Chapter 143 This story can be made into a movie (please subscribe, second update)

The man in front of him was so quiet that he seemed to be asleep, even his breathing was very quiet and calm.

The cigarette in his hand was quietly lit up, and he said,"Are you surprised?"

Chen Fan said,"I'm not surprised, but it's a bit strange for someone like you to talk about love. But, I'm curious, were you arrested at the time?"

"No, the one thrown out was a scapegoat. I am different from others. I like to throw scapegoats."

Chen Fan looked at the lawyer and said,"Then why was he arrested this time?"

"Because I don't want to hide anymore, it's boring to live like this. To be honest, I like her very much, but I also hate her. I didn't expect that she was an undercover."

Chen Fan looked at Captain Qian beside him with a dark face, and said,"Where, where did you kill her?""

"Then I can’t tell you."

Chen Fan stared at the man and said,"Are you sure you really killed him?"

"You can continue to look and see what is hidden in my heart?"

"It is not possible to tell what is hidden in your heart. It is very simple. You like that woman, that's all. You have carefully hidden it. To be honest, do you deserve to be liked?"

At this time, some people in the audience couldn't stand it anymore. What the hell, is this a pure love story?

No, is this a story about a drug lord and an undercover?

Damn, what kind of stupid literature is this. Unfortunately, this kind of literature is not allowed. If it is allowed, many people will start to glorify drug lords and so on. Please, these people deserve to die.

How many drug enforcement personnel have sacrificed because of this? Too many people know how much harm the drugs in history have brought to us.

No one will care about your"187" love story, and no one is willing to glorify it.

Chen Fan's attitude was also very clear. After thinking for a while, he asked someone to take off the man's shoes. He checked carefully.

"You can't check"

"No, I think I can check it, it's that simple、"

Chen Fan stood up, left the interrogation, and went to the forensic doctor.

Evidence was collected from shoes, clothes, and even injuries. Chen Fan was testing them. Chen Fan was betting on one thing: that the undercover agent was not dead.

And when Chen Fan activated his skills, it meant that Chen Fan had won the bet.

Chen Fan looked at the little traces under the shoes, and then extracted them.

He compared them carefully.

Several people around him looked at Chen Fan and said,"What is this?"

"Trace evidence method, it's very simple, do you want to learn it?"

Several forensic doctors were speechless and took out the book directly, indicating that they still needed to continue reading. If they wanted to learn these things, it would take a long time.

After Chen Fan extracted the things, he began to compare them with the preserved DNA map, and soon found traces of comparison.

Chen Fan looked at these trace substances, found the person in charge of the forensic department and said:"Come here, this, I don't feel well."

The old man looked at the compared things, calculated for a while, and said:"There are more things like this in the western suburbs"

"No, no, no, this guy can't walk there, drive or anything."

"Driving? No, if you drive, the police can investigate.,"

"That's a bicycle."

The old man thought this was more reliable and said,"The clothes and pants are indeed a little worn. This man also went to see that girl. Well, do you know what comfort zone is?"

"I don't know. My teacher told me not to try to make inferences or anything like that."

"Um, that's right, but I was a police officer before, and then I studied and passed the forensic exam. I know the comfort zone, let me divide it."

Here the map was taken out, divided into areas, and then looking at the trace materials, another area was given.

The area continued to shrink.

"There must be fewer people"

"No one can discover the difference in this place"

"Well, it would be best if the house is big and independent.、"

Soon they locked onto a house, and someone rushed over.

Captain Qian's men led the team and broke open the door.

Then they saw a woman chained up in an iron chain, watching TV.

When the woman saw the people who came to rescue her, tears immediately fell.

The person in charge opened the chain and then took the clothes and put them on the woman.

"Do you need to see a doctor?"

The woman was silent and said,"I need to see that guy."

"Pay attention, pay attention, it is not suitable for you to show up now, think more about your family."

The woman nodded, did not speak, and remained silent.

Of course, it still needs to be investigated in the end. This is the process that every undercover must go through.

The people in the live broadcast room are the happiest, because the person has been caught. As long as the person is caught, everyone feels that the stone pressing on their hearts has fallen.

As for this woman, how was she rescued, where was she rescued, and what she looked like when she was rescued, no one knows, and no one will say.

Everyone knows it.

