Chapter 64 I'm Just a Gambling God (Please Support, Fifth Update)

Qin Ming stared at Chen Fan intently, his eyes seemed to be saying, explain it, if you don't explain, I guess it's really impossible to make it up.

Chen Fan laughed, took out a poker card at random, and threw it out.

In front of everyone, the poker card began to fly around, flew around, and then returned to Chen Fan.

"It's just a gambling trick. I don't make money from it."


I guess you only said this yourself. If you tell others, I guess no one will believe it. You know, gambling skills require real practice to be successful.

Qin Ming said,"I have come into contact with those gamblers in real life. These people have great control over their minds. Only the most basic gamblers will cheat."

Chen Fan handed the poker cards to Qin Ming.

""Just wash it yourself and check it yourself."

Qin Ming cleared the poker cards and looked at Chen Fan. Chen Fan said,"Just open it and you will see it for yourself."

Qin Ming opened the poker cards and spread them on the table. When he saw a group of clown poker cards, he felt bad.

No, wait, Chen Fan doesn't seem to have touched the cards before, why? What's the principle?

The audience in the live broadcast room was also confused.

Someone went directly to ask the professional magic anchor.

At this time, the magic anchor was also watching, and he looked at it carefully for a long time, and said,"This poker card, it can't be a chemical poker card, it triggers some mechanism, and then it becomes like this."

Then, Qin Ming took another deck of poker cards that he prepared, cleared it, turned it over, and then took a look. It was full of clowns again.

The magician shut up and said silently,"No, I'm playing magic. Don't talk to me about magic, audience, I think this can't be considered magic anymore. Could it be that the way of heaven is broken and the spiritual energy is revived?"

At this moment, everyone felt that the magician was crazy. In fact, except for the magician, everyone else here was crazy.

Qin Ming looked at Chen Fan silently and said,"I think you know something, right?"

Chen Fan laughed and said,"Whatever you say, you just asked me about gambling skills, it's not convenient for me to say more than that."


There are more puzzling things about you, but this is not the only one.

Here, Lao Liu and several students gathered together and said,"You performed very well in yesterday's case, and I also read the instructions that everyone gave me. It is true that you have learned a lot during this period of time."

"Well, today, I will teach you one of my special skills."

Special skills?

Qin Ming said happily:"I finally got it today. I'm lucky. Lao Liu is going big this time. This time, it's really good stuff. This is Lao Liu's livelihood."

、Teacher He said:"Old Liu probably hopes that more people will learn it, and then apply it in forensics, and then help more people in need."

The story of this teenager is very touching. The helplessness of the teenager and the angry cries in the face of the hospital system, as long as everyone puts themselves into the story a little bit, they can feel the boy's confusion.

That helplessness, even if someone took the initiative to speak out at the time, the teenager would not be like this.

The lawyer said:"This matter is actually very serious. It is also the first time that organ trading has been exposed. No one knows whether others have the right to keep a wrong organ and let the existing person use it, and no one can give an answer."

"The boy was very tough, but I don't think it was wrong for him to be so tough. If my father was treated like this, I would be even more ruthless than this boy."

At the scene, Lao Liu brought a few people to the scene, then turned a blackboard over and said,"The new case was also delivered this morning. This case is much simpler."

"This morning, the rain stopped for a while. Someone saw a man injured and collapsed next to a flower bed. They called the police. When the police arrived, the woman said that someone had chopped her husband and then ran away."

"These are the photos preserved at the scene, these are also blood"

"What I will teach you today is how to restore this case without going to the scene."

"That is, the reconstruction of the crime scene."

Several students were instantly alerted. This kind of thing was only mentioned in the textbook. When the school teacher taught this course, he made it very clear that learning this course is one thing, and doing it is another.

"First of all, the basic thing you need is to understand the concept of why a person is called a person."

Old Liu showed his real ability.

Here, Qu Yiling said:"People will have stress reactions. If you remove long-term training, most people's stress reactions are similar."

