Chapter 154 We are criminals, but we are not stupid. Thank you (please subscribe, first update)

Chen Fan's appearance directly ignited the nerves of the people in the prison.

Everyone who came in was talking about Chen Fan, and the danger Chen Fan himself showed made countless people feel terrified.

Chen Fan came to the detention room here and looked at the dead man on the ground, feeling a little helpless.

"Let me check it out."

Li Tian was asking questions here, and said,"This man has no enemies, right?"

Several prisoners in the prison who were in charge of the questioning said that they didn't know.

In fact, it's not that they didn't know, but these people didn't dare to say it, because who doesn't have some enemies here?

Chen Fan checked it bit by bit.

The wound was very simple, with a knife scar on the neck, but the amount of bleeding was very scary.

Chen Fan stared at the amount of bleeding and said,"This requires drug testing. Do you have a special area for dissection here?"

The prison guard said that there was only a clinic or something.

Chen Fan looked at Li Tian, and Li Tian said,"We still have to ask the family members. It's not appropriate not to ask the family members."

We started contacting people here.

There were too many fingerprints and other things at the scene, and there was no way to collect them. It felt like everyone could be a criminal.

Chen Fan looked at the hearts of the people at the scene. They had all kinds of secrets in their hearts, but none of them had anything to do with the deceased.

The family of the corpse agreed, and Chen Fan was preparing for action at the clinic. It would be troublesome not to take the body out, and if it was taken out, the round trip would be far, which was inconvenient. A quick autopsy here can give us absolute news.

Chen Fan moved the knife, and the amount of bleeding was surprisingly large. Looking at the amount of bleeding, Chen Fan began to check.

In the end, he got something very bad. The amount of bleeding showed that this guy had taken medicine before he died, and it was Brother Wei who took it.

Chen Fan looked at the ingredients, looked at Li Tian, and said,"I'm going to tell you something, you'll be shocked"

"Yeah, it's okay."

"Blood test."


What the hell, are you kidding me?

The audience began to get confused. No, buddy, wait a minute, what are you talking about?

The prison guards on the side were dumbfounded. No, what do you mean? What's going on? Someone secretly sent something in?

"You can only detect banned drugs, but this kind of thing is difficult for you to detect."

The prison guard nodded.

Li Tian thought about it and said,"What do you suggest?""

My suggestion is that this person may be murdered by someone, but the murderer is probably very thoughtful and wants to torture this person all the time. You watch carefully.

Chen Fan cut off the man's pants.

Li Tian stared at him and said,"No reaction?"

"Yes, no reaction, it should be handled by someone. Here, there are incisions, the person who did it was very fast, almost directly completed chemical castration or something."

Damn it.

But soon, I rejected this idea. If it was an enemy, it was actually unrealistic.

It was easy to investigate.

But this person's crimes were enough for this person, who had many enemies.

"This man was arrested for child molestation, and he must have been beaten after he came in."

The prison guard explained that we are very good here and we won't fight.

But in fact, the audience understands that the official answer is official, and reality is reality after all.

The audience's fists won, damn, this man really deserves to die.

Chen Fan looked at the incision and said,"This guy has been treated many times. The wounds here, here, and here, take a look."

Li Tian looked at it and said with a sigh,"Oh, it's really miserable. When he entered the prison, he was really controlled by others. This old man is disabled."

In the observation room, Teacher He said,"This, isn't it... too real."

Qin Ming said,"Ah, no, I think it's good. This way, it can tell those criminals that when you kill people, maybe the crime you can get is very small, but there are other ways to target you."

Here, Chen Fan began to stare at the incision and said,"The person is actually very easy to find."

And here, there was a noise outside, and a man was holding a knife and pointing it at another person's neck.

Chen Fan and Li Tian ran out and looked at the man outside.

The man looked at everyone and said,"Don't come over, don't come over, if you come over I will kill him, I want to go out, I want to go out, let me out."

Chen Fan turned the pen in his hand, and Li Tian said,"No need for you, I think I know who it is."

Li Tian came directly to a chair, found a person, and said,"Is it you?"

The person who was reading put down the book in his hand and said,"Long time no see, Li Tian."

After the man put down the book, the kidnapper also put down the knife in his hand.

Li Tian said,"I should have thought of you a long time ago. Only you have this method, and others can't do it at all."

The man said,"Really? I haven't touched a scalpel for a long time."