Captain Qian took a pile of snacks and put them on the table, and said,"You eat first, you have worked hard."

Chen Fan looked at the mountain of snacks and said,"Well, I can't finish it at all."

"You, you come here, and you come here, eat with Chen Fan, I will continue to interrogate him, and try to pin him to death, while this guy is mentally weak.,"

Chen Fan nodded.

In the observation room, Teacher He said,"I can finally put my mind at ease. The person is really fine, so everything is fine. What I am most worried about is that the person was not rescued."

Yuanyuan said,"Captain Qian said at the beginning that the person was sacrificed. What's going on?"

Qin Ming said,"These people actually knew that they were sentenced to death. The country has a lot of power and is ruthless in drug control. These people knew they could not survive, so they gave wrong information. Therefore, during the interrogation, it is necessary to ask questions one after another. The evidence must be locked up. Then, the core goal is to kill the channels, all the channels, all of them."

Song Zuer said,"Um, when will Chen Fan come back?"

Qin Ming was speechless and said,"Come back, you stay put, Captain Qian, if you don't take this opportunity to solve a few more cases, Captain Qian, you will never let Chen Fan go. If I were the forensic doctor over there, I would find a way to kill Chen Fan here when he came."

The audience laughed wildly. Although everyone felt sorry for the undercover, they were still happy from the bottom of their hearts when the case was solved.

The collapse of such a large group is a cause for celebration.

The photographer followed Chen Fan to the dinner party. It was already past eleven o'clock in the evening when they were eating.

The official variety show had already turned off the live broadcast, but Chen Fan's live broadcast was still on.

The place to eat was the cafeteria. The chef here slaughtered a pig specifically to make delicious food for Chen Fan.

Captain Qian looked at the team members and said,"Eat as much as you can and be full."

Chen Fan said,"Captain Qian, we have money."

"Fortunately, fortunately, it's just money, no need to worry about it. By the way, Chen Fan, have a bite of this rib."

Chen Fan just ate it.

"By the way, take a look at this case."

Chen Fan hurriedly vomited, and was then held down by Captain Qian. Chen Fan was speechless and said,"Damn it, I knew it, I knew it, my teacher is really wise, you guys are treating me like an animal."

"Alas, aren't there a lot of cases that have been on hold? Many people have given me gifts to send the cases to you so that you can have a look."

"Look for Li Tian, isn't this guy good at reasoning?"

Captain Qian said,"That guy can't be hired. Li Tian's reasoning is too good. To handle major cases, he runs back and forth to other areas every day. Such talents are specially sent by the leaders to handle emergency cases."

Chen Fan took a bite of the ribs and looked at the photo.

The photo showed a dead person. The autopsy report of the dead person and some photos before death all appeared.

"Wrong time of death?"

"Well, it's a little late."

Chen Fan pointed to the insect repellent beside him and said,"Look at this insect, find an entomologist who can accurately identify it. After accurate identification, can you catch people?"

"If it can be accurate to an hour, I can kill people in minutes."

Chen Fan pondered for a while, looked at the time, and said,"Do you have paper and pen?"

At this time, a young lady hurriedly brought the paper, and Chen Fan began to write.

The camera gave a close-up.

At the beginning, everyone could understand it, temperature, humidity and so on. (To read the violent novels, just go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Later, I couldn't understand it at all. My goodness, it seemed to be a mathematical formula at the end

"Well, how should I put it, I figured out an algorithm by myself, it's just a very simple math problem, plug these numbers in, it's easy to calculate the final time of death, the error is probably between thirty minutes to an hour and a half, it depends on your luck."

Captain Qian nodded.

Anyway, I don't understand, you tell me, I'm responsible for catching people here.

The rest of the audience was even more confused, damn, what are these, why are they all exactly the same words.

But we can't understand them.

What's more, I also have Chen Fan's paper and pen.

Finally, Chen Fan gave a data, and Captain Qian said:"Done?"

"Well, it's done. Counting back to when the body was found, it's been 27 hours."

"Well, do we need to find that entomologist?"

"We have to find it, and compare it with both sides to make it more accurate."

Captain Qian nodded and called the person in charge. When the other party heard the time, he immediately became concerned and asked,"Can you issue a document?"

Captain Qian looked at Chen Fan, and Chen Fan said speechlessly,"I don't have an official seal............"

