Chapter 1208 New marketing plan

Wang Minshui thought viciously in his heart.

Huo Ran doesn’t care what Wang Minshui is thinking about. In his opinion, after things have developed to such a degree, no matter what conspiracy and tricks Wang Minshui wants to make against him, they are gone. Any meaning.

The movie heat has completely quarreled, and once the movie is released, it will surely detonate the entire social circle.

Even if those marketing accounts want movies that are ignorant of their conscience, they have to think about themselves, whether the credibility of this marketing account is even worse.

147 This is Huo Ran’s confidence in his film work. It is also the confidence they have gained from the feedback from the audience during the screening time for so long.

The previous publicity for Huo Ran’s film was just a small mess. After Zeng Wang Minshui left here, Huo Ran’s publicity has begun to enter the formal stage.

For this movie, Huo Ran produced an extraordinary marketing plan. After he put this part of the marketing plan in front of his own agent, the agent Yi Fan read it and saw Huo Ran’s eyes full of Full of shock.

(bcbi) “My God, what kind of genius are you? I have never seen a movie in the entertainment industry that can come up with such a special marketing plan.

The economic man unceremoniously praised Huo Ran.

Huo Ran saw this look of the agent, and the smile on his face was a little brighter.

From the attitude of the agent, he can feel that the agent has completely agreed with his marketing plan.

In this case, he should be able to get ample marketing funds in the hands of the general manager in the follow-up time.

Originally, Huo Ran didn’t need to do such a thing when facing an agent. With his own savings, he could achieve the ultimate in these marketing plans.

But he has already promised Sun Fuqiang to get a part of your movie shares from Xiaotian’s hands.

Three hundred million has already cleaned all Huo Ran’s own money, and he can’t get a single cent out of the millions of funds that the marketing plan needs to consume.

Seeing that the agent was curious about his actions, Huo Ran continued to say to Wang Anshun.

“When this movie was filmed, although you invested part of the capital, your share was very small. Now that I have already collected the shares from Sun Fuqiang, or else you invest a part of the money. Bar.”

When Wang Anshun heard Huo Ran’s words, his expression moved him slightly. He didn’t expect that Huo Ran would suddenly make this request.

But soon Wang Anshun realized what Huo Ran did these things for. It seems that the three hundred million paid for the shop has turned Huo Ran into a complete pauper.

Wang Anshun sighed secretly.

“You talk about you, why is this?”

“If you allow Sun Fuqiang to sell this part of the shares to Wang Minshui, now you don’t need to bear such a huge risk, don’t you worry about problems with this movie at all?”

“Why should I worry about something wrong with this movie? Compared to this matter, I think Wang Minshui and the others should be more worried about my movie going to blow!

Huo Ran sat on the sofa by the side with a triumphant expression on his face.

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