Chapter 189 They are children, don't let them go (please subscribe, first update)

In the live broadcast room and the observation room, everyone's backs began to numb when they heard Chen Fan's words.

Teacher He said:"Why, why, I just don't understand, what went wrong."

Teacher He rarely gets angry, and basically handles things well when encountering troublesome things, but Teacher He was also furious after seeing this incident.

The previous incident between the veteran and the boy was already very heartbreaking, but now there is another case like this.

Teacher Luo said:"The country actually takes good care of these children who have no one to take care of them, but the money really didn't reach the children. If relatives are not allowed to take care of them, who will take care of the children? The operation of the welfare home is also necessary, and our country is very strict about adopting children."

It is because they are afraid of some sick people, so the orders given on the adoption standards are very strict.

Only when people know the bad nature of people themselves will they know it.

Teacher He said:"Chen Fan didn't say much. My translation is that the child received care and subsidies from the school, but the subsidy money was spent by his family. Then there were signs of beatings. At school, he was bullied by students and went to buy things, right?"

Qin Ming said:"The results of the forensic examination showed that the beating was caused by a strong force and the beating was caused by a weak force. The forensic doctor will not say whether it was an adult or a child."

"Is there a difference? What is the difference? The obvious result"

"However, these are inferences, not forensics. Forensics is forensics."

At the scene, Chen Fan led people to the child's home.

At this time, the house was still filled with the sound of a man cursing.

Old Song kicked the door open, and the man said,"Who the hell are you?"

Old Song took out handcuffs and said,"If you say one more word, I'll kill you."

The man was silent and didn't speak.

"Tell me, how did the child die? Tell me the truth."

The man said,"I went in, and when I came back, the child starved to death."


Went in, and the child died?

What does that mean?

"How did you get in?"

The man said,"I got into a fight with someone and didn't have any money to pay, so I went in."

"where's your wife?"

"I don't have a wife, just me."

The man was covered in tattoos and smelled strongly of alcohol.

Chen Fan sighed and came into a room. He opened the door and looked at the carefully cleaned, not dirty, not messy room. He couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

The man turned his head away, not daring to look at the situation in the room.

Chen Fan said,"It's a good fight."

"Ah, who are you?"

"The medical examiner, who is also a policeman, said that your nephew died of a broken heart bone caused by beatings. He was unable to move and starved to death."

The man stood up instantly and said,"Fuck, I fuck his ancestors, fuck, I'm going to kill him."

The man went straight to get a kitchen knife and prepared to go out.

Old Song tried to stop him, but Chen Fan watched indifferently.

No action was taken.

Old Song said,"Chen Fan, what are you looking at? Stop me, fuck, do you want to write a self-criticism?"

Chen Fan was speechless, and Zhang Tianxiong helped to calm the man down. The man said,"Let me go, let me go, I'm going to kill him, I'm going to kill him."

The man's words were very tough, but it was precisely this tough word that made people feel like they were crying in their hearts.

The phone rang, and Li Tian said,"I have arrested the person, and I have also arrested those who participated in the school."

Is it really as we thought?

Everyone in the observation room guessed wrong.

Because the person who beat the child was not the uncle, but another man.

As for why the child was beaten, Li Tian explained it very clearly on the phone. The man took the child to find the other parent.

His nephew was beaten, and the other parent directly admitted his mistake and apologized, and then felt unhappy afterwards, so he beat the child behind his back.

The uncle naturally guessed who it was, and went to cause trouble. After beating the person, he was taken to the police station and detained.

The child was left at home and forgotten.

The uncle said that he would visit his nephew, but no one went to visit.

This matter is very serious.

"I told you at the time that the child was still young. Didn’t they tell me that the people in the community agreed to look after the child? Why didn’t anyone go?"

The man's words were like a knife, stabbing everyone's heart.

Lao Song said,"You have a criminal record before."

The man didn't speak, but lowered his head silently.

The man was released and sat at the table, wiping the tears from the corners of his eyes.

It was rare for such a big man with strong shoulders to cry like a child.

The man said,"I only have this one relative.

After I got out, the child's parents were gone, so I took him in and took care of him.

I've been working hard and giving the child money to spend every day.

Why do you still bully my nephew?" Chen Fan said,"Your nephew has been helping you save money.


"Save money? I see. This guy has been telling me that he wants to introduce me to a partner and let me get married. I said I don’t want to think about that and just send him to college."

