Chapter 119 Dare to kill others but not his wife (Please subscribe, second update)

Li Tian, who got the clue, contacted the police. The police went directly to the door to arrest the man.

When the man was arrested, he was washing clothes at home, while his wife was watching TV. Even after so many years, the woman was well-maintained.

When the man was caught, the wife was stunned and said,"What did my husband do wrong?"

The man did not speak. He looked at the man and said,"Well, wait until I finish washing the clothes, and then I will go with you, okay."

The police nodded.

The woman was a little scared and said,"You can't take my man away."

The police said,"Your man is suspected of serial murder."

? ? ?

? No, wait a minute

"Are you kidding me? How could my man kill someone?"

In fact, the police also thought it was the most outrageous. When they were investigating, they thought that this man was so honest and decent that they overlooked something. But now it seems that they are two completely different concepts.

Damn, this man really dares to kill someone.

When he was arrested, the man took the initiative to admit it. His psychological quality was really scary at this time.

Here, in the interrogation room, the police briefly interrogated him and explained the process of his crime and the reasons for his crime.

At the scene, several big guys gathered together to eat fruit and listened to the police officer's explanation on the phone.

"This is really outrageous. I have never met such a strange person in my life. This guy is with his wife because he pursued her."

"Then the woman kept ignoring him and didn't agree. Finally, she had enough fun and got together with the man. But even if they were together, the man said that she was pitying herself when she went to bed with him."

Chen Fan took a bite of food and said,"It's too small, right?,"


The person on the other end of the phone paused and asked,"How did you know?""

"In general rape cases, the men are either incompetent or petty, and they basically cannot escape."

"You are on the wrong path." 24 Chen Fan said with contempt:"This is a common phenomenon. If he is 18, he will not rape. Don't worry, this society is like a woman who is fat but has big breasts. Many people will like her. The same applies to men."

Li Tian's face was dark, as if what he said was true.

Here, the police said:"I didn't ask this, but this guy said that he was not very happy with his wife, and then every time his wife was affectionate with him, he was disgusted, so he started to have ideas."

"One time, I couldn't help myself and raped a woman, but accidentally strangled her to death. After that, I liked that feeling."

People subconsciously look for the person they like.

The police officer asked,"How did you find this woman?"

"I have arranged and combined the deceased people. People who look similar are grouped together, and those who don't look alike are eliminated by the method of elimination. The facial features are combined, and then the painting is done. Soon, the appearance of this woman emerges."

It's really mysterious, but it's very scientific, because this is really forensics. It's the work of image detection.

In addition to image enhancement, image detection actually includes these methods.

On the other end of the phone, the police said:"No matter what, thank you, Chen Fan, I thank you on behalf of those dead women."

Chen Fan said:"Well, by the way, let me add that this woman actually cheated on the man. If you want to bully the criminal, you can say that this is not only that, well, you can say that the man is older than him"

"Oh, is this appropriate?"

"After killing so many people, is it appropriate for you not to feel any excitement?"

"It's really possible, it's not against the rules, I'll go ask, don't hang up, wait for me."

Here, the police entered the house and said these two words, and then the audience heard someone on the phone start swearing and banging on the table frantically.

The man was very angry, and it was obvious that the guy's last dignity was torn apart by Chen Fan.

This is the most hurtful thing. In fact, Chen Fan was just guessing at the beginning, but if a man doesn't have this courage, he must be disabled.

Here, the master took the initiative to bring a watermelon to Chen Fan and said,"Here you go."

Chen Fan took the scalpel, cut it open, and said,"Well, I'll eat half of it myself"

"Eat, eat."

Chen Fan took the watermelon, stood up, and came to the blackboard. He ate the watermelon silently and watched several forensic doctors chatting on the side.

The photographer gave the camera to Chen Fan and also gave the camera to the master.

Here, Old Zhoutou chatted with several people around him and said,"How about it, this time, if I give an outstanding contribution, is it okay?"

