Chapter 202: Then you must choose a female apprentice (please subscribe, second update)

The director took the initiative to bring Chen Fan a lot of tea and fruits, and only after they were packed in large and small bags did he feel relieved. The case was solved, but Chen Fan's method was elusive. What's interesting is that in this matter, he just blurred the concept and didn't bring it up.

Just like Chen Fan said, if someone was arrested during the live broadcast, and a person drove a car and killed the suspect, then, is it illegal or not?

In this regard, the law is actually very good at protecting the people.

Moreover, even if there is a lawsuit for compensation, it will only be the police who will pay the compensation.

The director even thought of many other cases. A person went to the village to steal cattle, and then the old man in the village found out and caught the person.

Originally, he was going to hand him over to the police, but then the gangsters in the village felt that it was not good, so several people tied the person up and trapped him on a stake.

They beat him for three days, and the person died, and these people were still beating him.

How do you handle this case?

In the end, they could only arrest a few hooligans, but this matter would cause a big fuss, and in the end, they could only be dealt with on other charges.

However, if it were real, a taxi driver would help the police to catch people.

Or, when he saw the police"880" chasing people on the roadside, he would drive his car and hit them directly.

So, what if the suspect who escaped was someone he hated?

He had a grudge against himself.

The story actually began to reverse again.

But for Chen Fan, these were not important. The person had actually been caught, and he could not worry about something that had not happened.

To be sad and to worry.

On the second day, everyone got up as usual and watched the live broadcast room. Here, the police announced that they had caught someone and gave Chen Fan some praise.

But they did not say the specific details of the arrest.

Those who were careful and familiar with Chen Fan understood that it was 100% some means, which was too incredible.

After changing clothes, Chen Fan and the director went directly to the School of Forensic Medicine to select their own students.

In fact, they were all graduates, but Chen Fan had the right to choose first.

Here, several big guys sat together, and Chen Fan was the youngest.

He was so young that he was even more immature than some of the big guys' students.

Everyone looked at Chen Fan.

Chen Fan wore a police uniform with a proud look on his face, and stood proudly beside the director, as if to say, what are you looking at, hey, I am now a first-level police inspector.

I am even higher than some of you big guys.

"When we select people later, you should be quick and slick."

Chen Fan said,"I know, I know... I'll take a look at the information."

Students came in one by one, stood in front of this group of bigwigs, and explained their own experiences.

In fact, many forensic doctors are assigned, but special professions need to be screened, and if you want to enter some special forensic institutes, you need to show your ability.

Although they are all civil servants, this time, they need to be selected.

"Hi everybody, I'm……"

The boy explained his own relevant introduction.

Chen Fan looked at the information and threw it aside, saying,"You guys can choose, there's nothing new."

Everyone looked at Chen Fan.

The director said: Watch your tone, you are very discouraging.

"The child's education is fine, and he has experience, but it's meaningless. The unit has no shortage of these things. I have academic masters and experience, so what does our unit need them for?"

It seems to be true.

A director said: I think the child is good."

Here, Chen Fan continued to look at the information, and one person after another came in and was screened.

But no matter how he looked at it or how he screened it, it was wrong.

The audience couldn't sit still.

"Chen Fan, you are going too far. You are not really going to find a pretty girl, are you?"

"Yes, you can't, you are selecting an apprentice, not a beauty pageant."

"That’s right, that’s right, can’t you be more serious when selecting people?"

"It's so disrespectful."

But no matter what the netizens said or how they scolded him, Chen Fan didn't change his mind and continued to select as he pleased.

Chen Fan picked up a file and said,"Who is this person?"

The director took a look and said,"Well, she's pretty good-looking. By the way, where is this student?"

Someone said,"This person was called away because of a case some time ago.……"

The case

"Case, is it assistance?"

Here, the person in charge said:"It's not a case, it's murder, and it's currently under trial.……"

Chen Fan was speechless and asked,"What case?"

The person in charge said,"Someone was killed. The eyewitness said that he saw this woman that night.……"

Chen Fan said:"Witness? What time is it?"

"Around ten o'clock at night……"


The dead are men and women.……(To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network! )

Chen Fan was a little helpless and said:"Hotel?"

"Not a hotel, but inside the park……"

Chen Fan couldn't stop jumping and said,"Hahahahahaha, I'm laughing to death, hahahahahaha……"

Everyone looked at Chen Fan.

The director said,"What are you laughing at?"

