a movie abroad called Perfume. Everyone knows it. Perfume is a fantasy movie that tells about abnormal things. Of course, it has some artistic processing elements, but the reality is not like that. I have seen the grease of real people, and the smell is really bad."

Here, Lao Liu took out a glass bottle and said:"You can smell it for yourselves,"

Xiang Qinqin smelled it and said,"Hey, it smells different from what I smelled in the funeral home."

Here, the three newcomers looked at Xiang Qinqin at the same time. No, sister, are we studying forensics in the same place?

Here, Chen Ti smelled it and vomited directly.

It's really unbearable.

Here, the other two are not having a good time either.

"Remember this smell. If you encounter these smells at the scene in the future, you can judge them in advance, which can save a lot of time."

Here, Qu Yiling raised her hand and said,"Teacher, what is the purpose of doing this? Is it just to deal with the scene faster?"

"Ah, yes, I think the efficiency that Chen Fan pursues is good. I studied it last night and felt that it is indeed possible. If the speed is increased, everyone will have time to rest? :"


At this time, the screen was full of question marks

"I really didn't expect that this speed-up came from this"

"No, Lao Liu, I just realized that the biggest pervert is you."

"Shit, that yellow thing, I can't take it anymore, I'm starting to feel sick now"

"It turns out that my fat looks like this, yue, too disgusting, Lao Liu, not really, not really, I'd rather not have this speed-up."

Chen Fan said:"Well, how should I put it, people who often eat vegetarian food have clearer fat, people who often eat meat have more turbid fat, and people who eat seafood have less odor."

Wait a minute, wait a minute.

Chen Fan began to shut up.

Lao Liu looked at Chen Fan and said:"How do you distinguish this thing?"

"Nothing, nothing, I just read a lot of information."

Is it about the information?

This guy definitely has some problems.

At this time, Lao Liu pulled down the blackboard and wrote two words, baby.

When these two words appeared, the audience in the live broadcast room almost stopped their hearts.

"This is a very old case, so old that every time it comes up, we feel sick."

Old Liu looked at everyone.

Qin Ming was in the observation room, helpless, and said:"What I'm going to say next may make everyone's blood pressure rise, that is, how to identify a person."


No one quite understood.

Teacher He said:"Is it son preference over daughter?" (To read the violent novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Qin Ming said:"Yes, son preference over daughter, but now, there is another thing called daughter preference over son, and there have been some examples. Some people don't like their sons and will really abandon them, or even strangle them to death."

Song Zuer said:"Is it for money?"

"It's about the same. In some remote areas, parents don't work much, so they just give birth to daughters, and then when their daughters grow up, they marry them off and get the bride price. After all, you can't make a million even if you work hard all your life, but if you want a bride price, you can ask for a lot of money."

Old Liu started to take out the PPT

"The skin of a mature baby is tight and plump, with a noticeable blush 5 to 6 hours after birth, called neonatal erythema; the erythema subsides after 1 to 2 days, and the skin peels off at the same time; mild neonatal jaundice appears on the 2 to 3 days; the jaundice deepens on the 45th day, and the skin becomes brownish yellow; the jaundice subsides naturally on the 7th to 10th day, and sometimes it can last until 14-30 days."

From this point, everyone can quickly judge how old the baby is.

Qu Yiling felt really uncomfortable. Damn it, forensic doctors can really encounter anything.

Xiang Qinqin said,"What about other ways?"

Lao Liu said,"Look���"

At 6-12 hours, the umbilical cord root tissue will have a mild inflammatory reaction; at 24-36 hours, a circle of obvious dividing line will appear, called the inflammatory ring, which is the main feature of forensic medicine for judging newborns; at 2-3 days, this area will be significantly red and swollen, and the umbilical cord will gradually dry and shrink; at 5-8 days, the umbilical cord will be completely dry and shrink and turn black; at 12-15 days, an umbilical fossa will form; after 3 weeks, the whole umbilical cord will be scarred.

Several people quickly recorded it. I really hope that these things will never be used.

At this time, Lao Liu continued,"There is another thing, that is the birth tumor."


Occult tumors During the delivery process, part of the soft tissue of the fetal presenting part is strongly compressed, causing lymph and blood stagnation in the uncompressed presenting part, forming localized subcutaneous tissue edema and tumor-like protrusions, which are called occult tumors.

