Chapter 1198 Entangled

Originally, Wang Wutian did these things to give a sigh of relief. Now that the trouble is so big, he is really worried that this matter will be known to his father.

At that time, I am afraid that he will not be able to get along in this place.

Wang Wutian subconsciously wanted to push the manager away from him.

However, the manager had already used Wang Haotian as his life-saving straw. After seeing Wang Haotian’s actions, not only did he not shrink at all, but instead attached his entire body to Wang Wutian’s body.

“Young Master Wang, you can’t be so unhelpful. If you continue to do this, 140, I will go to the gate of your Xinghua Entertainment to commit suicide.”

“At that time, I would like to see if your Star China Entertainment is facing this kind of people who stand for you, it will only lose money.,

The manager kept begging Wang Wutian with snot and tears.

Wang Wutian’s heart is already full of impatient.

Here, even if he uses someone to do something, he only needs to throw a sum of money in the other person’s hand. Who would have thought that he would encounter this situation today.

Although he kept making threats to the movie (bcbi) in his mouth, his energy never paid attention to these things. There is only one obsession in his heart at this time. Wang Wutian arranged a new job for him.

After looking at the farce of them and shook his head with a smile, he greeted Sun Fuqiang and walked into the hotel together. Anyway, this matter has developed to the present level and has nothing to do with him.

In the subsequent time, what kind of method Wang Wutian will use to settle that past experience? It is his own business that has no direct relationship with him.

After entering the box, after Sun Fuqiang arranged the dishes for Huo Ran’s subordinates one by one, he beckoned to Huo Ran and led Huo Ran all the way into his office.

Huo Ran sat on the sofa and looked at Sun Fuqiang, with confusion in his eyes.

Because of the matter of Wang Wutian, although he was very grateful to Sun Fuqiang and was on his side at the most critical moment, he also had to admit that Sun Fuqiang did something strange.

Even if he is Sun Fuqiang’s idol, but Wang Wutian has always spent more in their hotels, Sun Fuqiang does not consider Wang Wutian’s family background.

Even if he is just looking at Wang Wutian as a customer, he should be in this matter, and he doesn’t need to offend Wang Wutian completely as he is now.

His actions simply do not conform to the attitude of a mature businessman.

After Sun Fuqiang offered Huo Ran a cup of coffee, he sat down opposite Huo Ran and asked with a smile.

“Do you think what I did today is a bit strange?”

Seeing that Sun Fuqiang actively mentioned this matter, Huo Ran smiled and nodded.

“It’s really weird, I think I shouldn’t have such a big face with you!’

Sun Fuqiang said with a smile.

“No, you have misunderstood this matter. You really have a lot of face in my heart.”

Zhiran just looked at Sun Fuqiang with a smile, and did not express any emotion on this matter. Obviously, he could not believe that these words said by Sun Fuqiang were the most true reason.

Sun Fuqiang sighed secretly. .

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