Chapter 1001 Move home

“It’s inconvenient.” He Luoluo walked out of the office.

Originally, if this matter had nothing to do with her, she would not come out, but this matter really has something to do with her, which would not work. If two people are in love, if it is because of always quarreling, what will happen to me? People? Although she also likes Huo Ran, she hasn’t said it yet after all.

“Sister Luo.” The two turned their heads as they listened to He Luoluo’s voice.

“Actually, I wanted him to move back a long time ago. Even though I have been very busy recently and have no time, you know that Shiya has nothing to do with me. Actually, Huo Ran has nothing to do with me. Just go back and pack up.” He Luoluo gave Wang Shiya the 12 if.

In fact, Huo Ran also has the key. What He Luoluo means is not to let Huo Ran refuse.

Wang Shiya took the key, took Huo Ran and left.

Even if you like it, you can’t make Wang Shiya sad. This is He Luoluo’s character. To some extent, it is similar to Huo Ran.

Lying in his home, looking at the ceiling.

Huo Ran couldn’t believe that he actually moved back. When he came back suddenly, he really suffered from insomnia.

Looking at the photo of Wang Shiya next to her, this little girl has been “planning” for a long time, waiting for her to move back. According to Wang Shiya, she will move in tomorrow, Huo Ran has no way to refuse .

There is really no way.

Suddenly, the world was spinning around, and the surrounding world began to accelerate sharply. When the eyes went dark, when I opened my eyes again, the surrounding environment had changed.

Green mountains and green waters, birds and flowers!

The stream in front of me is gurgling, and the center of the message is the computer. Huo Ran still remembers the computer. Last time in the pure white world, there was also this group of computers. It should be Qianqian’s central control device.

In front of the computer, Qianqian sat in a white dress, looking at Huo Ran.

At this time, Qianqian pouted and murmured, “I thought you forgot me, and I don’t use me much anymore.”

When I heard it, although this was a bit awkward, it was true. Apart from checking the information, I had never used Qianqian.

But it doesn’t matter, anyway, Qianqian’s function is determined by the binding time.

Qianqian knows what Huo Ran thinks and what Huo Ran has always been like, so when Huo Ran is in danger, Qianqian can always give an alarm.

“You may think too much. Qianqian is a search engine system, but it’s not that simple. If you don’t do tasks for a long time, your Qianqian level will only get lower and lower.

“Task?” Huo Ran was stunned when he heard Qianqian’s task.

When I walked to Qianqian’s computer, I saw Qianqian typing words on the computer quickly. Soon, Qianqian’s search function appeared.

It turns out that Qianqian will start the mission function after three months of binding with the qualified person, but Huo Ran has not found it, and he has been bound with Qianqian for more than three months, and he has already been able to do missions. Qualified.

The tasks are divided into C, B, A, S, and SS levels. Each level of 007 tasks has rich rewards, which are used to accurately search and upgrade Qianqian. Gradually, more new functions will appear.

Suddenly, a picture of Huo Ran appeared on the computer screen with a picture of Huo Ran on it.

“Let’s take a look, for so long, your Qianqian level is still level 1, and you have gained 2 experience points. Let’s see other Qianqian qualified candidates.” Qianqian knocked on other qualified candidates.

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