Old Liu said:"It's a tricky thing to say, but it's half right."

Cheng Ruofei said:"People have wisdom and will conceal."

Xu Xintong said:"People will always try to make up for the mistakes they made." Xiang

Qinqin said:"People are the same after they die."

Old Liu looked at Xiang Qinqin and said:"It's surprising that I am most satisfied with this answer, but it has to be combined with Qu Yiling's answer, then it is the complete answer."

"The stress response before death is also considered a kind of forensic science, called human behavior, which is also a branch of forensic anthropology."

"So, if a person dies, then it will be pathology, pharmacology, and related anatomy, etc."

"Remember, for forensic medicine, autopsy is only the most primitive and basic. Without autopsy, there are many more cases."

��The film was placed over there. Lao Liu pointed to a few stools and said,"That stool is the flower bed. I will now teach you how to reconstruct the scene."

Taking out the photo, Lao Liu walked to a position a little in front of the flower bed.

"Blood flew out, so according to the traces of blood, the person should be in this position at this time."

"But the blood on the ground did not fly everywhere, which means that the person was moving backwards slowly."

"Then, it fell beside the flower bed, and then crushed the flowers."

"The blood appeared here.

Everyone was stunned and looked at Lao Liu.

"You like reasoning, don't you? Then I'll give you a forensic reasoning. This person is known to the man, familiar with him, and discovered the woman in time. Who is this person?"

Everyone said at the same time:"It's his wife."

In the observation room, the audience was all dumbfounded.

The audience was completely confused.

"No, wait, wait a minute, they caught the murderer already, isn't that too fast?"

"Damn, didn't this person call the police? Yes, this wife called the police and said someone hacked her husband."

"Something is wrong. Someone called the police. The wife did not call the police. She sent her husband to the hospital."

"In the early morning, the husband came out and his wife was sent to the hospital."Oh my god, is there a third party?"

Several students also wanted to express whether he was meeting a mistress. Unfortunately, Lao Liu's words echoed in the ears of these people. We forensic doctors are deducing people, not things.

In the observation room, Qin Ming said,"It was really Lao Liu. I guess Li Tian's reasoning made Lao Liu feel unhappy, so he just showed off his skills." Teacher

He said,"Are these all true?"

"Yes, it's all real. This is a live simulation. It's been done before, but it's just a prototype. Recall that some time ago, when Qu Yiling and Xiang Qinqin imitated the case of the hiker, didn't Qu Yiling sit on the ground?"

Everyone remembered it at this time and clapped their hands.

"This is what is called simulation, which is also known as crime victim simulation, which belongs to the category of crime scene reconstruction."

"In addition, Chen Fan's use of one hand to infer a person is actually a kind of crime scene reconstruction. However, I guess Chen Fan is the only one in China who can infer a person with one hand."

"Is it difficult?" (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Jing Tian asked curiously. Qin Ming said,"This is not a matter of whether it is difficult or not. This is beyond the scope of human understanding."

Everyone looked at Chen Fan, who was quietly looking at his phone and laughing.

Everyone was speechless.

This guy, not a human, is he a genius?

"What are you looking at? Hey, I saw the contempt in your eyes. Damn, are you doing it on purpose?"

Teacher He was tired and said,"Forget it, let's talk about this case. Is it the wife?"

Qin Ming pointed at the screen.

Lao Liu said,"Li Tian handled it more quickly. To be precise, it was not Li Tian, but the police who directly locked the suspect."

"Um, how did you lock it?"

"The police asked the man,"What did the person you saw look like?""

"The woman gestured."

"The police continued, what weapon did this man have?"

"The woman said it was a kitchen knife"

"The police continued to ask what kind of kitchen knife it was and how long it was.,"

The woman began to hesitate.

Then the police detained the man. The nearby surveillance camera was found, and it was very simple. The man went downstairs to see the mistress, and the woman was so angry that she chopped him with a knife, but the man must have tried to stop her, so he chopped off his hand.