Chen Fan said,"Then I will tell you my own judgment, the trace analysis from the perspective of forensic medicine. What did you find out about this piece of clothing?……"

The director looked at the clothes and said,"There are traces of wrinkles, and it's obvious that they have been ironed, but it's not obvious. The income is not high. Well, the clothes are very simple... By the way, life here is rough... Let me take a look at the academic performance. Well, the academic performance is very good, but not the best... The evaluation of the teachers in various subjects is average. This child doesn't seem to like socializing very much.……"

Chen Fan said,"Look, isn't the answer out now?"

The director frowned and said,"You guys choose someone first. Chen Fan and I will go out for a while.……"

Wait a minute, wait a minute, something is wrong, what did you see, did I miss an episode?

In the observation room, Qin Ming said:"If it is these, I also understand... What about Teacher Luo?"

Teacher Luo said:"Well, I can see that people who don't like socializing, the probability of going out to meet people at 10 o'clock in the middle of the night is very low. Moreover, if you don't like socializing, you naturally have few friends. How can people see people with few friends?" ?

? ?

? Teacher He said:"What is the clothes?"

"The girl is very pretty, but she doesn't spend a lot of money. In her ID photo, she's wearing a suit and a white shirt. It's obvious that the clothes are the best she bought herself. She's been taken care of, but not taken seriously. This shows that this girl is very casual in her life and doesn't have much life experience... She doesn't think she's too focused on experience."

Qin Ming said,"Look, we can all see it. Don't you think the police can see it?"

The answer is of course that they can.

Sure enough, when Chen Fan and the director went to the station, they saw the people who were arrested, and there was one more person.

There was one more girl.

The director said,"Who is the new person?"

The police said,"It's this eyewitness. I felt something was wrong and questioned her again, but the girl couldn't say what she was wearing. Moreover, after two inquiries, the number of words and the meaning were too similar. It was obviously a deliberate fabrication.……"

A deliberate lie?

The police continued,"A dagger was found in the garbage dump near the girl's home. The dagger was placed so clearly next to the garbage dump that passers-by could see it immediately. There was no need to make it so obvious."

Wow, this is really outrageous

"In addition, fingerprints were found on the dagger. There was no eyewitness, so it belonged to the original girl. However, we found some plastic fragments, indicating that there were traces of gloves."

Chen Fan said:"That person is probably not the woman... What's her name, Liu Mengyan, right?"

The director said:"Well, it's probably impossible to determine that it was her, but we need other evidence.、"

It's simple.

Chen Fan said:"Just check the browsing history of the computer. What was she doing that day?"


The policeman was speechless and said:"Liu Mengyan said that she was at home... on the computer, but she refused to admit it."


Chen Fan went straight into the interrogation room, looked at Liu Mengyan who was counting on her fingers, and said:"By the way, what were you looking at that day?"

"I didn't look at the computer……"

Chen Fan stared at Liu Mengyan.

Liu Mengyan said,"I really didn't see、"

"In this way, you solve this case for me, and then you can be my student. I won’t tell you what you saw, and I won’t tell you the secrets in my heart."

Liu Mengyan was speechless and said,"Okay, I’ll go over now?"

Chen Fan threw the photo out and gave it to Liu Mengyan, saying: Find it yourself… Look for yourself…

Liu Mengyan compared the photo and began to fall into memories.

"I know this man. He is my classmate. He was very generous in school. But I remembered something. Three years ago, this man was entangled in a case on January 1st. Later, nothing happened. After investigation, I found out that it was a car hitting someone.……"

A car hit someone?

"Who was killed?……"

"The parents of a girl were setting up a stall outside when they were hit and killed... They gave a lot of money……"

A lot of money?

Chen Fan paused this time.

Liu Mengyan said:"Well, let me roughly calculate it. Well, the compensation should be more than 1.5 million, including car insurance and other expenses, and then the expenses of this woman. No, the expenses don't match... This woman also wants other money... Alas."

The director said:"Do you know who it is?"

"The witness's parents must have died under the witness's car.……"

Chen Fan sighed and said,"That's all? If that's all you have, I won't accept you as my apprentice.……"

Liu Mengyan recalled and said,"Oh, yes, there is one more point. This man couldn't drive his car on the road before. Three years ago, he was young and didn't have a driver's license. The girl threatened and killed the wrong person, not this man."

Chen Fan nodded with relief, and the director said,"I regret it a little. I let this talent go to you." ps: Please subscribe and read, thank you everyone..

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