Li Tian was speechless and said,"Yes, you haven't touched it for a long time, but you have supported a lot of people, many people have learned skills from you, and some people even come to you."

Chen Fan yawned and said,"Are you done? If you want to reminisce, wait a while." (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Not this guy?"

"No, why did you think it was this guy? The wound was cut, but it was very rough, obviously it was done by a newcomer. Since this guy is a professional, he would be very professional in his actions."

Li Tian was speechless, picked up the phone directly, and said:"How many people have you released recently?"

Released people?

"There is one who came in after a fight some time ago. What happened?"

"Check the background to see if any of the children in the family were molested by this dead guy. It should be him."

"Ah, but he's been out for several days."

"I know, but we have to find this person."

Li Tian looked at the man and said,"You'd better not let me catch you."

The man stretched lazily and said,"Otherwise, I'll punch you. I'm about to be released soon, and I want to add some criminal law to myself."


Who is this person, so cool.

Here, Teacher He looked at the man and said,"I know who it is, that, Chen Yishou, the doctor, the one with a knife."

A knife?

Everyone looked at Teacher He and said,"What a knife?"

"It was a news story a long time ago. When the doctor was treating the wound of a prisoner, the prisoner resisted and hurt a nurse. Later, the prisoner died on the operating table. The family members kept saying that it was the doctor who was seeking revenge and causing all kinds of trouble. The hospital couldn't stand it, so they fired him. He was charged with medical error. The crime was not serious, but why hasn't this guy come out yet?"

Qin Ming said,"Are you surprised? He stayed in prison on his own initiative. This guy has been adding criminal laws to himself. He has an absolute understanding of criminal laws. To put it bluntly, he doesn't like the outside world, so he plans to stay in prison."

Damn, this guy is a monster.

Chen Fan didn't care. He sat down and said,"You want to attract me?"

"Well, I'm curious, how did you do that with a pen? I think it's very interesting.,"

Chen Fan smiled, picked up a stone, and said,"The bald guy over there will fight with the people around him."

The man was stunned for a moment.

The stone was thrown out.

Five seconds, ten seconds.

Someone stepped on the stone and fell down.

After getting up, he looked directly at the smiling bald man next to him, and the two punched each other directly.

The prison guard came over to stop them.

Chen Yishou said:"It's really amazing, your calculations are really amazing"

"I can't compare to you. You are really good at calculation. To be honest, you can actually get out. Why do you stay in there?"

"Not enough, I think the original story"

"That nurse was my wife-to-be. She was pregnant at the time and was later killed by this man. The other 760, this criminal, came from a wealthy family."

Chen Fan said,"You performed surgery on the murderer to save his life. Did you save him or not?"

Chen Yishou said,"I saved him, but it was unsuccessful. The bullet was too deep. I wrote a report, but no one believed it. Everyone only believed what they saw. Yes, this person will be sentenced to death. But, I understand that even if it is a death sentence, the patient must be cured before he can be sentenced to death."

Chen Fan did not speak, and said,"But I think your skills are not good enough. It's a bit lacking."

"Oh, you know this too?"

Not really, I don't know this yet, maybe I will know it in the future, but I feel that medicine���The ratio is wrong. Although it can speed up the blood flow, you have made a mistake in calculation.


"The drugs are fake. Hahahaha, the ingredients are too little, and the people who sell them make a lot of money."

Chen Yishou was amused and said,"Well, I didn't expect it was still here."

Soon, the murderer was caught. There were two people.

One of them secretly stabbed this person with a knife at night.

The other person who drugged him was the one who was released from prison.

The purpose of drugging is to make this person live in torture every day.

The purpose of the person who stabbed him was actually just to show his ferocity and to be the big brother in prison.

It's a clever coincidence, but is this coincidence an accident or intentional?

Li Tian looked at Chen Fan and Chen Yishou talking and laughing in the distance.

"It can't be Chen Yishou, right?"

A prison guard asked, Li Tian said:"It's a dead end, there is no evidence, because the person who stabbed him never knew why he chose this person to stab him, and what's even simpler is that Liu Yishou didn't participate in the whole process, so there are no clues and no charges can be made."

Chen Fan stretched and said:"Are you coming out?"

Liu Yishou said:"How about I give you a case?"

Case? ps: Please support, thank you everyone. ps: Please give more data, encouragement and support.

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