Several people seconded and nodded.

Obviously, Chen Fan's performance this time was so outstanding that this outstanding contribution award could still be given.

Chen Fan would not talk nonsense about what he didn't understand, but gave his own ideas. He would only say what he thought he could understand.

As for what others said very well, Chen Fan would listen carefully. When he thought others were talking nonsense, Chen Fan would also shake his head.

Expressing his disapproval

"It's just that Chen Fan is a worldly person."

Here, Lao Zhou said,"We are forensic doctors and don't need to come into contact with living people."

"Well, after all, we also need to contact the family members of the deceased."

"It's okay. If you don't like it, just change someone. People with great abilities have great tempers. If you don't have any abilities, it's useless to show off. People will only nag you."

At this time, in the observation room, Qin Ming was very annoyed and said,"I have written so many books to promote forensic medicine, but none of them are as good as Chen Fan's. Damn it, this guy will probably succeed. Although it is a first-class merit with some water, it is still a first-class merit. I am really envious."

Teacher He said:"Otherwise, I will strangle Brother Hu to death right now. You are trying to stop me here, and then when I try to stop me, you get beaten to death by me?"

"Uh, it seems that if I win the award, this is the only way."

At this time, when the live broadcast room heard the first-class merit, it was the most shocking. To be honest, no one can accept it.

However, if you see that the star you follow really won the first-class merit, everyone will be very happy.

"To be honest, if I win the first-class merit, I will stew the village chief's dog when I see it when I return to the village.、"

"Oh, my parents will probably kneel down to receive me."

"First class merit, damn, it’s so strict, only someone as awesome as Chen Fan could get it, damn, wouldn’t someone else have gotten it?》"

"In fact, this first-class merit should be the first-class merit within the profession, a reward given to those who have made great help to this profession."

"But this is also very difficult, and this needs to be recognized by peers."

Here, at the scene, there is a big guy who directly used a proof method to get out a case that has been accumulated for a long time.

Everyone at the scene cheered, and everyone subconsciously looked at Chen Fan.

I found that Chen Fan was chewing the second watermelon at this time.

Good guy, I now suspect that Chen Fan doesn’t like to eat watermelon, maybe he just likes the blood-like impact brought by the red thing on the watermelon.

Unconsciously, everyone subconsciously looked at Chen Fan, and no matter what Chen Fan did, they were paying attention.

This is easy to understand. For example, a group of academic bullies entered the examination site to prepare for the exam, and then the academic bully who had been boasted before appeared, and everyone would subconsciously look at this academic bully.

No matter what this academic bully does, everyone will pay attention.

And when this academic bully starts to flip through the papers, everyone will become nervous, because this is the most incomprehensible.

Why can this person be so fast. (To read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Chen Fan looked at the accumulated cases on the blackboard and said,"This is interesting, the taxi case."

Li Tian said:"This is similar to the Rainy Night Butcher. It shocked people for a long time. At that time, there was no surveillance in taxis. When this case happened, this person shot and killed the taxi driver, and then killed the rest of the people."

Chen Fan said:"What do you think?"

Li Tian said:"I have watched this case several times, and I feel that it is hiding something, unless there are people in the world who simply like to kill people, but I don't believe there are such people in the world, so I���The first taxi had something hidden, but it was unclear what the murderer was hiding."

"Please give me some direction. I am a forensic doctor, not a reasoner."

"Money, all I can think of is money."

Chen Fan said:"Anyway, you are reasoning, let me tell you my judgment, the deceased was shot in the head, that is to say, he was killed directly from the back of the head without any preparation."

Li Tian said:"Yes, but there was no surveillance at the time, nothing else, fingerprints, there are here, but the fingerprints are half, I have found a hand before, the hand has drawn, but it is not very good, because, the fingerprint database of this person was not found."

Chen Fan said:"If it is not in the fingerprint database, it means that there is no crime."

Li Tian said:"How is it possible, there are really people who turn over a new leaf in the world?"