After Lao Liu finished speaking, everyone was instantly furious. Damn, it can be like this?

Looking at everyone, Lao Liu continued:"So, many cases can actually be solved on the spot. As for the TV dramas and movies you watch, those suspenseful cases are actually deliberately convoluted."

Everyone sighed.

"Remember, what you see is not necessarily true. Communication is the key. In fact, when you start to suspect that this man is seeing a mistress, then you will definitely be sure whether this man is guilty."

"In fact, the person he met was not a mistress, but a colleague. The man told his wife and went downstairs to receive something sent by his colleague."

"The other party had received help from this woman before at work, and this man and the woman's husband were very familiar with each other."

The young people were completely confused.

Lao Liu said:"So, who is wrong? Is it that a gentleman should not stand under a dangerous wall, or is it that this woman is suspicious? There are reasons for everything. I can't comment on what this third party is thinking, and I won't say what this woman is like."

"But remember, communication is the first element."

The five people lowered their heads and did not speak.

Lao Liu said:"This happened early this morning. You know, this woman has a mother and a child who need someone to take care of them, and this man's hand was chopped off. So, what would happen if this woman was caught?"

The continuous questions not only confused the five students, but also confused the audience.

At this time, Lao Liu said helplessly:"I said, what you hear may not be the truth. Is what I say necessarily right?"

Several people looked at Lao Liu and suddenly didn't understand.

"Just kidding, these are the exact words from the police station."

"Look at you, I was just joking with you."


Old Liu, you'd better stop joking, really.

Your joke can easily scare people to death.

Chen Fan, on the other hand, was very calm. 750 said:"It's very simple. If you are arrested, you are arrested. There is no such thing as forgiveness for hacking people. You have read too much poisonous chicken soup. Criminal cases must be prosecuted. You just say that the family members have forgiven you, is that enough? These are just the criteria for the judge to measure, not that they are required."

Everyone thought of a previous case in which the father-in-law hacked his son-in-law to death, and then as the son-in-law's wife, she forgave her father.

But no one knows what happened to this case.

Teacher He said:"That child and that mother are the most difficult."

Everyone looked at Chen Fan, and Chen Fan said:"Don't look at me, I won't sympathize, I think sympathy is meaningless, there are many people who are more miserable than them, it is better to think more about yourself than to care about others. Sorry, I may have less empathy."

But everyone seemed to understand

"But what I want to say is that it was a good catch."

Damn, you're breathing so hard, really.

Here, Lao Liu asked a few students to try to simulate other cases, picked up the hot water cup, and drank happily.

Here, Li Tian strolled over.

Looking at Lao Liu, he said:"You got up very early today"

"Bringing food and drinks, it seems that you have bad intentions"

"Hehe, of course I have no good intentions, I want to do something."

Do something?

Lao Liu looked at Li Tian in confusion and said,"What?"

Li Tian said,"Didn't you have glass smashed here? I applied for a batch of money. With this money, I plan to build an office here, buy some computers, and then hold a competition here.""


Lao Liu said,"Don't say it's to handle the case?"

"It's about handling cases, inviting forensic doctors from all over the country to compete in forensic medicine. You are the big brother in the forensic world, so it's most appropriate for you to handle it."

��You have thought a lot, kid. By then, we can solve some of the accumulated cases, right?"

Li Tian said,"There are other purposes. We need to let these people learn Chen Fan's image enhancement. This is also a good learning opportunity, isn't it?" Lao Liu said

,"It's no problem to hold the competition. Let's have someone come tomorrow, but I have one condition."

"you say"

"If you let Chen Fan participate and you can convince Chen Fan, I will agree."

Everyone in the live broadcast room laughed wantonly. Lao Liu really liked Chen Fan.

He had to keep Chen Fan in his forensic department.

Chen Fan was speechless in the live broadcast room and turned around to run.

Brother Hu grabbed Chen Fan and said,"Don't go, I have something to say." ps: Please support, thank you everyone. ps: Please give more flowers, evaluation votes, data, thank you.

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