Chapter 1226 Crazy mean man

Liu Shishi’s agent felt that he was about to be blown up.

“Do you know that once I report these things you did today to the head office, then you won’t be able to mix in this circle.”

Although Shishi Liu had heard the agent hit his mind from the beginning, for a few hours, she continued to find excuses for the agent in her heart. Under a moment of confusion.

But now after hearing these words of Qian Sishi, Liu Shishi’s heart was completely cold, and he had fully recognized that his broker was a villain who saw his gains and forgot his righteousness, and was an evil criminal.

The corner of Liu Shishi’s mouth conjured up a sarcastic smile. 12

“You still have the face to say this. In my opinion, you guys think that your strength is a bit too heavy!”

“What did you say?” Qian Siwei looked at Master Liu in surprise. He had never listened to Master Liu and spoke to him in such a tone.

“What? Am I wrong?” Liu Shishi laughed sarcastically.

“Since I joined this company, the resources I have obtained from your hands are either supporting or supporting roles, and you have to let me attend even the five-minute plot. Isn’t it because you want to take me hard? To make a fortune?,

“Why did I see that I couldn’t get it today, so I planned to tear my face?”

“What are you talking nonsense?” Qian Siwei retorted loudly to Liu Shishi.

His eyes began to look around the hotel, where people from the entertainment industry usually come and go.

In case what Liu Shishi said just now falls into the ears of other entertainment industry practitioners, he shouldn’t intend to mix it up in this circle.

It’s a pity that Liu Shishi was facing Qian Zhishi in the past, and he may have been a little weak, but today knowing that Qian Zhishi will pay attention to him, those in his arms are still clean and clean, he snorted coldly. After that, he continued thinking towards Qian.

“Do you think your denials have any meaning? I tell you that such denials have no effect at all except for turning you into a joke. You will never have any good resources in your hands! ‘

“A female celebrity appears under your hands. Apart from allowing yourself to sink completely at this opportunity, all that is left is to use your original resources to feed the artists who do not make money under your hands. With new resources, you just chase away the opponent directly, right?”

Anyway, everyone was completely torn apart today, and Master Lin Liu no longer gave Qian Siwei the slightest amount of face when he spoke.

“I count so far, besides me, there should be three other actresses who have received the same treatment as me.

As Liu Shishi spoke, he moved his fingers, as if he was really planning to settle the matter.

Huo Ran watched Liu Shishi’s movements from the side, and the smile at the corner of his mouth was a bit of approval.

Now it seems that Liu Shishi is indeed a woman who is soft on the outside and strong on the inside. She has her own persistence. Such a woman makes him quite satisfied.

A woman who is willing to fight in the face of evil forces, he naturally doesn’t mind giving the other party great help. .

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