Chen Fan thought for a while and said:"Well, let me take a look at other bodies."

Chen Fan continued to look at the bodies of others. The more he looked, the more outrageous he felt. He stared at these people.

Inferring the occupations of these deceased from the perspective of forensics, Chen Fan soon discovered an interesting point

"We forensic doctors have something, you should know it’s called skin identification, right?"

"When people are alive, they use clothes and cars to dress themselves up, right? But when people die, they don't have these, and only a simple body is left."

Li Tian said,"Don't make trouble, you are really boring."

Old Zhou came over and said,"Well, we have done it."

Old Zhou nodded silently.

Here, in the observation room, everyone looked at Qin Ming, and Qin Ming said,"Alas, there is nothing we can do. The dissection process is too boring. We can only find fun for ourselves. Generally, we look at the appearance of the person and judge what the person is like, and then cut it open, check the inside of the body, and prove our judgment."

Here, Li Tian looked at the things in front of him silently, and couldn't help falling into deep thought.

It seemed that he caught something, but it seemed that he didn't catch it.

And here, Chen Fan continued,"From the basic physical appearance of these people, in fact, their income is very ordinary, and they are all people with very poor incomes, but, I don't like the faces of these people very much." Li Tian said,"

You still look at the face?" Chen

Fan said,"How to say it, do you know the thief's eyes? Li Tian nodded

"This is something that you policemen will also pay attention to. If a person has criminal thoughts in his mind, he will subconsciously avoid other people's gazes and feel guilty. Over time, he will develop the habit of lowering his head, and then his body will slowly bend down. These people all have these characteristics."

Li Tian did not interrupt Chen Fan's forensic inference.

Chen Fan continued,"Speaking of the murder weapon, a gun, and eight people died. I think it's not because eight people died, but because there were only eight bullets in this guy's gun, or something blocked it, right?"

Li Tian nodded. He had also inferred this.

"A person who committed a crime and killed someone, but has not committed a crime in all these years, must have someone he cares about more, but this thing, you need to investigate."

Here, Li Tian suddenly thought of something, tried hard to recall, and then called the person over there

"The guy who killed the taxi, remember?"

"How could I forget? I still remember this person. What happened?"

"On the day of the crime, were there any signs of theft or robbery elsewhere?"


Li Tian tried to recall and said,"Let's put it another way, is there any work site that pays wages?"

"Um, how would I know that? But there were a lot of people asking for debts back then."

"Is there a debt collector?"

The police recalled and said,"There really was one. At that time, a policeman said that he received a strange call to the police. He went to the police station, but the other party said that it was nothing and the matter was left unresolved. But later I heard that the person who called the police had owed him money and had not repaid it before, and was harassed by various people."

This became clear at once.

Li Tian said,"I really found it. You can check who was the debt collector and who he owed money to. After so many years, you should be able to find him."

The police officer on this side was asking on the phone.

Fifteen minutes later, a portrait of a person was given to Li Tian.

Li Tian looked at the portrait and asked the police officer on the other side to look for it.

The police officer found a nightclub owner. The owner said that he remembered this person. This person helped him to collect debts at the beginning, but then he disappeared. The nightclub owner still had this person's ID information. After a big data search, the man was found quickly.

The man has a daughter.

Moreover, the woman has undergone surgery.

She is currently paralyzed at home, and her father is taking care of her.

Chen Fan looked at Li Tian, and Li Tian said,"Damn, I really envy you sometimes"


"This is such a terrible thing, what should I do, damn it."

Chen Fan said:"You should ask how these eight people died. Are they truly innocent people, or do these eight people have evil intentions?" Li Tian did not speak, waiting for the arrest and questioning.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Li Tian gave Chen Fan and the people in the live broadcast room an explanation.

"The man confessed that this group of people wanted to rob him of his money, which he used to save his daughter's life." ps: Please support, thank you all. ps please give more flowers and data, follow me.

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