Old Song just threw the handcuffs on the ground.

Chen Fan said,"You have the right》?"

Chen Fan said: Isn't it because this person has made mistakes before? When Li Tian was looking for the murderer before, didn't he look for it among the people who committed the crime? What's the difference between this time?

Lao Song stood still.

Chen Fan said:"Can you really do it without prejudice?"

Lao Song didn't speak, and said:"I'm going to go out and smoke a cigarette, you guys chat."

Chen Fan and the man walked into the house. The man took out an iron box and said:"My nephew's money is all in here."

"Why didn't you bring back the child's body?"

"I just got out not long ago, and the body has been placed at the funeral home."

Chen Fan looked at the money in the box, counted the numbers, and said,"You haven't spent any money, right?"

"I haven’t painted it before. Why should I spend my child’s money?"

"That man who beat up your nephew is more than that, it seems to involve robbery."

Someone needs to pay for this matter, and the criminal thoughts in Chen Fan's heart began to sprout.

In the observation room, Lao Luo said:"If so, then that person is in danger.""

In danger?" (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Teacher He said:"What do you mean?"

"Because it was just a beating, and then the child starved to death, this is considered manslaughter, but if it is counted as robbery, it will be easy to get the death penalty, but what Chen Fan said is also true, the money in the box is indeed wrong, the general subsidy money is fixed, and there are only so many ways for children to save money."

Qin Ming said:"Chen Fan is leading this case to robbery."

Teacher Luo said:"Yes, but the method is reasonable, it is not illegal, because it does involve robbery. Didn't the group of children rob? Just bullying? It's more than that, robbing money and asking for money to spend, although they are two concepts, they can also be classified as one type."

Teacher He asked,"Then how do you distinguish"

"Simple, when you beat the child, did you take the money directly from the child? One time, it was robbery, so just go to jail."


How could there not be? For such a thing, anyone who has been to school knows what is going on.

Chen Fan looked at the knife on the child's cabinet and said,"Hey, why did this child buy this thing?"

"He was bullied, and bought it secretly, but I stopped him. I made a mistake, and I can't let my nephew make a mistake."

Chen Fan compared it and said,"This knife is not bad, it can really kill people."

After that, he put the knife next to the man casually.

He didn't take it.

The man looked at the knife and fell into deep thought.

Chen Fan and Zhang Tianxiong said,"Let's go back."

Zhang Tianxiong didn't think much and followed Chen Fan back.

When they returned to the seminar, Lao Zhou silently held a cigarette in his mouth and said,"Chen Fan, did you do something wrong just now?"

"What did I do wrong?"

"You kid...ah."

An hour later, Li Tian kicked the door open and rushed in, grabbing Chen Fan's clothes with both hands and said,"You...are you crazy, Chen Fan, you are a devil, why, give me a reason, tell me"

"What are you talking about? I don't understand"

"I don't understand, why did you mention that knife?".,

"You didn't have to say it, but if you did, how could that man stay calm in that situation? Do you know what happened?"

"The man and the child were both dead. The man rushed over like a madman and stabbed the man to death. I was still searching for evidence at the time."

"There is insufficient evidence, he doesn't admit it, you can only let him go."

Li Tian was speechless and said,"Yes, but now the child is dead, do you know that?"

Chen Fan said,"I know."

Li Tian stared at Chen Fan and said,"You are awesome, you are ruthless."

Chen Fan sneered and said,"I didn't break the law or violate the rules, why are you talking about this? I just raised my knife, I know this child, I want to kill these children, I just told the family about the child's thoughts"

"You don’t have to say it."

Chen Fan stood in front of Li Tian and said,"Do you think I should say it? If it were you, would you say it?"

"Yes, it is our responsibility to inform the family members."

"Yes, it is our duty. I also know that there will be drawbacks after notifying. Should we conceal it? Will I sue you later? Or will I sue me?"

Chen Fan's words were as cold as the god of death.

Li Tian sat on the ground and said,"He has been saved. That man has been saved. That man is really saved."

Chen Fan said,"In the room, the man often took up the knife to measure. I found scars on the man's neck and wrist. He was preparing to die."

Li Tian's eyes were dull.

Why did this case become like this?

He was saved, but he was not saved.

Because this man decided to die. ps: Please subscribe, thank you everyone. ps; please give more support, data..

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