The old forensic doctor on the side took the official seal, blew on it, and pressed it directly.

"Okay, that's it."

Captain Qian gave a thumbs up, and the layout was opened.

Chen Fan continued to eat. Captain Qian took out another file. Chen Fan scanned it and said,"I don't understand. I don't know how to use this."

"Ah, you don't know how to do it?"

Chen Fan said:"I am a human, not a god. I know everything. Why am I still here? I don't know how to do it. I can give advice on some things, but I know what I can't give."

Captain Qian grabbed his hair.

Here, the old forensic doctor said:"Don't make it difficult for Chen Fan. If you don't know, you don't know. It's meaningless if you pretend to know it."

"What about this?》"

Chen Fan looked at the face and said,"Tsk tsk tsk, she had plastic surgery. What are you investigating?"

"The cause of death, the family members are not satisfied with the data given by the autopsy."

Chen Fan looked at the data and said,"If you are not satisfied, hold it in and appeal. If I give you this data, it will be the same."

Captain Qian said,"Hahaha, I like to hear this. If you are not satisfied, hold it in. If you can't appeal, appeal. The data we give here is the most accurate. It's useless even if you sue to the ultimate side. If you make trouble again, you will be arrested."

Lao Song said,"It's better now. In the past, if the case was decided and the family members were not satisfied, they would start to make trouble and make trouble everywhere. The police team had no choice but to pay compensation. But now, if the final judgment is made and you continue to sue, this side will not change. It doesn't matter if you make trouble. If you make a big fuss and affect normal work, we will arrest you."

At this time, the photographer turned off the live broadcast.

Chen Fan looked at the camera and said,"That undercover?"

Captain Qian waved his hand and let a girl in.

The woman sat opposite Chen Fan, smiled and took a sip of wine. Chen Fan said,"That guy didn't hurt you, did he?���

"No, he respects me very much, but... I have already said that I am an undercover agent, and there is no way we can do it."

Chen Fan said curiously:"I want to eat melons."

Everyone nodded.

The woman said:"What is there to eat melons? In fact, when I went in, I was found. This guy is too smart. He is a lawyer. No one thought of this. Moreover, this person has seen me, but the first time, he was caught. This guy deliberately threw out some fake things to let us investigate and let us relax our vigilance."

"Later, Captain Qian continued to chase and found something else, and then continued to go undercover. This guy locked me up and put me to death."

Captain Qian said:"Who did you take my information from?"

"It's not given to you by me, it's given to you by this guy. He lets you catch something regularly so that he can make money. You are fooled by this guy. He is just controlling me to let you relax your vigilance. It's not true that you like me."

Chen Fan said,"But I do like him."

Everyone looked at the woman, and the woman said,"If you like me, then you like me. It's none of my business. My father was imprisoned for drug trafficking. I am a 4.2 policeman. When I choose a man, I will definitely choose one that does not break the law. Breaking the law is one of my criteria for choosing a spouse. Why, if he likes me, I have to like him? What nonsense did you say?"

Chen Fan gave a thumbs up and said,"I, I, I, I, do you think I can do it?"

"You? No, I feel like you might actually commit a crime someday."

Everyone was trying to hold back their laughter, Chen Fan said,"Don't force me to do that to you."

The woman stood directly beside Chen Fan and said,"Just test it."

Chen Fan touched it, then smelled it, and said in surprise,"Damn, how is it possible, is this guy a pervert?"

"Surprise? I was more surprised than you. I was ready to lose my virginity, but this guy was totally unacceptable. Hahaha, let me tell you a secret. This guy is a cuckold. There are so many people who like him. Do you understand?"


Damn it, Chen Fan finally understood it.

It turns out that the secret he saw was just a dot.

Everyone's secrets actually have many dots.

It's interesting.

An interesting thing happened that night.

A stupid netizen wrote a joke about the story of the drug lord and the undercover, praising this relationship very well.

Then that night, he was taken away for tea.

This era is never short of idiots.

When some people are carrying heavy burdens, some people always like to engage in conspiracy theories and say some nonsense.

Some people will also say something about this girl, but so what?

The girl doesn't need other people's evaluation.

Since she inherited her father's police number, this girl's dream is very simple, a world without drugs. ps: Please subscribe, read, thank you. ps: Please read, subscribe, thank you everyone.

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