Dead babies without blood circulation do not develop occult tumors.

During autopsy, when the occult tumor part is cut open, it can be seen that the loose subcutaneous tissue is filled with fluid, which is like jelly, with unclear boundaries around it and a sense of fluctuation.


Three points, only three points, but no matter which point, it will make people think of a living baby.

Here, Lao Song pushed the door and walked in. Seeing the course on the blackboard, he said,"Where are the classes? Let me give you a case. Someone gave it to me and asked me to ask you for help or something."

Lao Liu looked at the report and said,"Is this an indicator?"

Lao Song nodded and said,"Yes, this indicator data is the result of a reporter's investigation, and then gave it to me anonymously, saying that the proportion of child deaths in a certain hospital is a bit strange."

Everyone suddenly thought of something not so good.

Lao Liu looked at the proportion and said,"With modern technology, this situation rarely occurs, right?"

"Yes, it rarely happens. So according to big data, infant mortality is generally stable at a certain ratio. It will fluctuate according to the fertility rate, but the number will not be much different. This case is a bit strange because more children died."


Lao Song said:"There is no evidence, we are looking for evidence"

"Can you find the child?"

"Just one, I have already called to inquire, you guys go and have a look."

Old Liu turned off the blackboard, took Chen Fan and Old Song away, this thing is still not suitable for children like Xiang Qinqin to watch.

The audience watched the live broadcast and prayed silently, hoping it was just a coincidence.

When they came to the family, the child had stopped breathing and lay quietly on the side.

Chen Fan and Old Liu lowered their heads silently, then looked at the family members and said,"We need to investigate, we need to ask for your opinion, and we need family members to accompany you."

The woman cried, and the man held back his tears, let the woman go aside, and said,"I'll light a cigarette, are you okay?"

"It's okay, it's okay."

The man stood aside and motioned for the two to continue.

Lao Liu was responsible for checking the child's skin, while Chen Fan was responsible for checking the umbilical cord, etc.

The skin examination showed no problems.

Chen Fan looked at the child's chest and said,"There's something wrong here."

Lao Liu looked at the chest, then took a hammer and tapped it gently.

The sound was transmitted to Lao Liu.


Chen Fan said,"It seems that his breathing is not right. He should have died of suffocation. If we can do an autopsy, we can find out the problem."

The parent said,"Let's do the autopsy. I will go with you.,"

Inside the forensic institute, Chen Fan took the knife and started to cut open the body little by little.

This was the youngest child Chen Fan had dissected, but it was precisely because of the youngest child that Chen Fan was so cautious. He did not act quickly, but very seriously.

When the blood was obtained, Chen Fan said,"Teacher, I think I know what happened."

Old Liu looked at it and said,"Well, there is no problem, it is very healthy, but it is suffocated. Childbirth asphyxia will be accompanied by squeezing, but there is no extra damage on the child's body, it can only be... fuck."

Old Liu cursed directly.

This was the first time that Old Liu cursed.

Old Song said,"I know, I'll go catch the person over here."

Chen Fan said,"I'll go with you,"

Old Song nodded, and Zhang Tianxiong followed.

Here, the two set off.

Old Liu sighed and helped sew up the child's body bit by bit. Rarely, Old Liu began to cry.

Everyone in the observation room was crying.

Song Zuer wiped his tears and said,"Teacher Qin Ming, how did he die?"

Qin Ming sighed, wiped his eyes, and said,"It's very simple. Just cover the child's mouth and nose with your hands, and it's done."

? ? ? ?

? ? ? Damn it, a beast.

The child couldn't call for help at this time, so no one would find out.

But how beastly would someone be to attack a child? 》

At the hospital, the doctors and nurses in charge would be questioned and investigated.

There were a lot of people.

And Old Song quickly locked on to the person. When Old Song can find someone quickly, it means that such a thing has happened in the past.

A woman was found by Old Song, and without saying a word, she was directly tormented.

Chen Fan looked at the woman and was basically sure that it was this woman.

The funny thing is that the secret deep in the heart of this woman is that she cheated on someone else before, not because she killed the baby.

Qin Ming said silently in the observation room:"This woman should be infertile, so she is taking revenge on the child."

Teacher He said:"Since Lao Song can lock it, does it mean?"

Qin Ming said:"Yes, it happened before, and more than once." ps: Please support, thank you everyone. ps: Please give more data..

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